Build an Event Landing Page Without Coding

updated on 05 July 2024

As an event organizer, you know that a high-converting event landing page is key to driving registrations and ticket sales. However, building an effective landing page often requires technical skills like HTML, CSS, and web design that you may not have. Using a drag and drop landing page builder is an easy way to create a professional event landing page without any coding required. With an intuitive visual editor, you can simply drag and drop sections like headers, images, countdown timers, registration forms, and more to build a landing page that achieves your conversion goals. Save time, avoid technical headaches, and focus on promoting your event. A DIY landing page builder puts the power to create in your hands.

What Is an Event Landing Page?

An event landing page is a web page specifically designed to promote an upcoming event. It serves as a centralized hub for all event details and registration. Building an effective event landing page is key to driving attendance and participation.

As an event organizer, you should create an event landing page to:

  • Provide all relevant event information in one place. This includes the event name, date, time, location, agenda, speakers, and more.
  • Make event registration simple and straightforward. Include an easy-to-find registration button or form on the page where people can purchase tickets or register to attend.
  • Build excitement and drive interest in your event. Use visuals like event photos, graphics, or video to give people a sense of what the experience will be like. Share details on activities, giveaways, entertainment, or social elements of the event.
  • Capture contact information from interested attendees. Ask people to submit their name and email address to get updates on event news, special offers, and more. This also allows you to stay in touch with them after the event.
  • Promote your event across marketing channels. An event landing page gives you a centralized link to share on social media, email campaigns, advertising, and anywhere else you are promoting your event.

By providing a dedicated landing page for your event with all relevant details and an easy registration process, you make it simple for people to learn more about your event and sign up to attend. An event landing page is the key to turning interest into participation and driving success for your event.

Why You Need a Dedicated Event Landing Page

As an event organizer, a dedicated landing page for your event is essential. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Heightened credibility. A custom landing page makes your event appear more professional and legitimate to attendees. It establishes your brand and expertise in the subject matter or industry.
  • Improved user experience. An optimized landing page provides a smooth experience for visitors looking to register or buy tickets. It guides them through the necessary steps and details about your event in an intuitive way.
  • Increased conversions. Well-designed landing pages have been shown to boost conversion rates by up to 300% compared to a standard page on your main website. They allow you to tailor copy, images, and calls-to-action (CTAs) specifically for your event.
  • Captured leads. An event landing page lets you generate leads and build your email list by offering a free download or other resource in exchange for contact information. You can then re-market to those leads and drive more registrations.
  • Valuable analytics. Dedicated landing pages provide analytics data specifically about your event and marketing campaigns. You can see how visitors are engaging with your content, where they are coming from, and optimize to improve results.
  • Flexibility. Using an easy landing page builder gives you the freedom to make changes to your event page quickly and as needed. You can update details, add countdown timers, feature new speakers, increase urgency and scarcity, and more with just a few clicks.

In summary, event landing pages are a must for any successful conference, webinar, meetup, or other event. They enable you to promote your event, capture leads, boost conversions, and gain key insights—all in an optimized space. The benefits to your event marketing and attendee experience are huge.

If you're looking for an easy way to build your event landing page without coding, check out Unicorn Platform's easy conference and seminar landing page builder. With its drag-and-drop builder and customizable templates, you can create a stunning and effective landing page in minutes.

Elements of an Effective Event Landing Page Design

To create an effective event landing page without coding, focus on these key elements:

Clear Headline

The headline should capture the essence of your event in a few compelling words. For example, “The Future of Marketing Summit” or “Learn, Connect, Grow Conference.” Use an H1 header for prominence.

Engaging Hero Image

Select an eye-catching image that conveys the theme or experience of your event. For a conference, show attendees engaged in a presentation or networking. For a fundraiser, feature a impactful photo related to your cause. The hero image should draw visitors in and set the right tone.

