Restaurant Landing Page Template Free: A Simple Solution

published on 28 August 2023

As an entrepreneur, you need an online presence to help market your business. However, building a custom website requires technical skills and time that you may not have. Using a drag and drop website builder is an easy solution to quickly launch a professional site. With Unicorn Platform, you can create an effective restaurant landing page in minutes using their free template. Check out their blog post on how to build a stylish food landing page in minutes for more tips and tricks.

What Is a Restaurant Landing Page Template?

A restaurant landing page template is a pre-designed webpage layout that provides an easy starting point for creating your restaurant's website. Using a template can save you time and money versus designing a custom page from scratch. The template typically includes:

  • A banner image at the top to showcase your cuisine or restaurant ambiance
  • An about section where you describe your restaurant, cuisine, and mission
  • A menu section to highlight your offerings, prices, and photos of popular dishes
  • An events or news section to promote specials, catering services, or press mentions
  • Social media links so visitors can connect with you on platforms like Facebook and Instagram
  • A contact section with your phone number, email, and address for reservations or inquiries

To get started, choose a template that fits your restaurant's style and brand image. Then customize the template by uploading your own photos, adding your menu items, and inputting your contact information and social media details. You can change fonts, colors, and layouts as needed to match your branding.

Why Use a Landing Page Template?

Using a pre-designed landing page template offers several benefits:

  • Saves time. You can have a landing page up and running quickly without spending hours designing the layout and format.
  • Low cost. Most landing page templates are very affordable or even free. This can save money versus hiring a web designer.
  • Optimized for lead generation. The templates are designed specifically to capture leads, so they include key elements like calls-to-action, lead capture forms, and social sharing buttons.
  • Easy to customize. While the templates provide a ready-made design, you can still customize the page to reflect your unique brand by adding your content, photos, logos, and styling.
  • Mobile-friendly. Most landing page templates are built to display well on mobile devices, which is important since many people search for local restaurants on their smartphones.
  • Professionally designed. The templates are created by designers, so they look polished and help you appear more established. You get an attractive landing page without the high design costs.

In summary, using a pre-made restaurant landing page template can help you launch a professional website quickly, easily, and affordably so you can start generating more leads and reservations. With some customization, the template provides an elegant solution for any restaurant.

Why You Need a Restaurant Landing Page Template Free?

A restaurant landing page is essential for any food service business. It allows you to make a great first impression, share your story, and convert visitors into customers.

Why You Need a Restaurant Landing Page

An effective landing page serves several important purposes for your restaurant:

  • It introduces your restaurant concept and cuisine to new visitors. Share details about your style of food, ambiance, and what makes your restaurant unique. This helps set the right expectations and attracts customers who will appreciate what you offer.
  • It builds trust and credibility. Include professional photos of your food, restaurant space, and staff. Feature positive reviews and testimonials from happy customers. Highlight any awards or media coverage you’ve received. This social proof helps establish your restaurant as a reputable, quality establishment.
  • It captures leads and email subscribers. Have an email signup form prominently displayed on your landing page. Offer an incentive like a discount or free item to encourage people to subscribe. Building an email list allows you to market to potential customers repeatedly and keep your restaurant at the top of their mind.
  • It drives bookings and sales. The goal of any landing page is to prompt visitors to take action, whether that’s making a reservation, placing an order for takeout or delivery, or purchasing a gift card. Include clear calls-to-action that make it easy for people to become paying customers.

A custom landing page designed for your unique restaurant brand is invaluable. It gives you an opportunity to make a stellar first impression, build trust in your business, capture customer information, and increase sales and bookings. For any restaurant, a dedicated landing page should be an essential part of your digital marketing strategy.

Components of a High-Converting Restaurant Landing Page

A high-converting restaurant landing page has several key components that work together to attract visitors and convert them into customers.


Include eye-catching photos of your food, restaurant interior, and happy customers. Images are essential for showcasing your brand and the experience you offer. Have a featured hero image at the top of the page, along with a gallery of other photos further down the page. For best results, use high-quality, professionally shot photos.


