Create stunning websites with AI in minutes

published on 26 October 2023


The way we build websites is undergoing a profound transformation thanks to recent advances in artificial intelligence. AI website builders like Unicorn Platform and Wix ADI are revolutionizing website creation, empowering anyone to easily design and launch stunning, functional websites in just minutes - with no coding required.

Gone are the days of having to rely on expensive web developers or struggle through complicated site builders like WordPress. AI builders eliminate the technical headaches of traditional website building, providing intuitive drag-and-drop editors, curated templates, and smart automation to streamline the entire process for total beginners and experienced users alike.

With these AI-powered platforms, you can now create a beautiful, customized website that perfectly represents your brand - in a fraction of the time and cost. In this post, we'll explore how AI website builders work, guide you through creating your own site with AI, and share tips for launching and promoting your new website. Let's dive in and unlock the power of AI!

How AI Website Builders Work

AI website builders utilize artificial intelligence, machine learning and data to generate fully functional websites through an easy-to-use visual editor interface. Rather than having to manually code every element, you can simply drag, drop and customize different sections as needed.

Some of the most popular AI builders out now include:

  • Unicorn Platform - Offers customizable templates and components tailored for startups and SaaS companies. Provides intuitive editor, drag and drop blocks, and AI content generation.
  • Wix ADI - Focuses on ecommerce sites with visually appealing templates. Automates image and text creation.
  • Webflow - More advanced builder suited for designers. Features robust animations and interactions.
  • Bubble - Code-free builder to create web apps and complex workflows.
  • Strikingly - Simple builder optimized for mobile sites and online stores.

This represents a huge shift from traditional site builders like WordPress or Squarespace, which still require significant manual work to piece together a site. AI builders handle all the technical optimizations in the background, while empowering you to focus on design and content.

Ease of Use

The intuitive drag and drop editors require no coding or design expertise. Simply move around pre-made templates, themes, blocks and components to create your pages. If you need additional elements like text, images, buttons or galleries, the AI can instantly generate these for you. Guiding tips help even total beginners through the site-building journey. Changes made in the editor are immediately reflected in the live site preview, saving tons of time.

For example, Unicorn Platform offers a simple block-based editor where you can easily drag and drop elements like text, images, videos onto a page and customize them. Their AI assistant provides helpful prompts and suggestions as you build.


AI builders create sites exponentially faster than doing so manually. Leveraging pre-made templates and components accelerates the development process. Automating traditionally time-consuming tasks like image compression frees you up to focus on design. Real-time previews allow rapid iteration without waiting for code compiles. You can implement changes instantly without editing code. Entire sites can be created and launched in just hours or days, rather than the weeks or months required traditionally.


While AI generates the underlying website, you maintain full creative control to customize it to your heart's desire. Tweak design, layout, colors, fonts and more to match your brand. Mix and match pre-made templates and components, or create new sections from scratch. For advanced personalization, integrate custom CSS/HTML code anywhere you like. The AI handles ensuring your customizations are fully responsive and optimized. The end result is a completely unique site tailored to your exact vision and needs.

Unicorn Platform makes it easy to customize sites with their styling tools, template blocks, and by allowing you to edit both content and design elements.

Creating Your Site with an AI Builder

Let's walk through how to leverage AI builders like Unicorn Platform to create your own website:

  1. Sign up for the platform - many offer free plans to get started.

  2. Select a template or start with a blank canvas. Look for mobile-friendly responsive layouts suited to your brand style.

  3. Drag and drop components like text, images, buttons onto your pages. Leverage blocks tailored to your site type.

  4. Edit and customize elements by changing content, fonts, colors. Let the AI generate media and text initially, then customize further.

  5. Integrate forms, analytics, payments and other tools. Connect marketing and SEO services.

  6. Thoroughly preview on all devices and publish with one click when ready.

Choosing the Right Template

Browse the template library or search for specific ones suited to your industry and goals. Prioritize mobile-friendly responsive templates for optimal experience across devices. Ensure the design matches your brand style and persona. For an ecommerce site, look for a template with dedicated sections for product listings, cart, and checkout. If building a blog, find a template that highlights written content and includes recent post widgets.

Look for SEO-optimized templates with metadata and alt text already added. Leverage the pre-built content structure while customizing it to your needs. The Unicorn Platform template library is organized by site type like blogs, online stores, and portfolios to simplify template selection.

Populating Your Pages

Focus first on core elements like headlines, paragraphs, images, buttons and navigation. Leverage pre-made components tailored to your site type. Use AI to generate initial text and media, then replace with your own branding, messaging and assets. Add supporting elements like testimonials, stats and FAQs to further build out the page.

Unicorn Platform has an AI assistant that can instantly generate images, text content, and other media for your pages at the click of a button. You can then easily customize anything generated to fit your brand identity and style.

Connecting Tools and Analytics

Integrate essentials like forms, payments, live chat to activate site features. Add marketing tools like email services and social sharing buttons. Connect analytics to monitor traffic and engagement. Set up search engine indexing and sitemaps for SEO. Take advantage of integrations to efficiently build a functional site.

For example, Unicorn Platform offers seamless integrations with 150+ apps and services including Google Analytics, Stripe, MailChimp, Calendly, and more.

Launching and Optimizing Your AI Website

Once your site is ready, it's time to get it live and in front of users! Here are some tips:

  • Thoroughly preview on all devices and browsers, fixing any issues.

  • Run pages through SEO tools to catch problems.

  • Implement search engine indexing and sitemaps.

  • Activate CDN and caching for optimal performance.

  • Promote your new site across marketing channels.

  • Monitor analytics to optimize based on user data.

Promoting Your Site

Research relevant online communities and forums to share your new site. Run targeted social media and search ads to drive traffic. Guest post on industry blogs like SaaS Weekly and link back to your content. Pitch to local media outlets and influencers.

Driving Engagement

Create valuable content regularly to keep visitors coming back. Send email newsletters and notifications to re-engage users. Offer limited time promotions and special offers. Highlight testimonials and social proof to build credibility. Experiment with different offers, formats, and calls to action. Optimize through A/B testing to improve conversions over time.

Optimizing for SEO

Ensure your site includes meta descriptions, title tags, alt text for images, and schema markup to help search engines index and understand your content. Use your target keywords naturally throughout your copy. Improve site speed by minifying code, compressing images, and caching assets. Build backlinks by guest posting on industry websites to boost domain authority. Many AI builders like Unicorn Platform will automatically optimize your site for SEO behind the scenes.


AI website builders like Unicorn Platform enable anyone to create stunning, professional websites without technical skills. Powerful features like drag and drop editors, templates, and automation simplify and accelerate the development process. While AI handles optimization, you maintain full creative control to customize your site.

Follow the tips covered here on choosing templates, adding content, integrating tools, and promoting your new website. The world of AI website creation provides endless possibilities - so get out there and start building your online presence!

Ready to create a website with AI? Check out Unicorn Platform to start designing and launch your site today with their easy drag and drop editor.

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