Build Your Event Speaker Landing Page in Minutes

published on 30 June 2023

As an event speaker or author launching a new book, promoting your work is key to success. However, creating an effective landing page to capture email subscribers and generate buzz can be time-consuming and complicated if you lack technical skills. With a simple yet powerful page builder tool, you can design a professional landing page for your speaking gig or book launch in just minutes without needing to code.

What Is an Event Speaker Landing Page and Why Do You Need One?

As an event speaker, creating a dedicated landing page is one of the best ways to promote your talks, share your experience and expertise, and connect with your audience. A landing page acts as a centralized hub for all of your speaking engagements in one place.

  • What is an event speaker landing page? It's a simple one-page website that provides details about you as a speaker, your areas of expertise, and any upcoming or past speaking events you have delivered at. It allows you to give event organizers and attendees everything they need to know about booking or seeing you speak in one convenient location.
  • Why do you need one? An event speaker landing page establishes you as an authority in your field and makes you more discoverable to event organizers looking for industry experts. It's a place where you can share details about your experience, qualifications, speaking topics, reviews and testimonials to build credibility and trust. Your landing page also gives you more control over your digital presence and branding.
  • How do you create an effective event speaker landing page? Focus on a simple, clean design and include the following elements:
  • A headshot and short, compelling bio highlighting your experience and expertise.
  • A list of your most popular speaking topics, presentations, and workshops. Provide titles, descriptions and key takeaways for each.
  • Reviews, testimonials or a video reel from past events. Social proof builds trust and credibility.
  • An email signup form so people can request to book you for an event or get updates on your latest talks.
  • Your social media profiles and website links. Make it easy for people to connect with you.

With an optimized event speaker landing page, you'll open yourself up to more opportunities, build authority in your industry, and create meaningful connections with your audiences. What are you waiting for? Start promoting your speaking today!

Choose a Landing Page Template to Get Started

To get started building your event speaker landing page, choose one of Unicorn Platform’s professionally-designed templates. We offer templates for event speakers, online course creators, authors, and more. Select a template that aligns with your brand and the type of offering you want to promote.

Once you’ve chosen a template, customize the page to match your brand. Change the colors, fonts, and layout to reflect your brand’s visual identity. You can also add your logo and brand colors with just a few clicks.

Next, add an eye-catching headline and hero image to capture visitors’ attention. For event speakers, you might say something like: “Hire an unforgettable keynote speaker.” Choose an image of you on stage or presenting to help visitors visualize you speaking at their event.

Then, in a few short paragraphs, describe yourself and your experience as a speaker. Highlight any awards, accomplishments or major events you’ve spoken at. Share why you’re qualified to speak on your chosen topics. Mention if you have any signature keynotes or talks. Build your credibility and social proof.

Include a “Book Me” call to action button prominently on the page so event organizers can easily get in touch to check your availability and fees.

Finally, feature client testimonials and reviews on the page. Quotes and stories from happy clients are extremely persuasive. Event organizers want reassurance that you're easy to work with and able to wow an audience.

If you're hosting a webinar, you might want to take a look at our guide to building a gorgeous webinar landing page in minutes to make sure your landing page is as effective as possible.

With an eye-catching Unicorn Platform landing page and a few hours of customization, you'll have an effective new lead generation tool for your speaking business in no time. Event organizers won’t be able to resist getting in touch!

Drag and Drop Your Way to a Custom Landing Page

Customize With Ease

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop builder allows you to effortlessly create a custom landing page for your event or book launch. No coding skills are required to make a professional page that matches your brand.

Simply select a template that suits your needs and adjust the elements to your liking. Add images, text, videos and more by dragging the desired components onto your page. You have full control over the layout, styling and content.

  1. Choose a template. Options include event, book launch, online course and coming soon landing pages. Each is fully customizable to your needs.
  2. Add images. Upload your own photos or choose from thousands of free stock photos. Adjust the size, add borders and set the focal point.
  3. Include eye-catching headlines. Share the name of your event, book title or course in an large, bold font to capture attention. You can also add subtitles and taglines.
  4. Share the details. Add sections to highlight the date and time, location, speakers, schedule or book synopsis and purchase links. Bullet points and numbered lists make this information easy to read.
  5. Add extras like videos, social media links or email signup forms. Videos help to promote your event or product in an engaging way. Links and signup forms allow visitors to connect and stay up to date with news.
  6. Preview and publish. See exactly how your page will appear to visitors and make any final changes before publishing to your website. Your custom landing page will be mobile responsive and SEO optimized.

With a simple yet powerful page builder at your fingertips, creating a high-quality landing page for your next event, book launch or online course is fast and frustration-free. You have the flexibility to design a page that matches your unique brand and needs. Best of all, no technical skills are required to build a professional landing page using Unicorn Platform.

Add Eye-Catching Images and Videos

To create an engaging event speaker landing page, visually compelling images and videos are essential. ###High-Quality Photos

Include a professional headshot of yourself as the featured speaker. A friendly, approachable image where you're smiling and making eye contact with the camera works well. You might also add photos of yourself speaking at previous events or in a more casual, relatable pose.

