Build Your Single Product Landing Page in Minutes

updated on 24 June 2024

Creating an impactful landing page to convert your visitors into customers or subscribers is crucial to the success of your business. However, designing and building a custom landing page from scratch requires technical skills and time that you may not have. With the Unicorn Platform, you can now build a stylish single product landing page in just minutes without any coding. This simple yet powerful drag and drop builder provides designer-made templates, elements, and widgets to help you create a high-converting landing page for your startup, mobile app, or SaaS. Whether you want to capture emails, drive app downloads or sell a new product, Unicorn Platform has everything you need to launch your landing page today. Stop wasting time and money on complicated website builders and unlock the power of a beautifully designed landing page in seconds.

What Is a Single Product Landing Page?

A single product landing page is a focused web page designed specifically to sell one product or service. It's sole purpose is to persuade visitors to convert into customers. An effective landing page typically includes:

  • An attention-grabbing headline that communicates the product's key benefit
  • Professional images or graphics of the product
  • A strong call-to-action (e.g. "Buy Now" or "Start Your Free Trial") that makes it easy for visitors to make a purchase or sign up
  • Clear and concise copy that highlights the product's features and benefits
  • Social proof like reviews, testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers
  • A simple and uncluttered layout with minimal links or distractions

Why Single Product Landing Pages Are Important

Dedicated landing pages tailored to a specific offer tend to outperform generic website pages. They allow you to:

  • Focus the visitor's attention on one product or offer
  • Optimize the content and design for maximum conversion
  • Track the performance and make data-driven improvements
  • Build tailored marketing campaigns that drive qualified traffic to the page

How to Create a High-Converting Landing Page

To build an effective single product landing page:

  1. Choose a specific and compelling product to promote. This could be your newest or best-selling item.
  2. Select a template that puts the focus on that one product. Remove any links or content that distract from your offer.
  3. Write a clear headline and opening paragraph that capture interest. Highlight the product's key features and benefits. Use visuals to demonstrate them.
  4. Include social proof like reviews and testimonials. Build credibility and address any objections.
  5. Add a strong call-to-action that makes it easy for visitors to buy or sign up. Place it prominently above the fold.
  6. Review and optimize your page. Track key metrics like views, click-through and conversion rates. Make improvements to increase performance over time.

With some planning and testing, you can create a landing page that effectively sells your product and generates more customers. The key is to keep it singularly focused on your one specific offer.

Why Your Business Needs a Landing Page

As an entrepreneur, you know that an effective landing page is essential for converting visitors into leads and customers. Here are a few reasons why your business needs a dedicated landing page:

Increased Lead Generation

A landing page tailored to your target audience and product allows you to efficiently generate more high-quality leads. By including a strong call-to-action like a signup form or contact button prominently on the page, you make it easy for interested visitors to take the next step.

Improved Conversion Rates

An optimized landing page can significantly improve your conversion rates versus sending traffic to your homepage. All elements of the page, from copy to design, are focused on moving visitors to convert by taking a specific action like making a purchase or subscribing. This results in higher sales and lower cost per acquisition.

Valuable Insights

With a landing page, you can gain valuable insights into what motivates your customers and how to better reach them. By testing different versions of the page using A/B testing tools, you can see in real time what resonates most with your audience based on which variation receives the highest conversion rates. You can then apply these learnings to all your marketing efforts.

Brand Consistency

A custom landing page allows you to stay on-brand by using your company's visual style, tone, and messaging. All aspects of the page, from fonts and colors to the words you choose, should reflect your brand identity and the experience you want to convey to site visitors. This helps to build familiarity and trust in your company.

In today's digital world, a landing page is a must-have for any business. By implementing a well-designed landing page, you can boost lead generation, increase sales, gain valuable insights into your customers, and strengthen your brand. The benefits to your business growth and success will be immense.