Brief but Impactful Copy

  • Write 2-3 short paragraphs highlighting the key details of your event like date, location, speakers, activities, or cause. Keep sentences concise and scannable.
  • Use a friendly, enthusiastic tone to generate excitement. For example, say “Join dozens of industry leaders for two days of innovation and big ideas!” rather than just listing the details.
  • Include bulleted lists of event features, schedule highlights or reasons to attend for easy reading.

Registration or Ticket Section

Make it simple for visitors to register or purchase tickets right from your landing page. Include details on any early bird or group discounts to encourage sign-ups. Offer multiple ticket tiers if relevant.

Social Proof

Feature tweets, reviews or testimonials from past attendees, sponsors or relevant industry influencers. Their positive words will build trust in your event and prompt others to register or donate. You can also show how many tickets have sold to create a fear of missing out.

Prominent Call to Action

End your page with a bold call to action like “Register Now” or “Buy Tickets” to motivate visitors to take the next step. Place the CTA button prominently on the page, repeating it below the fold if possible.

An effective event landing page with these key elements will generate greater interest, increase registrations and drive more attendees to your event. Focus on a simple yet compelling design and clear, friendly copy to make the registration process as easy as possible for your visitors.

Examples of event landing pages

To give you an idea of what makes an effective event landing page, below are a few examples of well-designed landing pages and the elements that make them successful:

TED Conference

TED Conferences are renowned for their innovative and impactful events. Their event landing pages reflect this, with:

  • A bold, minimalistic design that spotlights stunning event photography
  • A clear event title, date, location and registration button above the fold
  • A paragraph highlighting the purpose and experience attendees can expect
  • Logos of prominent past speakers and partners to build credibility
  • Simple navigation to view the full speaker lineup, schedule, travel info and more

Product Launch Event by Anthropic

For their AI product launch, Anthropic created a sleek landing page with:

  • A countdown timer to build excitement for the upcoming event
  • A product video teaser and company branding prominently displayed
  • Sections outlining the event agenda, speaker bios, venue details, and FAQs
  • Social sharing buttons to spread the word about the event on networks
  • A contrasting call-to-action button that stands out, encouraging visitors to register

Conference by Hubspot

Hubspot, a leader in inbound marketing and sales, uses their event landing pages to highlight:

  • Their brand identity with company colors, logos and professional imagery
  • A clear headline with date and location, a hero shot of the venue space
  • An enthusiastic description of networking, learning and entertainment opportunities
  • Bios and headshots of keynote speakers from partner companies
  • Categorized breakout session details to allow attendees to customize their itinerary
  • Promotional offers like early bird pricing to increase signups

The examples above illustrate that successful event landing pages employ a strategy that establishes authority, builds excitement, and persuades visitors to register or purchase tickets to your event. With a polished design, a clear layout, enticing copy, and social proof from partners or past events, you can create an event landing page that will get attendees eagerly signing up to experience your event. For example, if you want to create a webinar sign-up landing page quickly and easily, you can use the drag-and-drop builder provided by Unicorn Platform, as described in this article. By highlighting what they will gain by attending, such as valuable information, networking or entertainment, you stand a strong chance of driving successful conversion rates and a sold-out event.

Choose an Appealing Event Landing Page Template
Choose an Appealing Event Landing Page Template

Choose an Appealing Event Landing Page Template

When building an event landing page without coding, choosing an appealing yet functional template is key. The template establishes the overall look and feel for your page, so select one that aligns with your event’s theme and intended audience.

Consider Your Event Type

For a conference or lecture, a sleek, minimalist template may be suitable. A template with bold graphics and visuals could work well for a festival or social event. Templates with an informal or whimsical style may match a networking or team-building event. Review options from the landing page builder and determine which is the best fit for your event’s tone and purpose.

Preview Mobile Responsiveness

With increasing mobile traffic, your event landing page must display properly on smartphones and tablets. Preview how templates appear on various screen sizes to choose one with a responsive design that automatically adapts to different devices. If the template is not mobile-friendly, you risk losing potential attendees who first view your page on their phones.

