Event landing page

published on 13 November 2023

Creating an effective event landing page can be a challenge for many marketers and event organizers.

In this post, you'll discover proven strategies to design high-converting event landing pages that attract registrations and drive engagement.

You'll learn essential elements like crafting compelling copy, optimizing calls-to-action, leveraging landing page builders, and more to boost conversions for your next event.

Introduction to Event Landing Pages

Event landing pages are specialized pages designed to promote a specific event and drive registrations or ticket sales. They play a key role in an overall event marketing strategy by:

  • Generating awareness about an upcoming event
  • Convincing potential attendees to register or purchase tickets
  • Collecting contact information from interested participants

An effective event landing page should clearly communicate key details like the event date, location, speakers, agenda, pricing, and registration process. It should also use compelling headlines, images, videos, testimonials, and calls-to-action to create an immersive experience that persuades visitors to take the desired action, whether it’s signing up for the event or buying tickets.

Some best practices for creating high-converting event landing pages include:

  • Highlighting important event details like dates and venue
  • Featuring speaker bios and headshots
  • Outlining key takeaways or an event agenda
  • Displaying ticket prices and registration options prominently
  • Using high-quality images and videos to set the scene
  • Adding social proof elements like testimonials and attendee feedback
  • Crafting a clear call-to-action for event signups or ticket purchases

Optimizing an event landing page for conversions involves finding the right balance between informative content and a compelling sales pitch. The page should provide all the necessary event details visitors need while also using design, messaging, and calls-to-action that motivate them to take action. Taking the time to test different layouts, copy variations, visuals and offers is key to improving conversion rates over time.

What is a landing page for an event?

A landing page is a dedicated web page that promotes a specific event and provides key details to get visitors interested and convert them into attendees.

Here are some of the main purposes and benefits of creating a landing page for your event:

  • Provides a centralized online location for people to learn about your event, register, purchase tickets, etc.
  • Allows you to promote your event through social media, email, and other channels by linking to the landing page
  • Captures leads by gathering contact info from interested attendees
  • Highlights key event details like date, time, location, speakers, agenda, pricing, etc.
  • Sets expectations about what attendees will experience at your event
  • Establishes credibility and enthusiasm around the event to drive registrations
  • Enables customization with your branding, images, videos, and messaging to fit the event theme
  • Integrates seamlessly with your website or can stand alone

In summary, an event landing page is an invaluable tool for promoting your event, enticing registrations, and streamlining event logistics for attendees leading up to the event date. It serves as the hub for all event-related activities online.

Does Eventbrite have a landing page?

Eventbrite offers a customizable online event page that serves as a landing page for your event. This page allows you to:

  • Provide key event details like date, time, location, pricing, etc.
  • Add custom sections and content blocks
  • Embed videos, images, and other media
  • Integrate with Eventbrite's registration and ticketing system
  • Create separate pages for different events under your Eventbrite account

Some key things you can do with Eventbrite's event landing pages:

  • Drive registrations by promoting your page and placing registration/ticket widgets.
  • Share event updates through the page rather than mass emails.
  • Showcase speakers and sessions with dedicated sections.
  • Highlight sponsors with logos, descriptions, and links.
  • Curate resources like presentations, handouts, audio, and video.

So in summary, Eventbrite provides a customizable and shareable landing page for each event you create. You can design these pages to capture registrations, communicate event details, and host valuable content.

It's an integral part of Eventbrite's platform for creating professional online events. And it's optimized for promoting your event and converting visitors into attendees.

What is usually on a landing page?

A landing page typically contains several key elements to effectively capture leads and convert visitors:

Hero Section

The hero section prominently displays an eye-catching header image or video relevant to the offer, along with a compelling headline and supporting subhead. This section quickly communicates the core value proposition and piques visitor interest.


A strong offer or CTA convinces visitors to exchange their contact information for something of value, like an eBook, coupon code, or free trial. The offer is prominently displayed with supporting details on what they will receive.

Lead Capture Form

The lead capture form collects visitor information like name, email, phone number through input fields. Additional details like company, title, or address may also be gathered depending on the offer.

