Unicorn Platform: The Fastest Way to Create Software Landing Page and Websites

published on 18 July 2023

As an entrepreneur in the software space, you need a platform that allows you to build a custom landing page or website to showcase your product in a matter of minutes. You don't have time to learn how to code or design a website from scratch. You need a simple drag-and-drop builder that provides professional templates optimized for software companies and startups.

Unicorn Platform is the fastest way for you to create a stylish landing page, product website or blog without needing any technical skills. With over 100 modern templates designed specifically for software companies, you can choose a template and customize it to match your brand in minutes. The easy to use drag and drop builder means you can add images, videos, countdown timers, customer reviews and more without writing a single line of code.

Forget hiring expensive web designers and developers. With Unicorn Platform, you have everything you need to build your software landing page and website in one place. The sleek designs and powerful features provide a custom solution to help you achieve your goal of attracting more customers and growing your startup. Save time and money while creating a website you will be proud to share. Unicorn Platform is the only website builder you will ever need.

If you're looking for CRM landing page templates that convert, check out our article on the best CRM landing page templates. You'll find customizable templates and tips on how to optimize your landing page for conversions.

Unicorn Platform: A New Way to Build Landing Pages and Websites

Unicorn Platform provides an innovative solution for building software landing pages and websites with no coding required.

  • Drag and drop components like images, text, buttons, and video make designing landing pages and websites simple. With over 100+ blocks and templates to choose from, you have endless options to create an eye-catching page.
  • Easily customize any element on the page. Change colors, fonts, spacing, and more with just a few clicks. You have full design freedom without needing technical skills.
  • View your page on any device instantly. Unicorn Platform uses a responsive design so your page looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop. No extra work required.
  • Integrate your favorite tools. Connect Unicorn Platform to email services, social networks, payment platforms, and more. Embed forms, live chat, analytics, and other features on your page with a single click.
  • Launch fast and iterate often. Make changes to your page and see them go live immediately. Test different versions to optimize the user experience and conversions. Scale and grow over time.
  • Reliable hosting and 24/7 support. Unicorn Platform hosts your landing pages and websites with 99.9% uptime. Expert support is available anytime you need help.

For startups looking to quickly validate an idea, marketers launching a new campaign, or SaaS companies redesigning their website, Unicorn Platform provides an easy way to build and launch software landing pages and websites without hassle. Grow your business and reach your audience faster with this innovative no-code solution.

Create a Beautiful Software Landing Page in Minutes

To create an effective software landing page in minutes, follow these simple steps:

  • Select a template. Choose from a variety of mobile-friendly templates specifically designed for SaaS and app landing pages. Preview templates to find an option that aligns with your brand and product.
  • Add your header. Include your company logo, product name, and a brief tagline or slogan that conveys your key differentiator or value proposition. Keep the header clean and minimalistic.
  • Focus on benefits and features. Highlight 3 to 5 of your top benefits and most innovative features using images, icons, and short blurbs. Explain how they solve customer pain points or improve workflows. Use emotive language and quantify impact when possible.
  • Share your story. In 2 to 3 short paragraphs, describe the problem you set out to solve and your vision. Help visitors understand your "why" and connect with your brand mission and purpose. Keep tone passionate yet professional.
  • Add a call to action. Place 1 to 2 prominent call to action buttons above the fold on your page to capture visitor interest. Offer a free trial or demo to lower the barrier to entry.
  • Include social proof. Feature logos of well-known companies that use your product or service. Also, add 2 to 3 customer testimonials describing their experience and results. Build credibility and address concerns.
  • Provide contact information. List your company address, phone number, and contact email so visitors can easily get in touch with questions or for sales inquiries.

Using a simple yet powerful page builder, you can rapidly create a sleek software landing page to start converting visitors into customers in no time. Focus on what makes your solution valuable and unique to stand out from the crowd. With a professional yet compelling page, you'll gain the traction you need to grow your startup.

