How Unicorn Platform Makes Course Website Design Easy

updated on 24 June 2024

As an educator, you want to focus on creating engaging course content, not wrestling with web design tools. However, in today’s digital world, an attractive and functional website is essential for promoting your course and attracting students. With Unicorn Platform, you can quickly build a stylish course website without technical skills. Check out their article on how to build a web page design course near you for more information.

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop website builder makes it simple to create a custom course website in minutes. You have access to professional templates optimized for online courses, coaching programs, and other education offerings. Easily add images, videos, blog posts, and calls-to-action to bring your course details to life. Integrate your favorite email marketing, payment, and membership tools with just a few clicks.

Stop wasting valuable time struggling with complicated website builders. Unicorn Platform’s user-friendly interface and education-specific features empower you to launch a course website as unique as your content. Focus on what really matters - sharing your knowledge and expertise with students - while Unicorn Platform handles the rest.

Build Your Course Website Design in Minutes

Building an attractive and effective course website has never been easier. With Unicorn Platform, you can design a professional course landing page in just minutes using an intuitive drag and drop builder.

Unicorn Platform offers designer-made blocks that you can quickly add and customize for your needs. Select from elements like:

  • Hero sections with eye-catching headlines and bold imagery to capture attention
  • About sections to share your story and credentials
  • Course overview blocks to highlight your offerings
  • Pricing tables to clearly lay out your packages
  • Testimonial blocks to build trust
  • FAQ accordsions to address common questions
  • Contact forms for easy customer communication
  • And many more.

Simply drag the blocks onto your page and drop them into place. Then edit the content, colors, fonts, and layout directly on the page using an easy visual interface. There's no coding required.

With Unicorn Platform, you have complete creative control and flexibility. You can choose from multiple column layouts, hundreds of Google Fonts, millions of free images, and color palettes to match your brand. Your course website will look stunning and professional on any device.

Publish your page with the click of a button. Your course website will be hosted on our fast servers, so you can rest assured your students will have a seamless experience.

Focus on what matters most - creating an amazing course experience. Let Unicorn Platform handle the rest. Build your professional course website in minutes and start teaching today!

Choose From 100+ Mobile-Optimized Templates on Unicorn Platform
Choose From 100+ Mobile-Optimized Templates on Unicorn Platform

Choose From 100+ Mobile-Optimized Templates on Unicorn Platform

With Unicorn Platform, designing a professional course website has never been easier. The drag and drop builder allows you to choose from over 100 mobile-optimized templates to create a custom site in minutes.

Select a Template

Browse the template library and choose a design suited for an online course. Options include templates optimized for video, coaching programs, online academies, and more. Select a template to get started.

Customize the Design

Unicorn Platform’s intuitive editor makes customizing your template simple. Change page layouts, update colors, add images, reorder and delete sections—the possibilities are endless. You can also modify SEO titles, meta descriptions, and URL paths for each page to improve search ranking.

Add Your Content

Input your course content using the block editor. Add an introduction, curriculum, FAQs, testimonials, and whatever else you need. Embed video, upload files, add quizzes, and link to external resources. You have full control over the content and layout.

Set Up Ecommerce (Optional)

If you plan to sell your course, Unicorn Platform integrates with Stripe so you can easily accept payments on your site. Add products, set prices, manage discounts, and track sales and revenue, all within the Unicorn Platform dashboard.

Publish Your Site

Once your course website design is complete, simply publish to go live. Your mobile-friendly site will be hosted on Unicorn Platform’s fast servers to provide the best experience for your students.

With an easy to use builder, beautiful templates, and powerful features, Unicorn Platform is the perfect solution for designing an effective course website. Your online course deserves a professional web presence, and now you have the tool to build one yourself.

Add Your Content With an Intuitive Drag & Drop Editor

Unicorn Platform’s drag and drop editor makes adding and customizing content for your course website simple.

Add Content With Drag and Drop

To add content blocks to your page, just drag elements from the left sidebar into your page. Release when you see the blue placement box appear where you want the element to go.

  • Text - Add headings, paragraphs, lists, quotes, and more. Just start typing or paste content from another source.
  • Images - Click the image icon to upload an image from your computer or choose from thousands of free stock photos. Drag images onto your page and adjust the size and alignment.
  • Buttons - Add call to action buttons to drive visitors to sign up, purchase, or contact you. Customize the text, link, size, color, and shape of each button.
  • Video - Easily embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, or upload your own MP4 video file. Videos auto-play on mouseover and you can customize the thumbnail.
  • Spacer - Use spacers to adjust the whitespace between elements on your page. Spacers come in a range of heights to suit your needs.
  • Divider - Add a divider line to visually separate sections on your page. Choose from solid, dashed, or dotted divider styles.
  • Code - Share code samples by dragging the code element onto your page. Choose syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
  • Tables - Create responsive tables to display course schedules, pricing plans, or any other tabular data. Drag the table element onto your page to get started.