Check Key Elements

The ideal template will include spaces for:

  • Event name, date(s) and location
  • Ticket purchasing or free registration form
  • Event description or agenda details
  • Sponsor logos or event partner mentions (if applicable)
  • Sharable social media links and icons
  • Eye-catching visuals like images, graphics or videos
  • Call-to-action buttons like “Register Now” or “Buy Tickets”

Customize and Personalize

Once you select a template, customize it to match your event’s specific details and branding. Add your event name and dates, update colors and fonts, insert your own visual media, and include other personalized touches. With an easy-to-use landing page builder, you can tweak the template to your satisfaction without needing to write a single line of code.

A well-chosen template customized to your event’s needs will give you an professional landing page to effectively promote your event and drive registration. Selecting an appealing yet functional template built for event pages is the first key step to developing an effective no-code event landing page.

Add Striking Visuals With Unicorn’s Image Library
Add Striking Visuals With Unicorn’s Image Library

Add Striking Visuals With Unicorn’s Image Library

Upload Images From Your Library

To make your landing page visually engaging, add images from Unicorn’s library of over 1 million royalty-free photos.

Search By Keyword

Use the search bar at the top of the image library to find relevant pictures by typing in keywords related to your event like “conference,” “networking,” or “workshop.” Unicorn will show you a selection of high-quality, professional images to choose from.

Filter By Category

If you have a general sense of the type of image you want but need some inspiration, filter the library by category. Options include business/work, technology, nature, abstract, and more. Browse the categories that match your event theme.

Check The License

All images in Unicorn’s library are licensed for commercial use. Double check that the specific image you want to use has a “CC0” license, meaning it is licensed for reuse without attribution. This allows you to use the image on your landing page without needing to credit the creator.

Download Or Save To Your Library

Once you find an image you like, you have two options:

  1. Download the image to your computer to upload to your landing page. Make sure the image is high resolution (at least 1000px wide) for the best quality.
  2. Save the image to your Unicorn library. This stores the image within the builder for easy access whenever you want to use it again. Your library syncs between the web and mobile apps.

Add Images To Your Page

Whether you downloaded the images or saved them to your library, adding them to your landing page is simple. Just drag and drop the image onto your page and drop it in the desired position. You can also double click the image to open the editor and enter an alt text description, adjust the size, add a link, and more.

Using engaging visuals is key to creating an eye-catching landing page. Unicorn’s image library gives you an incredible selection of free photos to make your page visually stunning and keep visitors interested. Add images of your event venue, speakers, attendees, or anything else that matches your event theme.

With Unicorn’s simple yet powerful features, designing an professional event landing page is easy even with no coding experience. Let your creativity shine through and make an page that wows your attendees!

Include a Registration Form to Capture Leads

To maximize lead generation from your event landing page, be sure to include an registration or sign-up form. An effective form should:

Gather Essential Information

Request basic details from attendees to register them for your event, such as:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Company name (if applicable)
  • Job title (if applicable)

You may also want to ask optional questions about attendees’ interests or role to help personalize their experience. Keep the form short and simple, with only 3 to 5 required fields.

Make it Mobile-Friendly

With more and more people accessing the web via mobile devices, your registration form must display well on smaller screens. Use a responsive form builder that automatically adapts to different viewport sizes. Large fonts, minimal form fields, and plenty of white space will make the form easy to complete on a mobile phone or tablet.

Provide Value and Build Trust

Explain exactly how attendees’ information will be used and the value they will receive in exchange. For example, “By registering, you'll get access to event updates, speaker announcements, and exclusive promo codes for our partners.”Be transparent about your privacy policy and how you will or won’t share their details. Building trust will increase conversion rates.

Include Calls-to-Action

Place conspicuous “Register Now” or “Sign Up” buttons prominently on your page to prompt visitors to take the desired action. Use emotive language and visuals to inspire them to register immediately. You might offer an incentive like “Register this week to save 50% on tickets.” Limited time offers create urgency and boost conversions.

An optimized registration form is key to capturing leads and driving event success. Focus on a simple yet compelling user experience, and you'll turn more website visitors into registered attendees.

