No Coding Skills? No Problem. Make a Doctor Landing Page With Unicorn Platform

published on 06 July 2023

You have a vision for an innovative new medical practice but lack the technical skills to build an effective website. As an entrepreneurial doctor, your time is better spent developing your business than learning web design. With Unicorn Platform, a simple yet powerful no-code website builder, you can create a professional doctor landing page in minutes without writing a single line of code.

Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop interface to select a stylish template tailored for doctors and healthcare professionals. Add images, videos, contact forms, appointment scheduling, and content with just a few clicks. Choose from features like online booking, telehealth integration, and HIPAA compliance to match your unique practice needs. Launch your doctor website and start attracting new patients right away. No coding skills required.

Don't have the time to build your website yourself? Check out our article on the best healthcare web design companies to find a professional service to help you build your website with Unicorn Platform.

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive website builder that allows you to create custom landing pages and simple websites without any coding skills.

  • Drag and drop interface. The drag and drop editor makes it easy to add elements like text boxes, images, buttons, and more. Simply drag elements onto your page and drop them where you want.
  • 100% no-code. No HTML, CSS, or other coding languages are required. Unicorn Platform handles all the technical aspects so you can focus on design and content.
  • Mobile-friendly responsive design. Pages you create will automatically resize and rearrange to fit any screen size, whether desktop, tablet, or mobile.
  • SEO-optimized. Unicorn Platform generates clean code and alt image tags to help your pages rank in search engines like Google. You can also add page titles, meta descriptions, and focus keywords to optimize each page.
  • Integrations and apps. Unicorn Platform offers many useful integrations to enhance your pages like email capture, social sharing, reviews, and more. You can also embed widgets from other services.
  • Stylish templates. Choose from sleek landing page and website templates to get started. Easily customize any template or build from scratch. New templates are added regularly.
  • Affordable and scalable. Plans start at $8/month and scale as your needs grow. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time.

Whether you need an elegant landing page, a full multi-page website, or something in between, Unicorn Platform provides an easy yet powerful solution for business owners and marketing professionals. Create your simple yet high-converting pages today with a free 14-day trial.

Why You Need a Custom Doctor Website

As a doctor, having your own custom website is essential for establishing your online presence and attracting new patients. Here are a few reasons why you need a dedicated doctor website:

  • Build trust and authority. A professional website helps to establish you as a reputable, trusted doctor. Patients will feel more at ease when they see you have a legitimate online presence.
  • Improve discoverability. An SEO-optimized website with relevant content about your medical services and expertise will rank higher in search engines like Google, allowing potential patients to find you more easily.
  • Share your credentials. Your website is the perfect place to highlight your education, certifications, awards, hospital affiliations, and experience. This builds confidence in your abilities and qualifications.
  • Offer an online appointment scheduler. A custom website gives you the ability to provide an online appointment booking system, making it convenient for patients to schedule consultations and checkups.
  • Share health resources. You can use your website as an educational resource by posting informative articles, videos, infographics and other media focused on common health issues, medical procedures, and wellness topics relevant to your field of practice.
  • Build your mailing list. Having visitors subscribe to your email newsletter via your website allows you to stay in touch, share updates, and re-engage patients and prospects. Email marketing has been shown to drive more new patient acquisitions for doctors.
  • Mobile optimization. A professional doctor website is designed to display properly on any device, including mobile phones and tablets. Since many patients search for doctors on the go, a mobile-friendly site is essential.

In summary, a custom doctor website is a must-have for any medical practice looking to strengthen its online presence, build authority, attract new patients, and boost business success. The benefits far outweigh the investment.

Key Elements of an Effective Doctor Landing Page
Key Elements of an Effective Doctor Landing Page

Key Elements of an Effective Doctor Landing Page

To create an effective landing page for a doctor or medical practice, there are several key elements to include.

A Clear Call-to-Action

A call-to-action (CTA) button like “Book an Appointment” or “Schedule a Consultation” should be prominently featured at the top of the page. This makes it easy for visitors to take the next step and convert into patients or clients.

A Brief Welcome Message

Include a warm welcome message from the doctor or practice owner. This helps to humanize the brand and builds trust and connection with visitors. Mention the mission and values of the practice to align with patient needs.

An About Page

Feature a dedicated “About Us” page that highlights the doctor’s credentials, experience, education, specialties, and approach to patient care. Share a brief doctor bio and headshot to build credibility. Discuss the overall practice philosophy and patient experience.

A List of Services

Clearly list the services offered such as:

  • Annual physicals and checkups
  • Disease diagnosis and treatment
  • Surgery and rehabilitation
  • Counseling and nutrition services

Be specific in the descriptions to optimize for search engines and inform visitors. Use related medical terms where appropriate.

Patient Testimonials and Reviews

Include positive reviews and testimonials from real patients. This social proof builds trust and reassures potential new patients about the quality of care. Ask satisfied patients if you can quote their feedback on the landing page.

Contact Information

Prominently display the practice address, phone number, email, and hours of operation. Make this easy for visitors to find in case they have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment.