The editor makes modifying content simple as well. Just click any element on the page to see options to edit, move, duplicate or delete it. You have full control and flexibility over the content and design of your course website. Creating elegant and compelling course pages has never been easier!

Embed Your Videos, Images and More
Embed Your Videos, Images and More

Embed Your Videos, Images and More

Unicorn Platform makes it easy to embed rich media into your course website. You can upload and embed

images, videos, audio, documents, presentations, and more.


Upload images directly from your computer or import them from Unsplash. Drag and drop images onto your page and resize or reposition them as needed. Add captions, alt text for SEO, and link images to relevant course content.


Embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or upload your own video files. Add captions for accessibility and preview your videos before publishing to ensure optimal quality. Position videos side by side with related course content for an engaging learning experience.


Embed slideshows from Slideshare or upload PowerPoint, Keynote, or PDF presentations. Your students can view the slides directly on your course page.


Embed or upload documents like PDFs, Word files, spreadsheets and more. Your students can read, download and even annotate documents on your course website.


Upload or embed audio files like MP3s or podcasts. Add audio captions for accessibility and position the audio player next to a transcript or related course materials.


Unicorn Platform integrates with various third-party services to provide additional rich media options. Some integrations include:

  • YouTube - Embed YouTube videos
  • Vimeo - Embed Vimeo videos
  • Slideshare - Embed Slideshare presentations
  • Unsplash - Import free high-quality images
  • And more

Unicorn Platform’s simple yet robust media library and integrations make it effortless to create an engaging course website with a variety of rich content. Your students will appreciate the dynamic learning experience.

Create Eye-Catching Landing Pages

To create eye-catching landing pages with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

Choose a Template

Unicorn Platform offers designer-made templates to get you started. Select a template in your brand colors that suits your needs. You can always customize the template, but choosing one close to your vision will minimize the amount of edits needed.

Add Your Branding

Include your company logo, brand colors, and font to make the landing page uniquely yours. Consistent branding across your website and landing pages will help visitors instantly recognize your company and products.

Focus on a Single Call-to-Action

A good landing page has a clear call-to-action, such as “Sign Up Now” or “Learn More.” Place your CTA prominently on the page and make it the focal point. Use contrasting colors and eye-catching design to draw visitors to your CTA.

Highlight Your Key Features

Briefly describe your key features and benefits using images, video, graphics, and short blocks of compelling text. Use statistics, testimonials, case studies, or other social proof to build credibility. Keep descriptions concise while communicating the value to the customer.

Streamline the Layout

A cluttered, confusing layout will discourage visitors. Use plenty of white space and group related elements together. List features and benefits in a logical order that is easy to follow. Keep the page focused around your single CTA.

Mobile-Friendly and Optimized

With more people accessing the web via mobile devices, your landing page must be responsive and mobile-friendly. Unicorn Platform’s templates are optimized for mobile, but double check that buttons, text, and images scale perfectly to smaller screens. Your CTA and other interactive elements should be easy to tap and engage with on mobile.

A well-designed landing page is essential for converting visitors into customers or subscribers. By following these key tips, you can create a stellar landing page using Unicorn Platform’s simple yet powerful page builder tool. Engaging landing pages, consistent branding, and a clear call-to-action will help your business achieve its goals and gain more customers.

Capture Leads With Built-in Email Marketing

Capturing leads is essential for any business, and Unicorn Platform makes it simple to build professional landing pages to convert visitors into subscribers. Their email marketing tool allows you to create signup forms, customize confirmation emails, and send newsletters to your growing list of contacts.

Build Signup Forms

Creating an email signup form on your Unicorn Platform landing page is straightforward. You can choose from a variety of ready-made form templates or build your own from scratch. Select the fields you want to include, such as first name, last name, email address, company name, and any additional information important for your business. Customize the form style to match your brand, including button text, field labels, and error messaging.

Send Welcome Emails

Once a visitor submits your signup form, Unicorn Platform's email marketing tool automatically sends a welcome email to the new contact. You can write a custom message thanking them for their subscription and providing any relevant details about your company, product, or service. The welcome email is an opportunity to strengthen your connection with subscribers and encourage further engagement.

Design and Send Newsletters

With an email list established, you can create visually stunning newsletters to send to your subscribers. Choose from newsletter templates or build your own layout to match your brand style. Easily add images, text, social sharing buttons, and call-to-action buttons. Schedule your newsletters in advance and Unicorn Platform will automatically send them on the dates you select. See open rates, click-through rates, and other analytics to optimize your email marketing performance over time.

In summary, Unicorn Platform provides a suite of email marketing tools to help capture leads, engage subscribers, and grow your business through professional landing pages and newsletters. The simple yet robust features allow you to customize the entire experience for your contacts and build lasting relationships with your audience. Overall, Unicorn Platform is an easy, effective solution for crafting an email marketing strategy to convert more visitors and drive more sales.

Get Found in Search With Powerful SEO Features

Unicorn Platform offers powerful SEO (search engine optimization) features to help people find your course website in search engines like Google. By optimizing your site for search, you can increase organic traffic and enrollments.

