Forget Coding: Build Your Free Course Webpage Program

published on 30 June 2023

As an entrepreneur, you have a vision, a message, and expertise you want to share with the world. But to reach your audience, you need an online home for your content and community. Creating a website requires technical skills like coding that can be frustrating to learn and time-consuming to implement.

Fortunately, there are now simple and intuitive website builders that require no technical knowledge. With an easy drag-and-drop interface, you can quickly craft a professional landing page to promote your online course, highlight your services, build your mailing list, and ultimately grow your business. Forget struggling with code—build your free course webpage program in minutes and share your knowledge with the world. The only limit is your imagination.

Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder - Unicorn Platform

To build your free course landing page without any coding skills, consider using a drag and drop website builder like Unicorn Platform. This no-code tool allows you to quickly and easily create customized landing pages through an intuitive drag and drop interface.

With Unicorn Platform, you can:

  • Select from 100+ professionally designed templates to get started. Simply drag and drop to customize the layout, images, text, and more.
  • Add interactive elements like contact forms, email signup forms, countdown timers, and pricing tables with just a few clicks. These features help convert visitors into subscribers and customers.
  • Choose from a wide range of stock photos or upload your own images. Resize, reposition and add effects to images directly in the page builder.
  • Pick a complementary color scheme or select individual colors for backgrounds, buttons, text, etc. You have full control over the look and feel of your landing page.
  • View and edit your landing page on any device. Unicorn Platform uses a responsive design so your page will automatically optimize for mobile, tablet and desktop.
  • Connect a custom domain to lend credibility. A professional domain paired with a high-quality landing page will make a great first impression on visitors.
  • Get detailed analytics and conversion data to optimize your landing page. See how people are interacting with your content and make data-driven decisions to improve results.

With an easy to use drag and drop builder like Unicorn Platform, you can forget about complicated coding and create stunning landing pages to promote your online course or product. Build your subscriber list, drive more sales, and grow your business without needing any technical skills. The possibilities are endless!

Create Custom Landing Pages in Minutes

To build a custom landing page for your online course, Unicorn Platform offers an intuitive drag and drop interface so you can create a professional page in just minutes without any coding required.

When you first login to your Unicorn Platform account, select ‘Landing Pages’ from the left menu. This will open the landing page builder. Across the top, you'll see options to choose a pre-made template or start from scratch. If just getting started, we recommend selecting one of the education or course templates to customize.

With the template selected, you can now add elements like:

  • An eye-catching header with your course title and subtitle. You can select font style, size, color and alignment for the perfect look.
  • An image slider or video header to showcase preview images from your course content. This helps build excitement and gives visitors a taste of what your course offers.
  • A short description of your course with an enrollment button so visitors can easily sign up. You can select from buttons for popular payment platforms like Stripe, PayPal, or one-click enrollment.
  • Testimonials from past students help build social proof and credibility. Add quotes, ratings and headshots to make your testimonials as effective as possible.
  • FAQs to address common questions about your course. This helps build trust in your offer and can capture leads that still need more information before enrolling.

With an attractive landing page and compelling copy, you'll start converting more visitors into students in no time. Let Unicorn Platform handle the technical details so you can focus on creating a great course experience. Our drag and drop builder and expert templates make it easy to build a professional landing page for your course without coding. For more information, check out The Simplest Way to Build an Education Landing Page.

Choose From 100+ Free Templates on Unicorn Platform

To build your free course landing page, Unicorn Platform offers over 100 templates to choose from.

Elegant and Minimalist

If you prefer a clean, simple design, select a minimalist template. These templates feature a lot of negative space, minimal colors, and an uncluttered layout. They allow your course content and calls-to-action to shine through. Minimalist templates are ideal for technical or professional courses.

Eye-Catching and Vibrant

For a fun, energetic feel, choose an eye-catching template with vibrant colors and graphics. These colorful templates are perfect for creative courses or those targeting younger students. The vibrant colors and graphics capture interest and set the right mood and tone for the course.

  • Business course templates
  • Online course templates
  • Video course templates
  • Coaching program templates

Customize to Your Branding

No matter which template you choose, you can fully customize it to match your brand. Change the:

  1. Fonts - Select from Google Fonts to match your brand font
  2. Colors - Use your brand color palette or pick new colors from the color wheel
  3. Images - Swap out stock photos for images that represent your course and brand. You can also add your logo.
  4. Layout - Move around or hide sections to create the perfect layout for your needs. Add or remove sections like testimonials, FAQs, pricing tables, and more.

Unicorn Platform makes it simple to build a polished landing page for your online course—no coding required. With designer-made templates and an easy drag and drop editor, you can create a responsive landing page tailored to your course and brand in minutes. Your students and customers will appreciate the professional design and seamless user experience. Focus on what matters most - creating your content and getting your course ready to launch!

Optimize for Conversions With a/B Testing

To maximize conversions on your free course webpage, you should implement A/B testing. This involves creating multiple versions of elements on your page and comparing which ones lead to more signups or sales.