An effective doctor landing page should be clean and minimal, focusing on the key elements that will convert visitors into patients. Keep content concise while highlighting the most important details about the medical practice and staff. A well-designed page will make a great first impression and encourage new patients to take action.

How to Create a Doctor Landing Page With Unicorn Platform
How to Create a Doctor Landing Page With Unicorn Platform

How to Create a Doctor Landing Page With Unicorn Platform

To create an effective doctor landing page with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Select a Pre-made Doctor Template

Unicorn Platform offers professional templates specifically designed for doctors and physicians. Choose from templates for general practitioners, dentists, surgeons, and more. The templates include all the necessary sections for a doctor website like About, Services, Testimonials, Appointment, Blog, and Contact.

Add Your Practice Information

Input details about your medical practice including the practice name, your name and credentials, address, contact information, and hours of operation. You should also upload your practice logo to build brand recognition.

Describe Your Services

List the healthcare services you provide, medical procedures you perform, conditions you treat, and any specialized expertise you have. Group similar treatments or areas of focus together under subheadings. Use bullet points to make this information easy to read. Include alternative terms and synonyms for medical phrases to improve searchability.

Share Staff Profiles

Introduce your team of physicians, nurses, technicians, and administrative staff. For each staff member, include a photo, name and credentials, experience, education, areas of expertise, and anything else that establishes credibility and trustworthiness.

Highlight Patient Testimonials

Include positive reviews and stories from current or former patients. Testimonials build social proof that you provide high quality care and excellent service. Ask satisfied patients if you can share photos, names, and details about their treatment experience.

Call the Visitor to Action

The primary goal of your landing page is to get visitors to book an appointment or consultation. Add a prominent call-to-action like “Book an Appointment Now” or “Request a Consultation” that links to your scheduling or contact page. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to take the next step.

With the right information architecture and compelling content, you can create an doctor landing page that establishes your expertise, builds trust, and turns visitors into patients. Unicorn Platform’s simple yet powerful editor requires no coding skills to produce a professional digital presence for your medical practice.

Choose a Template for Your Doctor Website Design

To create an effective doctor landing page with the Unicorn Platform, selecting an appropriate template is key. This will determine the overall look and feel of your site and shape the user experience.

Choose a Template

Unicorn Platform offers templates specifically tailored for doctor websites and medical practices. These include options like:

  • The “Medico” template with a clean, minimalist design and stock photos of doctors and patients. This is a versatile choice that can work for many specialties.
  • The “DocPlus” template with a modern, high-tech design and graphics featuring medical devices and technology. This template conveys an innovative image well-suited for cosmetic surgery or sports medicine clinics.
  • The “Health AID” template with illustrations of the human body and anatomy. The simple but medically-themed design is ideal for general practitioners, physiotherapists, and other primary care specialties.
  • Browse the templates to find some options that match your desired brand image and the impression you want to convey to visitors. Consider your practice’s specialization and clientele.
  • Preview the templates to see examples of the homepage and inner page designs. Evaluate how effective and cohesive the template is in communicating your brand across pages.
  • Select a template and customize it to your needs. You can easily change colors, fonts, images, and content using the Unicorn Platform editor. Add your logo, photos, and text to create a unique site representing your practice.
  • For mobile-friendliness, choose a responsive template that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes. This is critical, as many of your visitors will use mobile devices to find and contact your practice.

By selecting an appropriate template and customizing it for your brand, you can build a professional doctor landing page to help convert more visitors into new patients. With a range of stylish templates to choose from, the Unicorn Platform makes the design process simple for those with no coding skills required.

Add Your Doctor Practice's Branding

To establish your doctor practice's brand, incorporate design elements that reflect your image and values.


Your logo is the face of your brand and helps build recognition. Choose an emblem that conveys your practice's mission and vision. For a doctor website, common logos include:

  • A stylized cross, to signify health and medicine
  • An abstract human figure, to represent patient-centered care
  • Your practice's initials in a custom font

Color Palette

Select 2-3 colors that you want to become associated with your brand. For a doctor website, shades of blue are popular as blue signifies trust, calmness and professionalism. You can also use:

  • Shades of green to represent growth, nature and wellness
  • Gray tones for a sophisticated image

Use your brand colors consistently on your website, social media profiles, stationery, and any marketing materials.


Choose easy-to-read fonts that match your desired brand image. Sans serif fonts like Arial, Calibri or Futura appear clean and modern while serif fonts such as Georgia or Times New Roman seem more traditional. Use different sizes, weights and styles of your selected fonts to create visual contrast on your pages.


Include high-quality images of your practice, staff, equipment and location on your website. For a doctor website, ideal photos include:

  • Portraits of doctors and staff smiling and in professional attire
  • Shots of your practice's exterior and reception area
  • Close-ups of medical tools, technology or treatments you offer

Ensure all images are in line with your brand style and values. Photographs should appear natural, warm and inclusive.

Following these guidelines will allow you to develop a cohesive brand image for your doctor practice. A consistent and recognizable brand will help establish credibility and trust, allowing you to build meaningful relationships with your patients and community.

Include Important Sections Like About Us and Services

To create an effective doctor landing page, be sure to include sections highlighting your services, expertise, and credentials. These elements build trust in visitors and encourage them to contact you.