To optimize your course site for search, start by choosing a primary keyword or phrase, such as “learn photography online” or “mastering digital marketing.” Use this keyword in your page titles, URLs, and content. For example, you might title your home page “Learn Photography Online Course.” Include the keyword in your page URLs, e.g.

Within your content, use your primary keyword in the first paragraph and a few times throughout the page. Use related terms and synonyms as well, such as “online photography class” or “become a photographer.” Place important keywords in headings and subheadings. Format headings as H2s and H3s using ## and .

You should also create landing pages targeting secondary keywords. For example, build pages for “food photography course” and “newborn photography workshop.” Include focused content on each page discussing the course details for that topic. Optimizing for a range of relevant keywords will increase your visibility in search results.

Unicorn Platform allows you to edit page titles, URLs, headings, and content to improve search ranking. You can view keyword rankings and traffic in the SEO report to see how your optimizations are impacting search performance over time. Keep tweaking and testing to continue improving your rankings.

With a strategic approach to search engine optimization, Unicorn Platform gives you the tools to build an online course website that ranks well in search and brings you new students. By optimizing for the right keywords and creating targeted landing pages, you'll gain more organic search traffic and increase course enrollments.

See Key Metrics to Optimize Your Content

To optimize your course website and content, it’s important to track key metrics that provide insights into how visitors are engaging with your site. By monitoring these statistics regularly, you can make data-driven decisions to improve content, user experience, and conversion rates.


Pageviews measure the total number of pages viewed on your site. A high number of pageviews means you have good traffic, but it doesn’t necessarily equate to engaged visitors. Look at pageviews in combination with other metrics to determine if visitors are interested in your content.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who enter and exit your site from the same page. A high bounce rate suggests that content may not be engaging or helpful to visitors. Try simplifying content, adding visuals, or improving page load times to decrease bounce rate.

Time on Page

The time visitors spend on each page indicates how compelling your content is. Aim for an average of 2 to 3 minutes per page. If time on page is low, consider reorganizing content, adding examples or anecdotes, and including interactive elements like videos to increase engagement.

Exit Pages

See which pages visitors exit your site from the most. High exit rates on certain pages may point to issues with content, user experience, or technical errors that are preventing visitors from navigating further into your site. Improve or optimize these pages to turn exits into conversions.


The ultimate goal is to convert visitors into customers, subscribers, or leads. Monitor signups, purchases, form completions, and other conversions to evaluate the success and ROI of your content strategy. Make changes to your content and site design to maximize the number of conversions.

Continuously checking your course website’s key metrics and performance indicators will allow you to enhance content, improve user experience, increase traffic, and boost conversions. Apply the insights you gain to optimize your site and build an audience of engaged visitors.

FAQs: Common Questions About Course Website Design

As an online course creator, you likely have many questions about designing an effective course website. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers to help you in the process:

How do I choose a domain name?

Choose a domain name that is short, memorable, and directly relates to your course topic or brand. A ".com" extension is typically the most professional. Check availability on domain registrar sites like GoDaddy, Namecheap or Bluehost.

Should I use a website builder or code it myself?

For most course creators, a drag and drop website builder like Unicorn Platform is the easiest option. They provide designer templates, integrated payment solutions, and 24/7 support. Coding a site from scratch requires web development skills and is time-consuming. Focus your efforts on course creation, not web design.

What pages should I include?

Essential pages for a course website include:

  • Homepage: Explains your course and brand. Includes opt-in and sales buttons.
  • About: Share your background, qualifications and mission. Builds credibility.
  • Course content: Outlines modules, lessons and topics covered. Sells the value.
  • Testimonials: Social proof from happy students builds trust.
  • Contact: Allows students to reach you with questions. Provides email opt-in.
  • Terms of use / Privacy policy: Required legal pages.

How do I accept payments?

Use an integrated payment solution like Stripe or PayPal to accept credit card payments on your site. They offer security, fraud prevention and a seamless checkout experience for students. You'll receive payment directly to your bank account.

Should I offer a free trial or demo?

Offering a free preview of your course is a great way to demonstrate value to potential students. You can provide access to:

  • A few introductory lessons
  • Limited course access for a trial period (7 to 14 days)
  • A private webinar or masterclass demoing your teaching style

Students can experience your content risk-free before purchasing the full course. Be sure to capture their email address in exchange for access.

With the right domain, page design and payment solution in place, you'll have a professional course website up and running in no time. Let me know if you have any other questions!


As you've seen, Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive yet powerful solution for easily designing a professional course website. With its simple drag and drop interface, pre-built templates, and extensive customization options, you'll be able to create an engaging learning experience for your students in no time. Whether you're looking to build a website for online courses, coaching programs, or workshops, Unicorn Platform gives you the flexibility and control you need at an affordable price. Stop struggling with complicated website builders and get started designing your dream course website today. Unicorn Platform makes the process simple so you can focus on what really matters - creating life-changing content for your students.

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Built on Unicorn Platform