Make a Splash With a Custom Resort Landing Page

published on 21 July 2023

As a resort owner, you want your website to make a memorable first impression. Your resort landing page is the digital welcome mat for potential guests visiting your website for the first time. A custom landing page tailored to your resort’s unique brand and offerings can capture visitors’ interest and inspire them to explore further.

With a drag and drop website builder, you have the opportunity to craft a stunning resort landing page without needing advanced coding skills or hiring an expensive web developer. Using pre-built sections and elements, you can showcase large, captivating images of your resort facilities and surroundings. Include enticing details about amenities, activities, dining options and seasonal events to give visitors a sense of your resort’s experiences and ambiance.

A well-designed landing page primes visitors for an exceptional experience at your resort. With the right tools and creative vision, you have the power to make a splash with a custom landing page that brings your resort brand and guest experience to life. Capture their imagination and turn website visitors into lifelong guests.

For more information on how to design a landing page for a travel agency, check out our article Unicorn Platform: The Best Web Page Design for Travel Agency.

Why You Need a Dedicated Resort Landing Page

As a resort, your website is the first impression many potential guests will have of your property. A dedicated landing page tailored to your resort helps convey your unique brand and offerings, allowing you to make a splash and stand out from competitors.

A custom landing page focuses on what makes your resort special. You can highlight breathtaking views, lavish amenities, exciting activities, and an unparalleled location. Share vibrant images that bring the experience of your resort to life and entice visitors.

Well-crafted copy that speaks to your target guests establishes your resort’s personality and conveys a sense of the luxury and service one can expect. Describe the accommodations, dining, recreation, and any special touches that await guests. Mention packages, promotions, or events to encourage bookings.

An effective call-to-action like a “Book Your Stay” or “Plan Your Escape” button makes it easy for interested visitors to take the next step. Connect the landing page to your booking engine or reservation system to enable seamless transitions.

Tracking analytics for your landing page provides key insights into what resonates with your audience. See which images, sections, packages, or calls-to-action receive the most attention and generate the highest conversion rates. Make data-driven refinements to better appeal to your target market over time.

A dedicated resort landing page is a valuable marketing tool that can have an impressive impact on brand awareness, user experience, search engine optimization, and revenue. Give your resort the showcase it deserves and start reaping the rewards of an optimized landing page. With the right strategy and design, your resort will make a splash and leave visitors eager to experience paradise.

Choose a Theme on Unicorn Platform That Sets the Right Tone

To create a custom landing page for your resort on Unicorn Platform, you must first select an appropriate theme that conveys the right tone and experience you want to portray to visitors. As a business in the hospitality industry, choosing a theme specifically tailored to resorts and vacation destinations is key.

On Unicorn Platform, you have several resort and travel-focused themes to choose from that offer stylish and polished designs. Select a theme with large, high-quality images to showcase your property and amenities. Themes with an abundance of whitespace and minimal distractions are ideal, as they allow the imagery and calls-to-action to shine through.

For a cohesive brand experience, choose a theme with fonts, colors, and stylistic elements that match or complement your existing resort brand guidelines. If building a landing page from scratch, pick a theme with flexible options to customize the fonts, colors, icons, and more to your tastes. A theme with sections for highlighting your accommodations, dining, recreation, spa services, nearby attractions, special offers, and contact information is optimal for a resort landing page.

With an appropriate theme selected, you can then customize the content, layout, and design as needed to match your unique brand and property. Add eye-catching hero images, feature your most appealing highlights and amenities, prominently display offers and promotions, and ensure all pertinent contact details and social media links are easy to find. With the right theme and customizations, you can create a stunning landing page that makes a splash and inspires visitors to book their next getaway at your resort.

Highlight Your Resort’s Best Features and Amenities
Highlight Your Resort’s Best Features and Amenities

Highlight Your Resort’s Best Features and Amenities

To attract visitors and encourage bookings, highlight what makes your resort unique and appealing. Feature stunning images of your amenities, activities, surroundings and lodging options.

Gorgeous Accommodations

Showcase photos of your well-appointed rooms, suites, cabins and villas. Mention amenities like plush bedding, spacious bathrooms, private balconies with scenic views, kitchenettes or full kitchens, etc. For a boutique resort, give each lodging a name and describe its charm and character.