Describe the specific medical services you offer, such as:

  • General practice
  • Pediatrics
  • Cardiology
  • Orthopedics
  • Dermatology

Highlight any subspecialties or areas of focus. Use visuals like icons to make this section appealing and easy to read.

About Us

Share details about your experience, education, credentials, and philosophy of care. For example:

  • Medical school attended and year of graduation
  • Residency and fellowship completed (if applicable)
  • Board certifications held
  • Professional memberships and accomplishments
  • Your mission and commitment to patients

Keep this section concise while conveying your qualifications and dedication to high-quality care.

Meet the Doctors

Introduce your practice’s physicians and staff. For each doctor, include:

  1. A professional headshot
  2. Full name and title
  3. Brief bio highlighting education, experience, specialties, and interests
  4. Any awards or honors received (optional)

Seeing the faces behind the practice and learning about each doctor’s background helps visitors feel more at ease and builds confidence in your team.


Address frequently asked questions about your practice to provide helpful information upfront for visitors. Topics may include:

  • Accepted insurance plans
  • Appointment scheduling and availability
  • Prescription refill policy
  • Billing and payments
  • Emergency contact details
  • Hospital affiliations

An FAQ section demonstrates your commitment to transparency and good communication with patients. Craft thoughtful responses to build trust in your services.

These essential sections, when designed well, can turn visitors into patients by showcasing your practice’s expertise and emphasizing the quality care experience you provide. Place them prominently on your landing page to capture attention and highlight what sets your team apart.

Share Engaging Content to Build Trust

To build trust and establish authority with your prospective patients, it is crucial to share high-quality and engaging content on your doctor landing page.### Blog Posts

Publishing blog posts discussing common medical questions, health and wellness tips, and the latest research in your field of expertise is an excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge and experience. Keep posts concise at 300 to 500 words, focused on a single topic, and provide value to readers. Use an enthusiastic and friendly tone to connect with your audience.

Video Content

Creating video content, such as explainer videos on medical procedures, health and wellness how-tos, and educational seminars or webinars allows patients to see your warm and personable bedside manner in action. Keep videos under 2 minutes for the best results. You can also do quick 30 second clips answering common FAQs to build familiarity.

Social Proof

Don’t just take our word for it. Share reviews and testimonials from current happy patients discussing their positive experiences under your care. Star ratings, awards, media coverage, and affiliations with respected medical organizations also help to establish your credibility and expertise.


Provide additional resources for patients like downloadable guides, checklists, infographics with medical illustrations, and glossaries of common medical terms. This demonstrates your willingness to educate and empower patients to better understand their health and treatment options.

  • FAQ pages, About pages with your credentials and experience, Contact forms, Appointment request forms, etc.

Following these best practices for sharing high-value content on your doctor landing page will build trust, boost your authority, and turn website visitors into real-world patients. Focusing on education, transparency, and showcasing your expertise through various media are the keys to establishing a meaningful connection and converting readers into lifelong patients.

FAQs About Using Unicorn Platform for Your Doctor Landing Page

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder designed for doctors and other healthcare professionals. It allows you to create a custom landing page for your practice without needing any coding or design skills.

Do I need coding or design experience?

No, Unicorn Platform is completely no-code. You do not need any experience with web development, coding languages like HTML or CSS, or graphic design software. Unicorn Platform has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-made templates to help you build a professional landing page in minutes.

What features does Unicorn Platform offer for doctor landing pages?

Unicorn Platform provides many useful features for creating an effective doctor landing page:

  • Elegant pre-made templates for doctor and healthcare websites
  • Easy customization of colors, fonts, images and content
  • Sections for services, staff profiles, testimonials, FAQs, contact information
  • Integrated online appointment scheduling
  • Mobile-responsive design to work on all devices
  • SEO optimization to help patients find your practice
  • Analytics to track how visitors interact with your landing page

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers simple and affordable pricing. Plans start at $12 per month and include:

  • Unlimited landing pages
  • 24/7 customer support
  • No transaction fees
  • 14-day free trial to test the platform

Higher-tier plans provide additional features like custom domain names, email marketing, and access to the Unicorn Platform App Store. Nonprofit healthcare organizations receive a 50% discount.

Do you provide onboarding assistance?

Yes, Unicorn Platform offers onboarding and ongoing support to help you get started. After signing up, you will receive:

  • A welcome call with a Unicorn Platform expert to overview the platform
  • access to our library of helpful video tutorials, documentation, and templates
  • Ability to schedule one-on-one calls with our support team whenever you need help

Our goal is to make building your doctor landing page as easy and stress-free as possible. We are here to support you every step of the way.


With the Unicorn platform's intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you've created an impactful landing page to attract new patients and grow your medical practice. By showcasing your experience, credentials, and services with engaging visuals and a modern design, you've built credibility and trust. The lead generation forms and email capture will help you build your contact lists and stay in touch with interested visitors. Best of all, you accomplished all of this without needing to know how to code. Unicorn Platform has enabled you to take control of your online presence and unlock new opportunities for your business. The future of your practice is looking bright thanks to this simple yet powerful no-code solution.

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Built on Unicorn Platform