How to Choose the Right Landing Page Builder
How to Choose the Right Landing Page Builder

How to Choose the Right Landing Page Builder

When choosing a landing page builder, there are a few key factors to consider:

Ease of Use

Look for a drag and drop builder with an intuitive interface. As a startup, your time is valuable and you want a tool that is easy to use without a steep learning curve. A builder with pre-designed templates you can customize will allow you to get your landing page up and running quickly. Some highly rated, easy-to-use builders are Unbounce, Instapage, and Leadpages.


Choose a landing page builder that integrates easily with your CRM, email marketing service, payment processor and other key tools. Seamless integrations will allow you to convert more leads and track the performance of your landing pages with accuracy. For example, if you use HubSpot for your CRM and email marketing, opt for their HubSpot Landing Pages tool.


With mobile traffic continuing to grow, your landing page must display well on smartphones and tablets. Select a responsive builder that automatically optimizes your landing page for any screen size. Alternatively, choose a builder where you can manually adjust elements for the mobile experience. Your mobile landing page should have a simple layout with large text and buttons that are easy to tap.


A good landing page builder will provide built-in analytics to track how your pages are performing. Look for a tool that offers analytics for page views, unique visitors, form completion rates and conversion rates. The data can help you optimize your landing pages to convert at a higher rate. Some builders also allow you to connect your Google Analytics account for even more detailed insights.


Landing page builders are offered at a range of price points to suit different budgets. While some well-known builders charge over $200/month, you can find solid affordable and even free options. Compare the features and capabilities of builders in your price range to find one that meets your needs without breaking the bank. For cash-strapped startups, a free or low-cost DIY builder may work great to get started.

In summary, choose a landing page builder that is intuitive, integrates with your systems, creates mobile-friendly pages, provides analytics and is affordable for your budget. With the right tool, you can build high-converting landing pages and grow your business.

Introducing Unicorn Platform: An All-in-One Landing Page Solution

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive drag and drop website builder tailored for creating optimized single product landing pages. With Unicorn Platform, you can build a professional landing page in minutes without coding.

Unicorn Platform provides an all-in-one solution for designing and launching high-converting landing pages. Some of the key features include:

Easy Drag and Drop Editor

Unicorn Platform features an easy to use drag and drop editor, allowing you to quickly add and customize elements like:

  • Images
  • Text
  • Buttons
  • Video
  • Countdown timers
  • Pricing tables
  • Testimonials

Simply drag and drop to place elements anywhere on your page for an optimized layout.

Mobile Responsive

Unicorn Platform landing pages are fully responsive, ensuring your page looks great on any device. You can preview how your landing page will appear on desktop, tablet and mobile screens directly in the editor.


Easily integrate your landing page with email marketing services, payment gateways and more. Currently, Unicorn Platform offers integrations with MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, Stripe, and PayPal.


Gain insight into how visitors are interacting with your landing page using the built-in analytics. See metrics like page views, conversion rates, traffic sources and more. Use the data to optimize your landing page for better results.

A/B Testing

Easily create different variations of your landing page and run A/B tests to determine which version converts the best. Make data-driven decisions to improve your conversions.


Choose from professionally designed landing page templates to get started quickly. Customize any template by rearranging or adding new elements. Or build your landing page from scratch with the blank canvas template.

With an intuitive interface, useful features and powerful integrations, Unicorn Platform is the premier landing page solution for startups and small businesses. Sign up for a free 14-day trial to start building your optimized landing page today.

Top Features of Unicorn Platform Landing Page Builder

Unicorn Platform offers several powerful features to help you build a high-converting single product landing page with ease.

Drag and Drop Editor

The drag and drop editor allows you to add and arrange elements like text, images, buttons, and more by simply dragging and dropping them onto the page. No coding skills required. You have full design freedom to create the page layout you want.

Pre-Built Templates

Choose from beautiful pre-built templates for single product landing pages, service pages, and more. Customize the template by rearranging or adding new elements. The templates are designed to maximize conversions while allowing you to stay on brand.