Relaxing Spa Treatments

If you offer massage therapy, facials or other spa services, display enticing photos of your treatment rooms and describe available packages. List the types of massages like Swedish, hot stone or couples massages. Note the natural oils and lotions used. Mention if you have an onsite salon for manicures, pedicures and hairstyling.

Fun Recreational Activities

Highlight adventures and excursions for enjoying your location. For a beach resort, show guests swimming, sunbathing, sailing, snorkeling and seaside bonfires. A mountain lodge may offer hiking, biking, horseback riding and stargazing. Describe equipment rentals and guided tours available.

Delicious Cuisine

Tempt visitors with mouthwatering photos of dishes from your restaurant. Describe the type of cuisine, like farm-to-table, Italian or seafood. Note if you cater to special diets or have a casual café and upscale dining room. Mention if guests can enjoy meals beachside, on an outdoor patio or by a cozy fireplace.

Stunning Natural Setting

Showcase the beautiful scenery surrounding your resort. For an island getaway, display photos of white sand beaches and turquoise waters. A countryside inn may feature flower gardens, rolling hills and vineyards. Describe the sunsets, night skies and changing seasons. Note nearby natural attractions like waterfalls, caves or wildlife sanctuaries.

Your resort landing page should give visitors a sense of escaping to an enjoyable natural setting with access to modern comforts and recreational amenities. By highlighting what makes your property unique, you'll attract guests seeking a memorable getaway experience. Focus on high-quality visuals and convey the personal service, luxurious touches and welcoming vibe visitors can expect.

Include Stunning Visuals to Draw Visitors In

To create an eye-catching custom resort landing page, visually stunning and high-quality images are essential. High-resolution photos instantly give visitors an impression of your resort's atmosphere and amenities. Carefully selected images should capture the essence of the experience you want to convey.

Feature Large Hero Images

Prominently feature 2-3 large, captivating hero images at the top of your page. These images should highlight your resort's most appealing attributes, like a luxurious pool area, pristine beach, or panoramic view from an oceanfront suite. For the best results, use horizontal images that span the width of the page.

Include a Photo Gallery

Include a gallery of at least 6-12 additional photos further down the page. A visual gallery gives visitors a well-rounded sense of your resort's offerings and helps bring the overall experience to life. Pictures of guest rooms, on-site restaurants, recreational activities, entertainment options, and stunning surroundings or landscapes are all excellent choices. For easy viewing, display photos in a grid with captions or as a slider.

Use Professionally Shot Photos

For a high-end look and feel, use professionally taken photos. Well-composed, high resolution images with balanced lighting and color correction will make the strongest impact. If professional photography is not in your budget, take time to capture well-framed photos using a high-quality camera. Avoid using stock photos, as they can appear generic and detract from your resort's unique character.

Include Videos (Optional)

If possible, also embed 1-2 short videos to bring an extra multimedia element to your page. An aerial video or virtual tour of your property are compelling options. Keep videos under 2 minutes in length, as visitors have a limited attention span. Videos provide motion and sound, allowing visitors to experience the resort as if they were there.

Following these best practices for visuals will give your custom resort landing page a polished, professional feel that spurs visitors to learn more and book their vacation. Stunning images and multimedia are key to conveying the desirable experience you offer in an authentic, memorable way. Overall, a visually captivating landing page is pivotal to converting visitors into customers.

Focus on Your Resort’s Location and Surroundings
Focus on Your Resort’s Location and Surroundings

Focus on Your Resort’s Location and Surroundings

A custom resort landing page should highlight the natural surroundings and location that make your property unique. Focusing on the geographic attributes and available recreational activities will capture the interest of potential guests seeking an authentic local experience.

Emphasize the Natural Landscape

Describe the scenic vistas, native flora and fauna, geological points of interest, and any notable landmarks near your resort. Mention details like coastal cliffs, mountain ranges, desert scenery, rainforests, waterfalls or stargazing opportunities. Using photography and descriptive language will allow visitors to visualize the setting.