Build a Software Website Design Just as Fast
Build a Software Website Design Just as Fast

Build a Software Website Design Just as Fast

A Fully Customizable Design

Unicorn Platform provides a wide selection of professionally designed templates to choose from for your software landing page or website. You have full control to customize the design to match your brand. Change the fonts, colors, layout, and add your own graphics or images. You can also start from scratch and build your own custom design.

Add Interactive Elements

Include interactive elements to capture visitor attention and increase engagement. Add image galleries, testimonials, countdown timers, pricing tables, lead generation forms, and more. These elements encourage visitors to take action and convert into customers.

optimized for Conversions

Unicorn Platform is built with conversion optimization in mind. The page builder tools are designed specifically for creating landing pages and websites that convert visitors into leads and customers. You have access to proven templates and elements that have been A/B tested to optimize for conversions.

Fully Responsive

Your software landing page or website will display perfectly on any screen size, from mobile devices to desktop computers. The drag and drop builder allows you to design responsive pages that adapt to the user's screen automatically. You don't have to create separate mobile versions of your pages.


Unicorn Platform integrates with popular third-party tools like email marketing services, payment processors, live chat, and analytics platforms. These integrations allow you to connect key business tools to your landing pages and websites for a seamless workflow and better results.

In summary, Unicorn Platform provides you with an easy to use website and landing page builder to create a high-converting software product website design as fast as possible. The platform offers designer-made templates, interactive elements, conversion optimization, responsiveness, and useful integrations so you can build an effective online presence for your software business.

Showcase Your Software Product Landing Page

To showcase your software product landing page, focus on visually representing your

offering in an appealing yet professional manner.### Simplicity is Key

Keep the design simple and minimalistic. Avoid cluttered pages with too much information. Focus on one clear call-to-action like "Sign Up" or "Learn More". Use images of your product interface to demonstrate its simplicity.

Visuals and Multimedia

Include high-quality images, graphics, and multimedia like short videos to bring your product to life. Images of people using your product in a work setting are especially effective for creating a human connection. These visuals allow visitors to quickly understand your product's key functions and benefits.

Benefits and Solutions

Clearly articulate the main benefits and solutions your product provides. Use headings and bullet points to convey benefits such as:

  • Increased efficiency through automation
  • Improved productivity and streamlined workflows
  • Data-driven insights and analytics
  • User-friendly interface with short learning curve

Explain how your product solves key challenges for your target customers. Provide specific examples and case studies when possible.

Testimonials and Social Proof

Include testimonials, reviews, logos of current clients, and other social proof that builds credibility. Prospective clients will see that others trust your product and company. Quotes from clients discussing specific benefits and results they achieved are especially compelling.

Free Trial or Demo

Offer visitors a free trial or product demo. This allows them to experience the key benefits firsthand before committing to a purchase. Clearly state how long the trial period lasts and what features are included. Make it simple for visitors to sign up for a trial with just their email address and a password.

Responsive and Accessible

Ensure your landing page is fully responsive, displaying properly on all devices from mobile phones to desktop computers. It should also meet accessibility standards so people with disabilities can easily navigate and understand your page. A responsive and accessible page improves the overall user experience.

Following these best practices will result in an effective software product landing page that resonates with your target customers. Be sure to also optimize for search to drive qualified traffic to your page. Continually test and refine your page to maximize conversions.

100% No-Code. Anyone Can Build With This

An Intuitive Drag & Drop Interface

The Unicorn Platform features an intuitive drag and drop website builder interface that requires no coding skills to use. Anyone can easily build a custom software landing page or website in just a few minutes.

Pre-made Templates to Get You Started

The platform offers professionally designed templates for software landing pages, SaaS websites, and mobile app landing pages that you can customize to your needs. Select a template, swap out images and text, change fonts and colors, add sections, and you'll have a unique landing page in no time.

