Great personal websites showcase your best self online

published on 04 November 2023

Creating a great personal website is essential for showcasing your skills, experiences, and creative work to the world. It acts as a comprehensive platform where you can:

  • Highlight your resume including skills, experiences, and education.
  • Feature a portfolio of your best creative work.
  • Share your thoughts through blogging to establish your expertise.
  • Express your personal brand with customized designs.

By defining your website's purpose, selecting the right platform, and planning its structure, you can effectively showcase your best self online. Engaging website design, showcasing your personality, and optimizing for performance are key. Additionally, promoting your website through social media and keeping content fresh are crucial steps. With tools like Unicorn Platform, creating a visually appealing and functional personal website is straightforward, helping you stand out and connect with opportunities.

Showcasing Your Skills and Experience

Your website is a great place to show what you can do. You can list your skills, talk about projects you've worked on, share nice things clients have said about you, and mention any awards you've gotten. This helps people who might want to hire you see what you're good at.

You might want to include:

  • The things you're really good at
  • Examples of your work
  • Good feedback from people you've worked with
  • Any awards or special things you've earned

This helps prove you know your stuff.

Featuring Your Creative Portfolio

If you're into creative stuff like art, writing, or design, your website can be a gallery of your best work. This lets people looking to hire you see if they like your style.

Good portfolios should:

  • Show off your best work
  • Match what your visitors are looking for
  • Be easy to look through
  • Explain a bit about each project

This is your chance to let your creativity shine.

Sharing Your Thoughts Through Blogging

Adding a blog to your website means you can write about your ideas and what you know. This can get people interested in your work and show you're an expert in your field.

Good blogs usually have:

  • Your take on things happening in your industry
  • Your thoughts on new trends or ideas
  • Your reaction to news related to what you do
  • Tips or advice based on your experience

Blogging is a great way to connect with people and show off your knowledge.

Planning Out Your Website

Planning your personal website upfront helps you make a great online space that really shows who you are, what you can do, and what you've done. Here's how to start:

Selecting the Right Platform and Tools

Choosing the right tool for your website is key. Look for something that lets you put together a professional-looking site easily, without having to know all about coding. Unicorn Platform is a good choice because it's simple to use, has a bunch of ready-made parts you can just drag and drop, and even an AI to help out. It's got everything from blogs to online stores built in.

Other good options are:

  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • Webflow

Think about:

  • How easy it is to use
  • How much you can make it your own
  • If it can grow with you
  • How much it costs

Unicorn Platform is great if you're starting a small business or a startup.

Structuring Your Website Architecture

Before you start making pages, think about how to organize your site. Make it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for by:

  • Putting similar things together
  • Guiding them on where to go next
  • Having clear menus

This makes your site user-friendly.

Builder Pros Cons
Wix Lots of nice templates, easy to use Can be expensive for more features
Squarespace Pretty designs, good for selling stuff Not much wiggle room to change things
Webflow You can change a lot, looks professional Might be hard to learn
Unicorn Platform Made for small businesses, smart AI help Not as well-known yet

Creating an Engaging Website Design

Using Visuals to Stand Out

Adding pictures, drawings, animations, and videos can make your website pop and show off who you are. These visuals catch people's eyes and make them remember you.

Think about getting some custom images made that fit your style, or use stock photos and drawings if they look right. Adding animations or short video clips can bring in some fun movement.

Try to use visuals that all look good together, using the same colors and styles. Make sure your website doesn't get too crowded by leaving some empty space around.

Showcasing Your Personality Through Copy

The words on your website are really important for showing who you are. Write like you're talking to someone, so they can get a feel for your personality.

Talk about where you come from, what you believe in, and what makes you, you. You can be a little funny sometimes. Answer questions like you would in a real conversation.

Good writing makes your website feel welcoming and keeps people interested.

Leveraging Pre-Made Templates

Starting a website from the ground up takes a lot of work. Using ready-made templates from Unicorn Platform can save you time. These templates look professional and you can change them to fit your style.

Look for templates that fit what you do and how you want to appear. Change the colors, fonts, and pictures to make it yours. You can move sections around to get the layout just right.

Using templates means you can get your website going faster, so you can start showing off your skills.

Effectively Showcasing Your Best Self

Crafting a Compelling About Page

Your About page should tell visitors a bit about you. Keep it simple and focus on:

  • Your biggest wins and important work experiences. This helps people understand your path.
  • Your main skills and how you've used them in projects. Use real examples.
  • What motivates you, your values, and what you're aiming for. This helps you connect with others who think the same way.
  • Add a touch of your personality by talking about your hobbies or fun facts, but stay professional.

This page is key to connecting with visitors.

Integrating an Online Resume

Put up a resume page or a PDF that people can download. It should have:

  • Your job history, what you did there, and what you achieved
  • Your education, any special training or certificates
  • Your technical and people skills
  • Any awards, things you've published, or volunteer work
  • How to contact you

Keep your resume fresh and detailed. Use your website to share more than what you can on a standard resume. Make sure people can find it from your About page.