Customizable Elements

Unicorn Platform provides various customizable elements to showcase your product. Add product images, descriptions, features, reviews, pricing, and call-to-action buttons. You have full control over the styling, including colors, fonts, and spacing.


Unicorn Platform integrates with popular third-party services like email marketing platforms, payment processors, and analytics tools. Connect your landing page with a mailing list, accept payments, and track key metrics to optimize conversions.


All landing pages built with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Your page will automatically adjust to fit any screen size, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Provide an optimal experience for all your visitors and boost conversion rates on all devices.

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive yet powerful landing page builder with a robust set of features to help you create high-converting landing pages for your product or service. The easy-to-use drag and drop interface, pre-built templates, and customizable elements allow you to build a professional landing page in a few minutes without touching a single line of code. Integrations with third-party services also enable you to connect your landing page, accept payments, build your mailing list, and track analytics, all in one place.

How to Create Your Landing Page in Just 3 Simple Steps

To quickly build your single product landing page in just 3 simple steps, follow these instructions:

1. Select a Template

Choose from our gallery of mobile-friendly templates designed specifically for product landing pages. Options include minimal, video-focused, and interactive templates. Select a template that aligns with your brand and product’s style.

2. Add Your Content

Now it’s time to make the template your own. Add images, videos, testimonials, pricing plans, and calls-to-action that highlight the key features and benefits of your product. Keep text concise and break up long sections with visuals to keep visitors engaged. Use subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists as needed to organize the information.

3. Customize and Publish

Customize your page by changing the colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand. You can also add custom CSS or HTML if desired. Preview how your page will appear on different devices and make any final changes before publishing. Once published, share your new landing page on social media and with your email list to start driving traffic and conversions.

Following these three steps, you can create a stylish single product landing page in a matter of minutes using the Unicorn Platform. Focus on showcasing how your product solves a specific need or pain point for your target customers. Keep your message clear and consistent across all areas of the page. A well-designed landing page with a strong call-to-action is key to converting visitors into customers. Please let us know if you have any other questions!

Customizing Your Landing Page for Conversions

To optimize your landing page for the highest conversion rates, you’ll want to customize the page for your target audience. Consider the following steps:

Choose an Attention-Grabbing Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it compelling. Mention your key benefit or a pain point you solve. Use numbers, unique selling propositions or questions to grab attention.

Use Effective Visuals

Images and videos help bring your product or service to life. Features screenshots, photos, explainer videos or gifs to visually depict the key benefits and functionality. To create engaging gifs, try gif maker tools that can easily convert your video clips into animated visuals. Position visuals strategically near the top left of the page, as this is where the eye is naturally drawn first.

Highlight Key Benefits

Clearly state 3 to 5 key benefits of your offering. Use bullet points or numbered lists for easy scanning. Benefits should focus on solutions, results and outcomes for the customer. Mention how you solve customer pain points or improve their lives.

Build Trust and Social Proof

Include customer reviews, testimonials, case studies, media mentions or awards to establish credibility. Feature logos of reputable companies you’ve worked with. Add a “as seen in” section showcasing media publications that have covered your product.

Offer a Strong Call-to-Action

Your CTA button should be prominently placed at the top, middle and bottom of the page. The CTA text should convey the next step you want visitors to take, such as “Get Started Today” or “Sign Up for a Free Trial.” Ensure your CTA stands out with a high-contrast color.

Keep Your Page Simple and Scannable

A single landing page should focus on one product, service or campaign. Use plenty of headers, bullet points and whitespace to make text easy to scan. Remove any links or navigation that could distract visitors away from your CTA. Keep forms short with 3 to 5 fields at most.

Following these best practices will allow you to create a high-converting landing page tailored to your target audience. Be sure to also review the page on both desktop and mobile to ensure the experience is seamless across devices. Continually test and optimize your page for the best results.