Mobile-Friendly by Default

All Unicorn Platform templates are fully responsive, ensuring your landing page or website looks great on any device. You don't need to create a separate mobile version - the builder automatically optimizes your site for mobile and tablet displays.

Integrations With Your Favorite Tools

Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages and websites. Connect your email marketing, analytics, chat, and social media tools for a seamless user experience. Integrations include Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Intercom, and more.

100% No-Code. Anyone Can Build With This

The Unicorn Platform requires absolutely no coding or technical skills to use. The intuitive drag and drop interface and pre-made templates make it possible for anyone to create a professional software landing page or website. No more relying on expensive web developers. You have full control and flexibility to build the page you want.

Affordable and Scalable

Plans start at $0/month, including all the core features you need to build and publish your landing page or site. As your needs grow, you can easily upgrade to a higher plan for additional functionality, bandwidth, and storage. Unicorn Platform scales with your business.

In summary, the Unicorn Platform is the easiest way for software companies, SaaS providers, and mobile app developers to create high-converting landing pages and websites. The simple yet powerful drag and drop builder, ready-made templates, and 100% no-code interface give you everything you need to build your digital presence, no web development skills required.

Pre-Made Sections and Blocks for Software Product Landing Page
Pre-Made Sections and Blocks for Software Product Landing Page

Pre-Made Sections and Blocks for Software Product Landing Page

To build a high-converting software product landing page, Unicorn Platform offers pre-made sections and blocks specifically designed for this purpose.

Hero Section

The hero section is the first thing visitors see on your landing page. Use Unicorn Platform’s hero section block to make a strong first impression. Select an engaging header, subheader and button to capture attention and inspire action.

Features Section

Visually showcase your software product’s key features and benefits using Unicorn Platform’s features section. This section allows you to highlight up to six features using a combination of icons, images, headers and text. Keep descriptions concise while emphasizing the value to the customer.

Pricing Section

Unicorn Platform’s pricing table block makes it simple to display your software product’s pricing plans in a clear and compelling way. You can select from multiple table layouts and customize the colors, fonts and content for each plan including name, price, features and call-to-action button. Be sure to highlight your recommended or most popular plan.

Testimonials Section

Build credibility and trust by including client testimonials on your landing page. Unicorn Platform’s testimonials section allows you to showcase up to six customer reviews including a photo, name, company and quote. Keep testimonials authentic by using real customer comments from product reviews.

  • FAQ Section
  • Blog Section
  • Contact Section

Unicorn Platform offers a wide range of pre-made sections and blocks specifically tailored for software product landing pages. By selecting and customizing the sections that best highlight your product and address your customers’ key concerns, you can design an impactful landing page that inspires action. Focus on concise yet compelling content, clear calls-to-action and an optimized user experience for the best results.

Fully Customizable. Make Your Own Software Website Design

Design Your Own Software Website

With Unicorn Platform, you have complete control and flexibility over the design of your software website or landing page. You are not limited to premade templates and can create a fully customized design to match your brand.

Add Your Own Images and Graphics

Upload your own images, illustrations, logos, and icons to make the page visually engaging and on-brand. You have full access to our library of over 2 million royalty-free images, graphics and templates.

Pick Your Own Color Scheme

Select colors that match your brand guide or choose from our curated color palettes. You can adjust the color of backgrounds, text, buttons, highlights, and more.

Customize Page Layout

Adjust column structure, add or remove sections, change spacing, and reorder elements with an intuitive drag and drop interface.

Select Stylish Fonts

We offer a variety of stylish fonts to choose from. Pick different fonts for headlines, subheads, body text, and buttons. You have full control over size, spacing, and color.

Add Interactive Elements

Include interactive and engaging elements like image sliders, progress bars, pricing tables, timelines, and FAQ components. These elements create an interactive experience for your visitors.

Make It Responsive

Your software website will automatically adapt to mobile devices and tablets, but you can also customize the responsive design. Adjust column structure, font sizes, and components for the best experience on every screen size.