Your headline should capture the attention of visitors immediately and convey your key benefits or differentiators. Some examples include:

  • “Authentic Italian Cuisine in the Heart of the City”
  • “Upscale yet Affordable Fine Dining”
  • “Farm-to-Table Ingredients. Locally-Sourced Flavors.”

Keep your headline concise while highlighting what makes your restaurant unique.


The copy on your landing page expands on your headline and images, providing more details about your restaurant, menu, ambiance, and more. Explain what visitors can expect from their experience. Discuss how you stand out from competitors. Share a bit of your restaurant’s story or origins. Help visitors visualize the tastes, smells, sounds, and overall atmosphere. Engaging copy helps build a connection between your visitors and brand.


A clear call-to-action or CTA tells visitors what you want them to do next, such as make a reservation or view your menu. The CTA should be prominently placed on your landing page, using an eye-catching button or link. When visitors click, they should be taken directly to your online reservation system or menu page. An effective CTA helps convert interested visitors into paying customers.

Contact Information

Be sure to list your address, phone number, website, and hours of operation on your landing page. Visitors will look for this information to learn how to get in touch or visit your restaurant. Providing full, accurate contact details builds additional trust and credibility for your brand.

With the right combination of images, copy, calls-to-action, and contact information, your restaurant landing page can become a valuable tool for attracting and converting new customers. Focus on highlighting what makes your restaurant unique and help visitors fully visualize the experience you offer. Keep your content concise yet compelling, and place CTAs prominently to encourage visitors to take the next step.

Choose a Restaurant Landing Page Template Free
Choose a Restaurant Landing Page Template Free

Choose a Restaurant Landing Page Template Free

Choosing a pre-designed restaurant landing page template is an easy way to quickly launch your online presence. Templates provide a simple framework with the basic elements already in place so you can focus on customizing the content.

Design Options

There are a variety of free restaurant landing page templates with different layouts and styles to suit your needs. Options may include:

  • Modern and minimalist templates with large images, simple fonts, and ample white space. These convey an elegant, polished feel.
  • Casual and cheerful templates with handwritten fonts, watercolor accents, and a more whimsical style. These templates are well-suited for family-friendly, casual dining restaurants.
  • Traditional templates with serif fonts, darker color palettes, and decorative elements like badges or borders. These templates convey a timeless, established feel suitable for upscale or fine dining restaurants.
  • Mobile-optimized templates that look great on all devices. Given that many visitors will view your site on mobile phones or tablets, a responsive design is essential.


Once you choose a template, you can fully customize the content and styling. You may add or change:

  • Images: Upload photos of your food, staff, restaurant interior, etc. Large, high-quality photos help to capture attention and convey your brand.
  • Text: Modify or replace the sample text with details about your restaurant, cuisine, and story. Share what makes your restaurant unique to build authenticity and connection.
  • Logo and colors: Replace the stock logo and colors with your official logo and brand palette. This helps to create instant brand recognition.
  • Layout: Move around or remove sections to best highlight what is most important for your restaurant. Add maps, opening hours, contact forms or other relevant details.
  • And more: Change fonts, update icons, add animations, embed social media feeds or review platforms, etc. The options for customization are extensive.

With a few simple changes, a pre-made restaurant landing page template can become a beautiful, effective website to help promote your restaurant online. Choosing a template is an easy first step to launching your digital presence.

Add Stunning Restaurant Images and Visuals

To showcase your restaurant’s style and cuisine, include high-quality images and visuals on your landing page. Vivid photos of delicious food, an elegant dining room, and happy customers will entice visitors and give them a taste of your restaurant experience.

Include Photos of Signature Dishes and Presentation

Feature photos of your most popular or innovative menu items. Close-up shots displaying gourmet ingredients and artful presentation are ideal. For extra appeal, use photos of the actual dishes served to customers. Images of beautifully plated food will make visitors’ mouths water and desire a reservation.

Highlight Your Dining Space

Photos of your dining room, bar, patio or any seating area help visitors visualize enjoying a meal in your space. Wide-angle shots showing stylish decor, high ceilings, natural lighting or any architectural details will spotlight your restaurant's ambiance. For a cozy bistro or cafe, close-up photos of small details like place settings, mugs or decorative accents are perfect.