Displaying Your Best Creative Work

Create a section for your best work. Pick:

  • 5-7 pieces that show off what you can do and your style
  • Descriptions of each project, your role, and how you solved problems
  • Positive feedback from clients or project partners
  • Links to live work or demos, if you have them

Sort your work into categories like graphic design, photos, etc.

Your portfolio is your chance to show off your skills. Choose your work carefully and explain how you added value to each project.


Optimizing Website Performance

Making your personal website load fast is important to keep people interested. Here's how to make it quicker:

Ensuring Mobile Responsiveness

A lot of people browse the internet on their phones or tablets, so you need to make sure your site looks good on all devices.

  • Pick designs that can change shape for smaller screens
  • Make images smaller in size so they load faster
  • Check how your site looks on different devices to find any problems

Doing this makes sure everyone can easily see what you're all about, no matter how they're looking at your site.

Incorporating AI-Powered Tools

Use tools from Unicorn Platform that are smart and help you build your site:

  • Get help writing your content with a writing assistant
  • Make your own images with a design tool
  • Have the AI handle making your site easy to find online

These smart tools can save you time, so you can get your site up and running quicker.

Integrating Advanced Custom Code

Even though you don't need to know coding to use Unicorn Platform, you can still add your own code for extra features like:

  • Putting in cool animations and ways to interact
  • Connecting to special online services
  • Making unique parts for your site

This lets you really make your site your own.

Promoting and Maintaining Your Website

Leveraging Social Media

Getting people to visit your website is key once it's ready. Here's how using social media can help:

  • Post your website link on all your social media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
  • Share updates about new projects or blog posts on social media. Use pictures and short texts to grab attention.
  • Talk and connect with others in your field online. This makes more people aware of you and your website.
  • Use hashtags related to your work, like #webdesign or #graphicdesign, so people searching those topics can find you.
  • Consider paying for social media ads that target the kind of people you want visiting your site.

Using social media can really help more people find and see your website.

Encouraging User Feedback

Hearing what visitors think can help you make your website better. Try these ideas:

  • Put a contact form on your site so people can send you their thoughts easily. Make sure to reply.
  • Ask what people think by putting up polls.
  • Let people comment on your blog posts and talk back to them, even if they're critical.
  • Every now and then, ask visitors a few questions through a survey. Maybe offer a small thank you for answering.

Listening to feedback helps you fix problems and improve your site. Always say thanks for the input.

Keeping Content Fresh Through Regular Updates

To keep people coming back, you need to add new stuff regularly. Here's how:

  • Write a blog post once a month about things like tips, project stories, or your thoughts on what's happening in your field.
  • Put any new work you've done in your portfolio and explain a bit about it.
  • Update your resume and About page whenever you have new experiences or achievements.
  • Share news about talks you're giving, new services, or big wins.
  • Check for broken links and make sure your site loads fast.

By updating your site often with interesting content, you give people reasons to visit more than once.


Making your own website to show off what you can do, your work history, and your big wins is super useful. It's like an online space where you can tell the world about yourself.

Using Unicorn Platform, making a cool website is pretty straightforward. It helps you:

  • Pick and change professional templates to make your site look awesome
  • Add your resume, examples of your work, blog posts, and more
  • Use pictures and your own words to show your unique style
  • Tell your story in a way that connects with people
  • Spread the word about your site using social media
  • Get creative and practical help from AI tools in writing and designing

Unicorn Platform also makes sure your website is quick to load, looks good on phones and computers, and follows the best ways to build websites. It has special features for starting a business, like setting up an online shop, making forms, and adding your own special touches with code.

In short, Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to make a personal website that shares your story, shows off your skills, and helps you start your online presence. With its easy-to-use tools and ready-made bits, you can quickly put together a site that helps you stand out and grab opportunities.

How do I make a good website about myself?

To create a standout personal website, just follow these steps:

  • Decide what you want people to learn about you.
  • Look for website design inspiration by checking out sites you like.
  • Choose a personal website template that matches your desired look and feel.
  • Fill it with your own words, photos, and videos to show off your skills.
  • Adjust the design elements like colors and fonts to make it feel like 'you'.
  • Make sure your site works well on phones too.
  • Use the right keywords and descriptions to help people find you online.
  • Ask friends for their thoughts on how to make it better.

Following these steps will help you quickly put together a website that really represents you.

What is your personal website?

A personal website is your own space on the internet where you can tell people about your work, what you're good at, and what you're interested in. It's a professional way to show yourself off, share your portfolio, write about things you know, and connect with others.

Are personal websites worth it?

Absolutely, having a personal website can make you stand out when job hunting or looking for new projects. It lets you show more about what you can do and who you are, which can lead to more job offers or collaborations.

Having your own site also helps build your personal brand and makes you more visible online, which is definitely valuable.

What are personal portfolio websites?

Personal portfolio websites are where you put all your best work online for others to see. They're like a digital showcase of what you've done, allowing you to share detailed examples of your work, explain how you did it, share feedback from happy clients, and more. They're a powerful way to prove your skills and find new opportunities.

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