  • Use authentic, high-resolution photos (minimum 1000 x 1000 pixels)
  • Choose photos that match your brand and the event's vibe
  • Include alt text for accessibility and SEO


If available, embed a short video of you giving a talk or presentation. This allows visitors to get a sense of your style, energy, and expertise as a speaker. Keep videos under 2 minutes in length and place them prominently near the top of your page.

  1. Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo and embed the link on your page.
  2. Choose a video that showcases your abilities and connects with the target audience.
  3. Include captions for accessibility and video transcription on your page for SEO.

Design Elements

Incorporate visual design elements like logos, banners, icons, and color accents to give your page a polished, professional look. Use the event organizer's logo and brand colors when possible to create visual cohesion.

  • Add your own logo and brand colors to build recognition
  • Use high-quality stock images and graphics to illustrate key points
  • Ensure all images and videos are optimized for web (compressed file sizes)

An impactful selection of photos, videos, and graphics will bring your event speaker landing page to life and capture visitors' interest. With compelling visuals and a reader-friendly layout, you'll turn casual visitors into engaged audience members in no time. Keep your content authentic, concise, and consistent for the best results.

Include a Persuasive Headline and Subheading

To maximize conversions, your speaker landing page must have a persuasive headline and subheading. These elements are the first things visitors see, so they need to capture attention and convey your key message.

Craft a Compelling Headline

Your headline should be concise yet compelling, highlighting your expertise and the key benefit attendees will gain. Some examples include:

  • Ignite Your Audience: Storytelling Secrets From a Master Speaker
  • Transform Your Next Talk: How to Inspire and Engage Any Audience
  • Stand Out as a Conference Speaker: Lessons From the Main Stage

A good headline sparks interest in your talk while positioning you as an authority. Keep it to 6 words or less for maximum impact.

Include an Intriguing Subheading

Below the headline, include a subheading that further builds your credibility and intrigues visitors. For example:

  • “As featured on major media outlets like CNN, NPR and Forbes”
  • “Lessons from over 500 talks in 25 countries”
  • “Used by founders and executives to raise millions in funding”

An effective subheading highlights your experience and credentials as a speaker to establish your expertise and authority. This boosts your persuasiveness and gives visitors confidence in your abilities.

Use Power Words and Phrases

Include power words and phrases in your headline and subheading to capture interest, such as:

  • Ignite, inspire, transform
  • Secrets, lessons, master
  • Authority, featured, credentials

Power words give your messaging added intensity and urgency, encouraging visitors to learn more about booking you as a speaker.

An impactful headline and subheading are essential for converting visitors into leads. With a compelling headline, intriguing subheading, and strategic use of power words, you'll make a persuasive first impression and drive more speaking inquiries and bookings.

Share Details About Your Event Speaker

To build your event speaker landing page, you’ll want to provide details about your experience and credentials. Share specifics about your area of expertise, credentials, and speaking experience to establish your authority and build trust with your audience.

Your Area of Expertise

Describe the topic or subject area you speak on. Mention related areas you can also address. Use keywords and phrases your target audience would search for. For example:

  • Keynote speaker on leadership, team building and company culture
  • Expert in digital marketing, social media marketing and content marketing

Your Credentials and Certifications

List any degrees, certifications or other credentials that qualify you as an expert in your field. For example:

  1. PhD in Organizational Psychology from Stanford University
  2. Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
  3. Author of two bestselling books on productivity and time management

Your Speaking Experience

Provide details on events you’ve spoken at, especially well-known industry conferences and events. Mention audience sizes and any talks that were particularly well received. For example:

I’m a sought-after keynote speaker who has presented to audiences of over 5,000 at premier industry events such as Social Media Marketing World, Content Marketing Conference and Digital Summit. My talks on “The Future of Content Creation” and “10X Your Lead Generation with Video” received standing ovations from attendees.

Rave Reviews and Testimonials

Including quotes from organizers and attendees who praise your performance and expertise is a great way to build your authority and social proof. For example, "John’s thought-provoking talk gave us actionable insights into engaging Generation Z. His high-energy delivery and memorable stories kept our attendees captivated," said the Director of Marketing at XYZ Tech Conference. To increase your chances of being selected to speak at industry conferences and corporate events, follow these tips to share the details of your experience, credentials and expertise as an event speaker. You can also check out Unicorn Platform's Drag and Drop Builder to create landing pages for your events without coding. Here's an example of how to build an event landing page without coding.

Add a Mailing List Sign-Up Form

To convert more of your site visitors into subscribers and customers, adding an email signup form is crucial. Here are the steps to add a mailing list sign-up form to your event speaker landing page:

Choose Your Email Service Provider

Select an email service provider (ESP) like Mailchimp, Aweber, or ConvertKit to collect and manage your email list. They offer professional signup forms you can embed on your site. Mailchimp is a popular, user-friendly option for small businesses.