Promote Outdoor Recreation

If your location offers opportunities for activities like hiking, boating, skiing or wildlife viewing, feature them prominently on your landing page. List specific trails, waterways, slopes or observation points where guests can participate in their favorite pastimes. Highlight any equipment rentals or guided tours you provide. Adventure and eco-tourism are major motivators for many resort visitors.

Share the Local Culture

Give a sense of the regional culture, history and cuisine. Discuss nearby towns, annual festivals, architectural styles, and dining options where guests can immerse themselves in the local way of life. Links to visitor bureaus and event calendars are helpful resources. Experiencing authentic cultural heritage is a primary reason many people travel.

Accessibility and Transportation

Be transparent about how to reach your resort and navigate the surrounding area. Provide details on proximity to airports and highways, available shuttle services, and rental vehicle options. If public transit, bike rentals or multi-use trail networks are accessible from your location, include that information as well. The easier you make it for visitors to get around, the more appealing your resort will seem.

A custom landing page focusing on your resort’s natural attributes, activities, culture, and accessibility will resonate with environmentally-conscious travelers seeking an authentic local experience. Highlight what makes your location special to capture the interest of potential guests. With the right messaging and visuals, you can make a splash and motivate visitors to dive into a getaway at your resort.

Include a Prominent Call to Action Button

To maximize conversions, your resort landing page should feature a prominent call to action (CTA) button. This button should be:


Place the CTA button in an area of prime visibility, such as at the top right of the page or centered below the page’s main headline and image. Use a button size and color that stands out from the rest of the page. For example, a large orange button will capture attention more effectively than a small gray one.


The CTA button text should convey a clear next step for the visitor, such as “Book Now,” “Learn More,” or “Start Your Free Trial.” Avoid vague or weak phrases like “Click Here” or “Submit.” Action-oriented text paired with an eye-catching button design prompts the visitor to, well, take action.

Link to a Conversion Goal

Ensure your CTA button links to the next step in your conversion funnel, such as a booking or contact form, product demo sign-up, or free trial registration page. Do not link the button to a generic “Contact Us” or “About” page. Each page in your funnel should build upon the previous one to move the visitor closer to conversion.


With increasing mobile traffic, your resort landing page must display well on smartphones and tablets. Place the CTA button in an area clearly visible without scrolling on mobile devices. The button size and text should also be large enough for mobile visitors to easily click or tap the button.

An effective CTA button is essential for achieving the goal of your resort landing page—converting visitors into customers or clients. By making the CTA noticeable, action-oriented, linked to a conversion goal, and mobile-friendly, you prompt visitors to move to the next stage in the customer journey, whether completing a booking or contacting you to learn more. Optimize your landing page by testing different CTA button placements, sizes, colors, and text to determine what resonates most with your target audience.

Provide Social Proof to Build Trust

To build trust and authority with your customers, social proof on your resort landing page is essential. Social proof refers to evidence that shows your product or service is trusted and valued by others.

Ratings and Reviews

Include ratings and reviews from satisfied customers discussing their experience. For a resort, highlight reviews mentioning the beautiful location, friendly staff, amenities, activities, dining, and accommodations.

  • “The beachfront bungalows were perfect and the staff went above and beyond to make our stay memorable.”
  • “There was so much to do—we went kayaking, learned to surf, and the kids loved the game room and kid’s club. We’ll definitely be back next year!”

Media Mentions

Reference any media coverage your resort has received. Briefly describe the media outlet and what they said about your property.

  1. “The secluded jungle setting and eco-friendly focus caught the attention of National Geographic Traveler. They called us ‘An oasis of sustainability and natural wonder.’”
  2. “Condé Nast Traveler featured our resort in their list of the 25 Best Resorts in the Caribbean. They praised our ‘rustic luxury’ and ‘connection to the natural surroundings.’”

Partner Promotions

Prominently feature the logos of any prestigious partners, travel organizations or certifications your resort has earned. For example:

  • Virtuoso
  • American Express Fine Hotels & Resorts
  • TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence
  • Green Globe Certified

Guest Photos

Include real photos from happy guests enjoying your resort. Get permission to repost photos from Instagram, Facebook and TripAdvisor. Photos of guests lounging beachside, doing activities, dining and with big smiles will visually demonstrate the experience you offer.