Optimizing Your Landing Page for Search Engines
Optimizing Your Landing Page for Search Engines

Optimizing Your Landing Page for Search Engines

To optimize your landing page for search engines and improve its ranking in search results, there are a few key steps you should take:

Use Relevant Keywords

Incorporate important keywords, key phrases, and related terms in your page content, page title, page URL, image alt text, and metadata. Focus on terms your target audience would search for to find your product or service. Place keywords naturally in your content and make sure they appear in headings as well.

Craft a Compelling Page Title

Your page title appears at the top of the browser window and in search results. It should be an accurate and concise description of your page content using keywords. Keep titles under 60 characters.

Write a Meta Description

A meta description is a short summary of your page content that appears in search results. Include keywords and key phrases, highlight your value proposition, and keep descriptions under 160 characters. Meta descriptions encourage people to click through to your page.

Use Alt Image Attribute

The alt attribute provides a text description of an image. It is read by screen readers to provide context for visually impaired users and it is used by search engines to understand image content. Include keywords and key phrases in your alt text.

Optimize Page Load Speed

A fast loading page leads to higher rankings in search results and a better user experience. Compress images, minify CSS and JavaScript, enable caching, and minimize redirects. Most landing pages should load in under 3 seconds.

Mobile-Friendly Design

With more people searching on mobile devices, it is critical to have a responsive landing page design. Ensure content adjusts for different screen sizes, buttons and links are easy to tap, and your page loads quickly on mobile data networks. Mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor for search engines.

Submit to Search Engines

After building and optimizing your landing page, submit the page URL to major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to index your content. Monitor how it ranks for target keywords and make adjustments to improve its position over time. Submit updated versions whenever you make significant changes to the page content or structure.

Optimizing your landing page for search engines requires focus and ongoing maintenance but will drive more organic traffic and leads to your business.

Unicorn Platform FAQs: Answers to Your Most Common Questions About Our Landing Page Builder

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use landing page builder with a simple drag and drop interface. Below are answers to frequently asked questions about our landing page creator.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform has a free plan to get you started. Paid plans start at $29/month when billed annually. All plans include unlimited landing pages, leads, and visitors.

Do I need coding experience to use Unicorn Platform?

No coding experience is required to build professional landing pages with Unicorn Platform. Our simple drag and drop builder makes it easy to create customized landing pages without touching a line of code.

Can I connect Unicorn Platform to my CRM or email marketing service?

Yes, Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular CRMs and email services including HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, and ConvertKit. You can automatically pass leads from your landing pages to your CRM or email list.

How do I get started with Unicorn Platform?

Getting started with Unicorn Platform is simple:

  1. Sign up for a free Unicorn Platform account.
  2. Choose a template to start with or build from scratch. Our templates are designed for lead generation, ecommerce, mobile apps, and more.
  3. Drag and drop elements like text boxes, images, buttons, and forms onto your page.
  4. Connect your landing page to a form, email list, or CRM to capture leads.
  5. Publish your landing page and start driving traffic to convert visitors into leads!

What types of landing pages can I build with Unicorn Platform?

You can build any type of landing page with Unicorn Platform including:

  • Lead capture landing pages
  • Mobile app landing pages
  • Ecommerce product pages
  • Event registration pages
  • Contest pages
  • Coming soon or maintenance mode pages
  • And more! Our simple interface gives you the flexibility to build customized landing pages for your needs.

Please let us know if you have any other questions! We're happy to help you get started with Unicorn Platform.


You now have all the tools and knowledge to build an effective single product landing page using Unicorn Platform. With their simple drag and drop interface and intuitive design features, creating a custom landing page for your new offering has never been easier. Whether you want to highlight your mobile app, startup, or SaaS product, Unicorn Platform allows you to do so in a professional manner in just minutes. The next step is taking action - start designing your landing page today to begin converting more visitors into customers and growing your business. The opportunities are endless if you make the most of this valuable resource. Build your landing page and watch the results come in.

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