Feature Your Event Agenda Prominently

To effectively feature your event agenda on the landing page, there are several best practices to keep in mind:

Include Details About the Event Schedule and Format

  • Specify the date(s), time(s), and location(s) of your event clearly at the top of the page. Include time zones if it is a virtual event.
  • List the agenda items, breakout sessions, keynote speeches or panels in chronological order. For multi-day events, break up the schedule by day.
  • Describe the format and flow of the event. Will there be presentations, panels, workshops, networking opportunities, or other activities? Give attendees a sense of what to expect.

Highlight Key Speakers, Special Guests and Topics

  • Feature headshots and bios of keynote speakers, special guests or discussion panelists. Mention their role in the event and topic(s) they will cover.
  • Call out important or popular topics, presentations or activities that will likely draw interest from your target audience. This helps them determine what is most valuable or relevant for them to attend.

Use Visual Elements to Reinforce Key Points

  • Images of your venue, past events or speakers help visitors visualize what they can look forward to.
  • An event timeline, schedule or agenda laid out in graphic form is easier to read at a glance. Consider including one at the top of your page.
  • For virtual events, screenshots or video clips give a preview into the online experience.

Provide Clear Next Steps for Attendees

  • Explain how attendees can register or purchase tickets for your event. Give links to do so prominently on the page.
  • For virtual events, include links or instructions for accessing the online event platform. Do attendees need to download any software or apps to participate? Provide those details.
  • Let attendees know if any pre-event preparation or resources will be provided. Give a timeline for when they can expect updates or access to those materials.

Following these best practices will result in an event landing page that effectively showcases all the important details of your event agenda in a clear, compelling and actionable way for attendees. Prospective guests will have a full sense of what to expect at your event and how to get involved.

Build Event Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

To build an event landing page on the Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

1. Select an Event Landing Page Template

The Unicorn Platform offers stylish, pre-made templates to choose from. Select one that matches your event’s theme and branding. Some options include:

  • Conference template: For seminars, summits and conferences. Includes schedule, speaker and venue sections.
  • Webinar template: Perfect for promoting and registering for your online event. Includes countdown timer, video section and call-to-action.
  • Workshop template: Great for hands-on, educational events. Highlights instructor bios, class details and signup form.

2. Customize the Template

Once you’ve chosen a template, you can fully customize it to suit your needs. Add your:

  • Event name and date(s)
  • Location (for in-person events) or webinar link (for online events)
  • Event description to share all the details with attendees
  • Speaker or instructor bios and headshots (if applicable)
  • An eye-catching event image or video
  • Call-to-action buttons like “Register Now” or “Get Tickets”

3. Set Up Event Registration

Include a registration or ticketing form on your landing page so attendees can sign up for your event. Simply drag and drop the signup form element onto your page and connect it to your email marketing or ticketing service. Some options include:

  1. Mailchimp: Embed a signup form to collect emails and promote your event.
  2. Eventbrite: Sell tickets directly on your landing page. Eventbrite handles all the details.
  3. PayPal: Add a PayPal form to collect payments for your paid event.

4. Launch and Promote Your Page!

Once your event landing page is complete, launch it and start promoting it on social media, your website, email newsletters and anywhere else your audience may be found. Drive traffic to your landing page and get attendees signed up for your upcoming event.

The easy to use Unicorn Platform makes creating an beautiful event landing page simple. In just a few steps, you can design a stylish landing page, customize it with your event details, set up registration, and launch your campaign. Promote your event and start getting attendees today!


As you've seen, creating an event landing page has never been easier. With the right tools and a little guidance, anyone can build a stylish, high-converting landing page for their event. Focus on a clean design, strong calls-to-action, and concise copy that speaks to your attendees' interests. Keep your page simple but bold. Don't be afraid to use eye-catching images and multimedia to bring your event vision to life. Build hype, drive registrations, and get people excited about your event. With the power of an optimized landing page in your hands, the possibilities for engagement and impact are endless. Now go unleash your creativity and start designing an event page that will leave a lasting impression.

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Built on Unicorn Platform