By showcasing social proof in these ways, you build credibility and reassure potential guests that your resort will deliver an exceptional experience. Your landing page becomes more persuasive, and visitors can confidently book their island getaway.

Share the Details: Rates, Availability, and Packages

To attract guests to your resort, you need to provide details on what you offer and how much it will cost them. Share rates, availability, and package options to give potential visitors a sense of value and help them choose the accommodation that suits them best.

Display Current Rates

List your standard daily, weekly and monthly rates for each room type and size. Be upfront and transparent about additional fees like taxes, deposits, cleaning charges or resort fees. You can also note that rates are subject to change based on seasonality and demand.

Offer Special Promotions and Discounts

Run limited-time sales and special offers like “Book Early and Save” or loyalty member discounts. Provide coupon codes that visitors can apply at checkout. Cross-promote on your social media platforms so followers get first access. These types of promotions create urgency and give customers an incentive to book right away.

Highlight Room Availability

Use a calendar on your page to show which dates still have rooms available for booking over the next several months. Visitors will appreciate knowing if their desired travel dates are still open before going through the booking process. You can also block out dates that are unavailable due to seasonal closures or if rooms are sold out.

Bundle Value-Add Packages

Create package deals that bundle a room with extras like meals, activities, shopping credits or airport transfers. This makes the total cost more appealing by emphasizing the overall experience. Some examples include:

  • Romance Package: Room, champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, couple’s massage
  • Family Adventure Package: Room, all meals, kids’ activities, family photo session
  • Golf Getaway: Room, all meals, unlimited golf, golf cart rental

Providing detailed information on your rates, availability, and packages gives potential guests confidence in the value and quality of your resort. Be transparent, offer special deals when possible, and highlight what makes each package unique to capture their interest. With the right options at the right price point, visitors will be eager to choose your resort for their next getaway.

FAQs: How to Build Resort Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

To build a custom resort landing page on Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Select a Template

Choose from Unicorn Platform’s pre-made resort landing page templates to get started. Select a template that matches your resort’s style and branding. You can then customize the template by adding your resort’s name, images, colors, and content.

Add High-Quality Images

Include professional photos of your resort, rooms, amenities, activities, surroundings and location. Images are essential for conveying the experience of your resort. Provide photos of your main resort building as well as photos of your accommodation types, pool area, spa, recreational activities, dining options and nearby attractions.

Highlight Your Accommodations

Showcase details on your different room and accommodation options. Include details like room sizes, bed types, maximum occupancy and amenities for each accommodation choice. Use enticing language and high quality images to bring your accommodation options to life for visitors.

Promote Your Amenities and Activities

Highlight exciting amenities and activities at your resort to attract visitors. Discuss your swimming pools, restaurants, bars, gyms, kids clubs, water sports, tours and other entertainment options. Share details on operating hours, locations, costs and age restrictions for each amenity or activity.

Add Clear Calls-To-Action

Include prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) on your landing page encouraging visitors to book their stay or contact your resort for more information. Place main CTAs near the top of your page, such as “Book Your Stay Now” or “Inquire for Reservations”. Also include secondary CTAs next to your accommodation and activity sections.

Optimized for Mobile

Ensure your resort landing page is optimized for mobile devices. Use large tap targets, minimal clutter, and a simple, responsive design. Test your landing page on multiple mobile devices to guarantee all images, text, CTAs and forms display properly. A mobile-optimized landing page will help you reach the widest possible audience.

Analytics and Testing

Use web analytics to see how visitors interact with your resort landing page. Look at metrics like page views, bounce rates, and conversions. You can then make improvements to your page for better performance. It also helps to test different versions of your page to see which one converts the most visitors into customers.


As you've seen, creating an eye-catching custom resort landing page is well within your reach. With the right tools and strategy, you can build a high-converting landing page to promote your resort's offerings and amenities. Focus on stunning visuals that capture the essence of a luxurious getaway, emphasize the experiences and activities that set your resort apart, and make it easy for visitors to find the information they need. A custom landing page is a small investment that can lead to big rewards through increased bookings and revenue. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a memorable first impression. Start designing your resort's custom landing page today.

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