With the freedom and flexibility to design a fully customized software website, you can create an experience that resonates with your target users and makes a lasting impression. An attractive, on-brand design builds credibility and trust in your product. Unicorn Platform gives you the tools to make a stunning software website all on your own.

Built-in Analytics Help You Optimize Software Landing Page

Optimize Your Software Landing Page

To maximize the effectiveness of your software landing page, utilize the built-in analytics to gain insight into how visitors are interacting with your page. The analytics dashboard provides key metrics such as page views, bounce rate, conversion rate, and source of traffic.

Page Views

The number of times your page has been viewed. Monitor how this number changes over time to see if interest in your product is increasing or decreasing. Page views are a good indicator of how much traffic your page is receiving.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who leave your page without clicking through to another page. A high bounce rate means visitors are not engaging with your page. Consider revising content, design, or call-to-action placement to capture more interest.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as signing up or purchasing. Track your conversion rate to see if changes to the page are effective at driving more conversions. A/B test different variations of content and design to find what resonates most with your audience.

Traffic Sources

See where your visitors are coming from, whether it be organic search, social media, email marketing or other channels. Focus your optimization efforts on the traffic sources that are bringing the most visitors. Leverage the sources that are already working well and make improvements to underperforming sources.

Continuous Optimization

With the data provided in the analytics, you can make informed decisions about how to optimize your software landing page for maximum impact and conversions. Test changes to content, design, messaging, and more to find the right combination that reverberates with your target audience. What works for one type of visitor may not work for another, so ongoing optimization and experimentation are key.

The built-in analytics take the guesswork out of optimizing your software landing page. Data-driven insights and A/B testing will help you craft a page that speaks to your visitors and compels them to take action. With continuous refinement, you can achieve landing page perfection and skyrocket your conversions.

For more information on creating a highly effective SaaS landing page and optimizing it for maximum conversions, explore this informative article on the Unicorn Platform blog: Drag and Drop Your Way to a Tailwind SaaS Landing Page.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions About Unicorn Platform

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is a no-code website and blog builder that allows anyone to easily create and customize software product landing pages and websites without any coding skills required.

How does Unicorn Platform work?

Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop interface to design and build your software landing page or website. With a library of pre-designed blocks and elements, you can simply drag and drop to add things like:

  • Images
  • Text
  • Buttons
  • Forms
  • Video
  • Countdown timer
  • Pricing table
  • Blog posts
  • And more

You have full control over the look and feel by changing colors, fonts, spacing, and arranging everything to your liking. Once you have the design you want, you can instantly publish your landing page or website with the click of a button.

Do I need technical skills to use Unicorn Platform?

No, Unicorn Platform is 100% no-code, so no technical skills are required. Anyone can easily build software product landing pages and websites without knowing how to code.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform offers simple and affordable pricing plans starting at $29/month. We have options for solopreneurs, small teams, and enterprise businesses. All plans include unlimited landing pages, websites, hosting, and 24/7 support.

What integrations does Unicorn Platform offer?

Unicorn Platform integrates with popular third-party tools like:

  • Email marketing: Mailchimp, Aweber, ActiveCampaign
  • Chat: Drift, Intercom, Crisp
  • Analytics: Google Analytics
  • And more coming soon!

These integrations allow you to connect the tools you already use to enhance your software landing pages and websites.


As you've seen, Unicorn Platform offers an easy solution for creating elegant software landing pages and product websites without needing any coding skills. Their drag and drop builder allows you to choose from designer-made templates and customize everything to match your brand in minutes. For startups and companies launching new tech products, a polished landing page is essential to convey professionalism, build excitement, and convert visitors into customers or beta testers. With Unicorn Platform's simple yet powerful page builder, you have an affordable way to craft a high-quality landing page and get your software in front of audiences right away. The future of your product launch awaits - give Unicorn Platform a try today.

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Built on Unicorn Platform