Choose Elements to Test

Some elements you may want to A/B test on your course page include:

  • Headline: Try 2-3 different headlines and see which attracts more clicks.
  • Hero image: Test different images in your hero section to see which is most eye-catching.
  • Call-to-action (CTA) button: Try different button colors, sizes or wording like "Start Now" vs. "Sign Up".
  • Course description: Create a short and long form description to see which resonates more with visitors.

Set Up Your Test

To run an A/B test on Unicorn Platform:

  1. Duplicate the element you want to test, creating a "Variation A" and "Variation B".
  2. Choose the percentage of traffic to direct to each variation. Start with a 50/50 split.
  3. Run the test for at least one week to get a good sample size. The longer the better.
  4. Compare key metrics like signups, clicks and page views to see which variation performed better.
  5. Make the winning variation live on your page and archive the other.

Review and Repeat

Continuously review your A/B testing results and make changes to further optimize your course page. Some other tests you might run include:

  • Pricing options: If you offer multiple course packages, test different price points.
  • Bonuses or freebies: See if offering an additional bonus increases signup rates.
  • Scarcity messages: Test adding messages like "Only 2 spots left!" to create urgency.
  • Video vs. text: If you have course content in multiple formats, test which option visitors prefer.

A/B testing is a simple way to optimize your course page for the best possible conversion rates. With some experimentation, you'll be gaining valuable insight into your audience and how to best sell your online course.

Connect Your Domain or Use a Free Subdomain

To connect your own domain or use a free subdomain with Unicorn Platform, follow these simple steps:

Purchase a Domain (Optional)

If you already own a domain name, you can connect it to your Unicorn Platform course webpage. Purchase a domain from providers like Namecheap, GoDaddy or Google Domains. Make sure the domain is available and relevant to your course topic.

Map Your Domain (Optional)

After purchasing a domain, you need to map it to your Unicorn Platform course webpage. Log in to Unicorn Platform and go to Settings > Domains. Click Connect a domain you own. Enter your domain name and the DNS records provided by your domain registrar. This may take 24-48 hours to fully connect.

Use a Free Subdomain

If you prefer not to purchase a domain, Unicorn Platform provides free subdomains you can use. A subdomain is the part of the URL before your course webpage, such as

To set up a free subdomain:

  1. Go to Settings > Domains in your Unicorn Platform account.
  2. Click Use a free subdomain under the Domains section.
  3. Enter a unique subdomain name you want to use. This should be relevant to your course topic and easy to remember.
  4. The subdomain will instantly be created and connected to your course webpage. Share your new course webpage URL with your audience!

Using a custom domain or free subdomain gives your course webpage a professional appearance and makes it easy to find online. Be sure to include mentions and links to your course webpage domain or subdomain in all of your content, social media profiles, email newsletters, and anywhere else your audience may discover your brand. Consistency and repetition are key.

If you experience any issues connecting your domain or setting up a free subdomain, contact Unicorn Platform's round-the-clock support. Their team is happy to assist you and get your course webpage up and running as quickly as possible. Focus on what you do best - creating amazing course content! Let Unicorn Platform handle the technical details.

Embed Videos, Photos, and Other Media

To enhance your free course webpage and make the content more engaging, you can embed various media like videos, photos, audio, documents, and more. Adding multimedia elements will bring your course to life and cater to different learning styles.

Add Instructional Videos

Embedding short instructional videos is a great way to demonstrate concepts or walk students through processes. You can upload and embed your own videos or curate content from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or Loom. Be sure to choose high-quality, relevant videos and provide context for students before they watch.

Include Relevant Images

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Carefully selected photos, graphics, charts, and diagrams can quickly illustrate ideas and break up blocks of text. Look for images that directly relate to course topics or themes. Provide alt text descriptions for accessibility and search engine optimization.

Share Presentations and Documents

You may have PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, or other documents you want to share with students. Easily embed these into your course page. This allows students to view the files directly without having to download attachments. Be sure to check that all embedded files are mobile-friendly.

Add an Audio Option

For auditory learners or on-the-go students, consider including embedded audio content. You can record and upload podcasts, audio lectures, meditations, or music. Keep audio clips relatively short, around 5 to 15 minutes. Provide transcripts for accessibility.

Embed Interactive Content

Look for opportunities to embed interactive content like quizzes, surveys, calendars, and more. This type of highly engaging media allows for active learning and participation. Many no-code tools like Google Forms, Typeform, and Calendly offer embeddable widgets you can add to your course site. If you're looking for a no-code tool to help you build your online course landing page, check out The Best Online Course Landing Page Builder by Unicorn Platform.

By incorporating a variety of multimedia elements, you'll create an interactive learning experience for your students. Be sure to provide context for all embedded content so students understand how it relates to course topics and objectives. Keep your course page balanced by not overwhelming students with too much of any one type of media.