Create Your Signup Form

In your ESP account, design an email signup form to match your site’s style. You’ll need to choose a form style, add any images, and customize the text. For an event speaker site, consider a message like “Stay up to date with my latest talks and get priority access to tickets.” Keep the form short, with fields for just name and email address.

Choose Your Form Integration Method

Embed your signup form on your page in one of three ways:

  1. Generated HTML code - Your ESP will provide a snippet of HTML code to paste into your landing page. This integrates the form directly.
  2. Form widget - Some ESPs offer form widgets that let you drag and drop a pre-made form onto your page. This may require installing a plugin on your site.
  3. API integration - For developers, ESPs provide an API to create custom signup forms. This requires technical skills to set up but offers the most flexibility.

Place Your Form Prominently

Put your mailing list signup form in an easy-to-see spot on your landing page, like:

  • At the top of the page, just below the header
  • Next to your page’s main call-to-action button
  • In your page’s sidebar or footer

Make the form visually appealing and ensure there is strong contrast between the form and the surrounding elements so visitors notice and complete it.

Adding an email signup form is one of the most important things you can do to build your audience and gain new customers or clients. Choose a reputable ESP, create an engaging form, and place it prominently on your event speaker landing page. With a high-converting signup form, you'll grow your mailing list and open up new opportunities.

Book launch landing page
Book launch landing page

Book launch landing page

To create an effective book launch landing page, there are several key elements to include. A well-designed landing page will capture visitor interest, build excitement about your book, and convert readers into buyers or subscribers.

Book Details

Start with an eye-catching image of your book cover and a brief description of your book including the title, subtitle, and a one-sentence summary of what it’s about. Mention the book format (ebook, paperback, hardcover) and number of pages.

Author Bio

Include a professional headshot of yourself and a short bio highlighting your experience and qualifications. Keep this brief, around 2 to 3 sentences. Readers want to know you have expertise in your topic or genre.

Praise and Endorsements

If you have received any advance praise or endorsements from well-known authors, industry experts or publications in your genre, include 1 to 2 of the best quotes on your landing page. This social proof builds credibility and excitement.

  • "A must-read for any aspiring entrepreneur!" —John Doe, Founder of XYZ Company

Call to Action

The most important part of your landing page is a bold call to action telling readers what to do next. Offer options like:

  1. Pre-order the book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
  2. Join your book launch team to get exclusive updates and bonuses.
  3. Sign up for your email list to get a free chapter sample or reader resources.

Learn More (Optional)

If needed, you can include additional sections on your landing page to provide more details about your book topic, share news and updates, link to your media page, or talk about any special offers or bonuses for readers. Keep these sections concise and scannable.

An effective book launch landing page that includes all these elements will get readers excited about your new release, build your authority as an author, and convert visitors into loyal readers and fans. With some time and testing, you can optimize your landing page to maximize signups and pre-orders.

Why to choose Unicorn Platform to build your Landing Page?
Why to choose Unicorn Platform to build your Landing Page?

Why to choose Unicorn Platform to build your Landing Page?

Powerful Drag & Drop Builder

The Unicorn Platform features an intuitive drag and drop website builder that allows you to create beautiful, functional landing pages in minutes without any coding required. Simply select elements like text, images, buttons and drag them onto the page. Then customize their appearance by changing fonts, colors, sizes and more using the sidebar options.

Mobile-Friendly & Fully Responsive

All landing pages created with Unicorn Platform are fully responsive and mobile-friendly by default. They automatically adapt to any screen size for the best viewing experience on desktops, tablets and smartphones. Your content will look stunning and professional on all devices.

Integrations & Plugins Galore

Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages. Connect your favorite email marketing tool like Mailchimp or Drip. Embed video from YouTube or Vimeo. Accept payments through Stripe or PayPal. The possibilities are endless. Unicorn Platform also offers many useful page plugins like social sharing buttons, reviews, FAQ sections and more.


Unicorn Platform generates clean code and SEO-friendly landing pages to help improve your search engine rankings. Page titles, URL paths, image alt text, and meta descriptions can all be customized for each page. Your pages will load fast, score well on tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights, and rank higher in search results.

Custom Domains & White Labeling

Use your own custom domain with Unicorn Platform for a professional brand experience. White labeling options are also available to remove any Unicorn Platform branding from your account and pages. Make the builder truly your own.

Dedicated Support

Unicorn Platform offers dedicated support to help you get the most from the platform. Contact our support team anytime you need help building a landing page, setting up an integration or have a technical question. We're happy to assist you in creating an amazing experience for your visitors.


In conclusion, using a simple yet powerful landing page builder tool like Unicorn Platform allows you to create a professional event speaker or book launch landing page in just a few minutes. You have no excuses for not building an effective landing page to help promote your brand and capture more leads with a user-friendly platform. Focus on your content and messaging, select an eye-catching template, add some images, choose a font, and publish - it’s that simple. Stop wasting valuable time trying to code a custom landing page from scratch. Let a no-code website builder handle the technical aspects so you can focus on what really matters: connecting with your audience and turning visitors into customers and fans. Build your event speaker landing page today and start reaping the benefits.

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