Supporting Content

Additional content educates visitors further on the product, service, or offer to build trust and credibility. This usually includes customer testimonials, service/feature details, company information, etc.

Visual Design

An aesthetically-pleasing design with clean layouts, engaging graphics/media, clear messaging, and seamless user experience helps drive more conversions.

In summary, an effective landing page focuses visitor attention on a compelling offer/CTA tied to an informative, well-designed lead capture form. Supporting content builds authority while the hero section captures interest.

What is a campaign landing page?

A campaign landing page is a specialized webpage that visitors arrive at after clicking on a link from a marketing campaign source like:

  • Email campaigns
  • Search engine results
  • Social media ads

The purpose of a campaign landing page is to convert those visitors into leads or customers.

To accomplish this, an effective campaign landing page should:

  • Clearly explain the offer or campaign promotion
  • Persuade visitors to take a desired action like signing up or making a purchase
  • Collect contact information from visitors through lead capture forms
  • Match the look and feel of the marketing campaign that drove traffic to it

For example, an event promotion sent out in an email newsletter would link to a customized event landing page where visitors can learn more about the event details, venue, timing, speakers etc.

The page focuses on getting visitors to register or buy tickets rather than generally promoting the company's services. This creates a streamlined user experience for converting visitors from a specific campaign.

In summary, campaign landing pages play a vital role in converting marketing campaign traffic into measurable results and ROI. Their design and messaging ties directly into the campaign strategy and audience.


Designing an Impactful Event Landing Page

Creating an effective event landing page is crucial for driving registrations and engagement. By focusing on aesthetics, functionality, and user experience, event organizers can craft landing pages that convert.

Landing Page Design Inspiration

When designing an event landing page, it's helpful to browse examples from similar events for inspiration. Pay attention to elements like:

  • Hero images and videos that capture the event's energy
  • Clear calls-to-action for registration or content downloads
  • Benefit-focused copy that speaks to the attendee experience
  • Simple layouts that guide visitors through conversion funnels

Evaluating both good and bad examples can spark ideas for your own landing page.

Choosing the Right Event Landing Page Templates

Leveraging pre-made landing page templates can save time and provide professional designs. Many template providers offer specific options for event landing pages that include the right components and conversions flows out-of-the-box.

Opt for responsive templates that work across devices. Also ensure the template service allows ample customization to tailor the page to your brand and event details.

Incorporating Multimedia Elements

Visually engaging landing pages perform better by capturing visitor attention. Consider using:

  • High-quality hero images that set the scene and mood for attendees
  • Embedded videos to showcase past events and build excitement

When including multimedia, ensure elements load quickly and don't negatively impact page speed. Properly-formatted JPEG images and MP4 videos tend to provide the best results.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design

With the majority of website traffic now originating from mobile devices, an event landing page must remain fully-functional across smartphones and tablets. Start the design process with mobile layouts first, ensuring all key information and calls-to-action are visible and usable.

Testing the page on real devices is also wise to catch any responsive issues. By making mobile optimization a priority from the start, event landing pages can deliver seamless user experiences leading to higher conversions.

Crafting Compelling Landing Page Copy

Event landing pages serve a crucial role in driving registrations and attendance for events. By optimizing landing page copy, event organizers can more effectively communicate key information and persuade visitors to take action.

Headline and Subheadline Essentials

An attention-grabbing headline and informative subheadline are key to landing page success. Some best practices include:

  • Highlight the main benefit or outcome of attending the event in the headline
  • Keep headlines short, scannable, and written in active voice
  • Subheadlines should provide supplemental details on event date, location, speakers, etc.

Highlighting Event Features and Benefits

Clearly convey why your event is worthwhile:

  • List specific agenda items, discussion topics, activities, or speakers
  • Emphasize any unique experiences, takeaways, or networking opportunities
  • Use testimonials and social proof when available

Help visitors visualize themselves attending and benefiting from the event.

Creating a Sense of Urgency

Strategies to encourage prompt registrations:

  • Offer early bird pricing or discounts for a limited time
  • Note registration deadlines or when tickets may sell out
  • Display remaining ticket quantity or use waitlist sign-ups

These tactics tap into the fear of missing out without being overly aggressive.