Get Found in Search With SEO Tools
Get Found in Search With SEO Tools

Get Found in Search With SEO Tools

To increase visibility and drive more traffic to your free course webpage, utilize the SEO (search engine optimization) tools Unicorn Platform provides. By optimizing your page for search engines like Google, you can rank higher in results and get found by more people looking for courses like yours.

Choose a Keyword-Rich Page Title

The page title is displayed at the top of your browser and is one of the most important on-page SEO factors. Include your target keyword, such as “free online course” or “learn to code,” in the first 60 characters of the title. This tells search engines what the page is about.

Add a Meta Description

The meta description is the short blurb of text below your page title in search results. This is your chance to briefly describe your course and convince people to click. Include your target keyword in the first 155 characters and highlight benefits and key features. For example, “Learn to code for free in this self-paced online course. No experience required. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at your own pace.”

Use Header Tags

Header tags, like H1 and H2, indicate to search engines the topic and subtopics on your page. Your H1 header should contain your target keyword. Use H2 and H3 headers for section headings. For example:

Free Online Coding Course

Learn Front-End Web Development

HTML Tutorial

Internal Linking

Link to other relevant and helpful pages on your site. This passes “link juice” to those pages and also provides a better user experience. Use keyword-rich anchor text, such as “Learn HTML here.”

alt Image Attributes

The alt attribute provides a text description for images on your page. This helps search engines understand what the image is about. Include your target keyword in the alt attributes of images on your page.

Optimizing your free course webpage for SEO will increase organic traffic and help more people discover your amazing course. Take advantage of these simple tools to build your search engine ranking and get found.

24/7 Customer Support Included

Unicorn Platform provides 24/7 customer support to ensure you get the most out of our platform. Our knowledgeable support team is available around the clock to help resolve any issues you may encounter or answer any questions you may have.

Multiple Support Channels

We offer support through various channels so you can contact us in the way that is most convenient for you:

  1. Live Chat - Chat with our support agents directly on our website. Our average response time is under 30 seconds.
  2. Email - Send an email to [email protected]. We aim to respond within 2 hours.
  3. Phone - Call us at 1-800-123-4567. Phone support is available 24/7.
  4. Help Center - Browse our extensive help center with step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and FAQs.

Quick Response Times

Our dedicated support team provides fast response times so you get the help you need as soon as possible. We understand the importance of speedy support for your business.

Highly Rated Support

We are committed to providing the best possible customer experience. Our stellar support is highly rated by our customers. We maintain a satisfaction rating of over 95% and are constantly working to improve our support services.

Customized Support

We offer customized support for enterprise customers and higher education institutions. This includes:

  • Dedicated support contacts
  • Custom SLAs (service level agreements)
  • Enhanced security and compliance
  • Onboarding and training programs
  • And more

Our 24/7 customer support helps ensure you have an excellent experience using Unicorn Platform. Please let us know if there's any way we can further assist you. We greatly value your feedback and input.

FAQs: Your Questions About the Free Course Webpage Program Answered

Unicorn Platform's free course webpage program allows you to easily build professional landing pages for your online course without needing any technical skills. Below are answers to frequently asked questions about this simple yet powerful page builder.

What can I create with the free course webpage program?

You can design responsive landing pages, squeeze pages, sales pages, and coming soon pages for your online course using the drag and drop editor. Choose from professionally designed templates to get started quickly, then customize the content, images, colors, and more to match your brand.

Do I need to know how to code?

No coding knowledge is required to use this no-code page builder. You can simply drag and drop elements like text boxes, images, buttons, and more onto your page. Then edit the content and customize the styling through an intuitive property panel.

Is there a free trial?

Yes, Unicorn Platform offers a free 14-day trial of the course webpage program with no credit card required. After the trial ends, you can choose between affordable monthly and annual subscription plans to continue accessing the page builder and advanced features like custom domains, email marketing, and analytics.

What integrations and features are included?

The page builder seamlessly integrates with email services, payment gateways, and your own custom domain. It also includes features such as mobile-friendly responsive design, lead generation forms, SEO optimization, and analytics to track views and conversions.

Do you provide support?

Yes, Unicorn Platform provides outstanding customer support to help you get the most out of the course webpage program. You can access live chat support, video tutorials, and a knowledge base with step-by-step guides. The support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to quickly answer any questions you may have.

What are the system requirements?

The free course webpage program works on any modern web browser and device. There are no downloads or installations required. You just need an internet connection to access your Unicorn Platform account and start building your landing page.


With Unicorn Platform, you can easily create an engaging course landing page to attract students and sell your online course. Their simple drag and drop builder requires no coding skills or web design experience. In just a few hours, you'll have a professional-looking page ready to start promoting your course and driving signups. Forget complicated web development - focus on creating amazing course content. Let Unicorn Platform handle the rest. Launch your course website today for free and start building your audience. The only limit is your imagination.

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Built on Unicorn Platform