Include Real Customer Photos

Authentic images of happy customers socializing, laughing or raising a toast make a memorable impression. When featuring photos of real patrons, be sure to obtain their permission first. For privacy, you can also stage generic photos of models or staff enjoying a meal. Real or staged, these types of social-centric photos help build connection and community with your visitors.

To summarize, fill your landing page with high-resolution, professionally photographed or curated images representing:

  • Signature menu items and artful presentation
  • Your stylish dining space and ambiance
  • Real or staged photos of customers enjoying the experience

A combination of food, atmosphere and social photos will give visitors a well-rounded preview of your restaurant and entice them to stop by in person. With a variety of stunning visuals, your landing page is sure to capture their attention and appetite.

Include a Clear Call to Action

A clear call to action (CTA) is essential for any landing page. It gives visitors a next step to take and helps convert them into customers or subscribers. For a restaurant landing page, an effective CTA could be:

Book a Table


View Our Menu

Place your primary CTA prominently on the page, such as at the top right. This makes it easy for visitors to spot and click as soon as they land on the page. You can also include secondary CTAs further down the page next to relevant content. For example, have a “Book Now” or “Order Online” button next to your hours of operation and location information.

To drive the most conversions, follow these best practices for your call to action buttons:

  • Use an active verb like “Book Now” or “Learn More”. These express what the user will accomplish by clicking.
  • Make the CTA button large, bold and a contrasting color from the background. This makes it visually stand out.
  • Clearly state what the user will get by clicking. For example, “View Our Dinner Menu” or “Make a Reservation for Tonight”.
  • Place the CTA near the end of each section. This takes the user through your key information before asking them to take action.
  • Have only one primary CTA on the page. Don’t confuse visitors or distract them with too many choices.
  • Link the CTA to the appropriate destination. For a restaurant, send visitors to your online reservation system or digital menu.
  • Track clicks on your CTA buttons to see which ones are most effective. Make changes as needed to optimize your landing page.
  • Test different CTAs against each other using a tool like Google Optimize. See which variations drive the most clicks and conversions.

An effective call to action is key to maximizing the impact of your landing page. Follow these best practices and continue optimizing to improve your results over time. With a clear CTA, you'll turn more website visitors into happy customers enjoying a meal at your restaurant.

Add Social Proof With Customer Reviews and Testimonials

To build trust and social proof on your landing page, include customer reviews and testimonials. People want to see what others say about your business before becoming a customer themselves.

Add Reviews from Well-Known Review Sites

If your business is listed on sites like Yelp, Google, or Facebook, embed a few of the best reviews from each platform. Choose reviews that mention specific details about the great experience the customer had. These help to build credibility since potential customers recognize and trust these brands.

Ask Happy Customers for Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are very compelling. Ask a few loyal customers if they would be willing to record a short video sharing their experience. Keep videos to 30 seconds or less. Use quotes from the videos on your landing page and link to the full testimonial.

Feature Written Testimonials from Key Customers

Written testimonials from important or well-known customers carry a lot of weight. Reach out to key customers and ask if they would provide a brief written testimonial you can use on your site. Be specific in your request by suggesting they mention details about how they benefited or what they value most about your services.

Share Ratings and Reviews on Social Media

Don’t just embed reviews on your landing page. Also, post them on social media platforms where your customers and potential customers spend time. Share new reviews when you get them to keep your social pages active and build your credibility over time. Tag the customer in the post when possible to show your appreciation for their business and loyalty.

Using social proof from real customer reviews establishes your reputation and builds trust, giving visitors the confidence to do business with your company. Combine reviews from multiple sources for the biggest impact. Keep them authentic by only featuring real customer feedback you've earned. With time and consistency, customer reviews can become a vital part of your marketing strategy and landing page results.

Include All Relevant Restaurant Information
Include All Relevant Restaurant Information

Include All Relevant Restaurant Information

To provide visitors with all the relevant details about your restaurant, be sure to include the following information on your landing page:

Contact Information

List your restaurant’s address, phone number, email, and any social media profiles to make it easy for customers to get in touch. You should also embed an interactive Google Map on your page showing your exact location.