Copywriting Tips for Event Landing Pages

Additional advice for crafting landing page copy:

  • Use clear, concise language and avoid overused jargon
  • Speak directly to your target attendee persona
  • Balance text, negative space, and visuals
  • Funnel visitors towards a clear call-to-action

Following these best practices will lead to higher-converting event landing pages.

Optimizing Event Landing Pages for Conversion

Event landing pages play a crucial role in converting website visitors into event registrants or attendees. An optimized page guides users through a clear journey that answers their questions and motivates action.

Effective Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Well-designed CTAs convince visitors to take the next step, whether registering for the event, sharing details with colleagues, or requesting more information.

Effective CTAs:

  • Use clear, action-oriented language like "Register Now" or "Get Tickets"
  • Stand out visually with contrasting colors
  • Are placed strategically near the top and bottom of the page
  • Lead visitors to a registration or contact form

Experiment with different CTA combinations to determine which deliver the highest conversion rates.

Lead Generation Landing Pages

Integrating lead capture forms allows event organizers to collect contact information from visitors even if they do not register. Useful data to gather includes:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Company
  • Job title

This supports pre-event marketing efforts to nurture leads. Consider offering a content upgrade like an event guide, checklist, or exclusive invite in exchange for contact details.

Post-Event Engagement Strategies

Continue engaging attendees after the event ends with a dedicated thank you or feedback landing page. This page can:

  • Share event photos, videos, and highlights
  • Link to event resources and materials for sharing
  • Survey attendees for testimonials and feedback

Maintaining post-event communication nurtures ongoing relationships with attendees.

Utilizing Chatbots for Interactive Engagement

Chatbots answer visitor questions 24/7 while improving landing page experience. Potential uses include:

  • Providing basic event details
  • Guiding users to register
  • Linking to speaker bios
  • Sharing logistical information

As conversational AI continues advancing, event chatbots create more interactive and frictionless engagement.

Optimized landing pages combined with compelling event marketing deliver the highest conversion rates. Experiment with page layouts, CTAs, forms, and chatbots to boost registrations.

Leveraging Technology for Event Landing Pages

This section will examine the tools and platforms that can enhance the event landing page's effectiveness.

6 Best Landing Page Builders for Events

When creating an event landing page, it's important to choose a flexible landing page builder that provides templates and components tailored to promoting events. Some top options include:

  • Unbounce - Offers beautiful event template designs and advanced conversion tools like A/B testing. Integrates with marketing automation platforms.

  • Leadpages - Simple drag-and-drop editor to quickly customize event landing pages. Provides webinar and online course templates.

  • Instapage - Robust editor for crafting high-converting event pages. Includes integration with Zapier to connect your tools.

  • GetResponse - Landing page builder combined with email marketing and webinar functionality. Great for driving event registrations.

  • Carrd - Affordable option focused on simplicity. Allows building smooth one-page sites for events.

  • Shogun - Landing page editor with drag-and-drop interface. Offers many integrations to track event analytics.

When evaluating landing page builders for your next event, prioritize ease of use, mobile responsiveness, customizability, and analytics.

Integrating Social Media on Your Event Page

Encouraging social shares is key to promoting your event far and wide. Some tips:

  • Showcase user-generated social posts from past events to build excitement.

  • Add social follow/share buttons prominently on the page to motivate shares.

  • Create a unique hashtag for attendees to unify event chatter on social platforms.

  • Integrate an Instagram feed widget to display relevant event photos.

  • Enable easy check-in or photo sharing capabilities from the event page.

For example, an event landing page for Social Media Marketing World could showcase #SMMW top tweets and Instagram photos from past conferences, making it easy for attendees to share and discuss the upcoming event.

Email Templates for Event Promotion

Well-designed email templates can effectively promote your event to prospective and registered attendees. For example:

Save the Date - Send first notification of the event details. Include date, location, type of event.

Registration Confirmation - Thank users for signing up while confirming event specifics. Upsell other offerings.

Event Reminder - Send a week before event as a reminder to add to calendar. Link to event page.

Post-Event Follow Up - Thank for attending, share resources from event, invite to next event.

Event Feedback Survey - Ask attendees for testimonials and suggestions to improve future events.

Automated emails like these allow you to engage attendees before, during and after your event while encouraging registrations and referrals.

Event Management Landing Page Automation

Streamlining event management processes is vital to running smooth events at scale. Automation tools can help by:

  • Automatically sending confirmation and reminder emails when users register for an event.

  • Managing waitlists and sending notifications when more seats open up.

  • Collecting payments upon event registration or ticket purchases.

  • Following up via email sequences after the event to collect feedback.

  • Displaying user-specific dashboard showing event details when logged in.

  • Integrating with calendar apps to add the event or save the tickets.

For example, solutions like Mailchimp Automations and Zapier Workflows can set up automatic processes to handle many event landing page actions behind the scenes. This saves time while providing better experiences for attendees.

Event landing pages are critical for driving registrations and engagement for in-person and virtual events. As technology and design trends evolve, event organizers need to ensure their landing pages stand out while meeting attendee expectations.

Some key landing page trends to leverage in 2023 include:

  • More visual-first designs with bold images/graphics
  • Increased use of video backgrounds and testimonials
  • Focus on clear calls-to-action and streamlined conversion paths
  • Personalization and dynamic content tailored to visitors
  • Mobile-responsive templates as mobile usage grows
  • Chatbots and interactive elements to guide users
  • Emphasis on security and data privacy assurances
  • Integration with latest marketing automation features
  • Leveraging AI to optimize page layouts and copy
  • Microinteractions and scroll-triggered animations
  • Minimalist layouts that highlight value propositions

Following these trends can help event landing pages make a strong first impression and drive better conversion rates.

B2B Event Landing Page Showcase

Effective B2B event landing pages clearly convey a conference's value proposition for attendees. Examples include:

  • Prominent dates/location details plus a countdown timer urging readers to register
  • Testimonials from past attendees or industry influencers on the event's quality
  • Listing of high-profile speakers and session topics relevant to the industry
  • Networking and sponsorship opportunities for companies showcased
  • Registration incentives like early bird pricing for urgency
  • Links to past event presentations and photo galleries

These elements help establish credibility and get B2B decision makers to commit.

Creative Workshop Landing Page Ideas

To promote workshop-style events, landing pages can get creative with:

  • Vibrant graphics and colors to showcase hands-on activities
  • Bio images and quotes from the instructors on their expertise
  • Embedded video teasers previewing the workshop format
  • Easy integration with calendar apps for one-click registrations
  • Countdown timer and enrollment cap to prompt signups
  • Icons linking to the event venue, parking details, what to bring etc.
  • Creative background images related to the workshop theme

Such pages make workshops more engaging and accessible for attendees.

Digital and Virtual Event Landing Page Insights

Digital event landing pages require some unique best practices like:

  • Highlighting any celebrity speakers, performers or hosts
  • Embedding a video trailer or promo reel from past virtual editions
  • Listing detailed virtual session schedules and tracks
  • Linking to the event platform or apps attendees will use
  • Featuring platform accessibility and security credentials
  • Promoting interactive elements like live chat rooms
  • Offering on-demand ticket options for accessing recordings

These tips help attendees better understand the virtual event format and features.

Conclusion: Key Takeaways for Your Next Event Landing Page

Creating an effective event landing page that converts visitors into attendees requires focusing on a few key elements:

Keep it Simple

An event landing page should be clean, minimalist, and easy to navigate. Limit distractions and make important information like the event details, location, dates, and registration stand out.

Highlight Benefits

Clearly communicate the unique value proposition of your event. Focus on the experiences, takeaways, and benefits attendees will gain rather than features.

Use Visuals Strategically

Images, graphics, and videos can capture attention and communicate key selling points. But use them sparingly and ensure they reinforce your messaging.

Make Registration Seamless

The goal of an event landing page is to drive registrations. Make signing up intuitive with well-placed and designed CTAs. Consider using chatbots or interactive elements to engage visitors.

Optimize for Mobile

With increasing mobile traffic, ensure your page is fully responsive. Check layouts, touch targets, load speeds, and form interaction across devices.

By focusing on simplicity, showcasing value, and easing registration, you can create a high-converting event landing page that turns interested visitors into attendees.

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