Hours of Operation

Clearly state your hours of business, including any seasonal changes or holidays. Be specific by listing opening and closing times for each day of the week. This allows customers to know exactly when they can dine at your establishment.


Give visitors a glimpse of your cuisine by highlighting some of the dishes and options from your menu. You can feature photos of popular menu items or link to your full menu PDF for guests to download. Listing your menu, or at least parts of it, helps visitors determine if your fare suits their tastes before they visit your restaurant.

Reservation Policy

Explain how customers can make dinner reservations and any requirements like minimum party size or maximum table time. Be sure to note if you accept both call-in and online reservations and how far in advance booking is recommended, especially for large parties. Clearly stating your reservation policy helps manage expectations and ensures an optimal dining experience for all guests.

Private Events

If you offer special event spaces or catering services, provide details on hosting weddings, corporate events, or other private parties at your restaurant. Outline the types of events you can accommodate, your seating capacity, available amenities, and contact information for booking inquiries. Promoting your event services exposes your restaurant to a wider audience and additional revenue opportunities.

Reviews and Testimonials

Feature a selection of reviews and testimonials from your happy customers. Positive reviews from diners who have enjoyed their experience at your restaurant help to build trust and credibility for potential new guests. Keep reviews authentic but choose those that highlight the quality of food, excellent service, and overall dining atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Restaurant Landing Pages

As with any website, questions may arise about various aspects of your restaurant landing page. Here are some of the frequently asked questions and their answers:

How do I create a restaurant landing page?

To create a restaurant landing page, follow these basic steps:

  1. Choose a landing page builder like Unicorn Platform that offers restaurant-specific templates. Select a template that matches your brand and cuisine.
  2. Customize the template by adding your logo, images of your food and location, and content highlighting your menu, specials, location, hours, and more.
  3. Include an email opt-in form so visitors can subscribe to your newsletter or mailing list. Offer an incentive like a discount or free appetizer to encourage signups.
  4. Add social sharing buttons so visitors can spread the word about your restaurant on networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  5. Ensure your contact information and links to your restaurant's website and social media profiles are prominently displayed. Make it easy for visitors to get in touch or learn more.
  6. Preview and test your landing page to check for any issues before publishing. Get feedback from others as well to identify any needed improvements.
  7. Once published, track key metrics like page views, email signups, and social shares to see how your landing page is performing and make changes to optimize it.

How much does a restaurant landing page cost?

The cost to create a restaurant landing page can vary depending on the solution you choose. Using a drag and drop website builder with ready-made templates is typically very budget-friendly, ranging from free to around $20 per month. Hiring a web designer to custom build your landing page from scratch will be significantly more expensive, typically starting around $500 to $5,000 or higher depending on the complexity.

Do I really need a restaurant landing page?

A dedicated landing page for your restaurant can be very beneficial. It allows you to:

  • Promote your restaurant's menu, specials and location in one place.
  • Build your email list by capturing visitor information.
  • Increase brand awareness through social sharing.
  • Improve search engine optimization by focusing on relevant keywords for your cuisine and location.
  • Provide a good first impression by highlighting what makes your restaurant unique.
  • Analyze how visitors are interacting with and responding to your content so you can optimize it.
  • Keep visitors engaged with your latest updates, news, events and more.

So in summary, yes a restaurant landing page is highly recommended as an important part of your digital marketing strategy. With the right approach, it can significantly impact your visibility and success.


As you can see, creating an effective landing page for your restaurant can be simple when utilizing a free drag and drop builder like Unicorn Platform. Their template provides an easy to customize solution that allows you to focus on what really matters - your business and customers. Your restaurant is unique, your story is unique, and your landing page should reflect that. With just a few clicks, you can have a professional looking landing page up and running today to start driving more customers and increasing engagement. Why wait? Give your restaurant the online presence it deserves and take advantage of this powerful yet simple tool. Success is just a few clicks away.

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