The Best Online Course Landing Page Builder

published on 30 June 2023

As an online course creator, you want an effective yet easy way to build a landing page to promote your new offering. You need a simple solution that allows you to create an eye-catching page to capture leads and drive sales, without requiring you to learn complicated coding or design skills. With a drag and drop landing page builder, you can quickly put together an attractive landing page for your online course that conveys your key messages, highlights the benefits, and prompts visitors to sign up or purchase. The right tool will give you access to professionally designed templates, elements, and styles so you end up with a high-converting landing page that makes a stellar first impression on your potential students.

Why You Need an Online Course Landing Page

As an online course creator, having a dedicated landing page is essential to converting visitors into students. Here are a few reasons why you need an effective online course landing page:

  • Capture lead information. A landing page allows you to capture visitor information through an email opt-in form. Building an email list is key to nurturing leads and driving course sales.
  • Explain your offer. A landing page clearly articulates what your online course offers to students. You can highlight key benefits, topics covered, outcomes, and incentives to sign up. This helps visitors understand the value of your course.
  • Focus your message. An optimized landing page has a single call-to-action that focuses the visitor on one desired outcome, like signing up for your email list or purchasing your course. This avoids distraction and confusion.
  • Improve conversions. A landing page tailored to your target audience and online course can significantly improve your conversion rates versus sending traffic to your homepage. Landing pages that are visually compelling and match visitor needs convert at a much higher rate.
  • Retarget visitors. When a visitor leaves your landing page without taking action, you can use retargeting ads to bring them back to your offer and keep your course top of mind. This second exposure often leads to conversions.

If you're looking for a no-code solution to building your online course landing page, check out Unicorn Platform's article on building your free course webpage program. With Unicorn Platform's drag-and-drop builder, you can create a stunning landing page in minutes without needing any technical skills.

Key Elements of a High-Converting Online Course Landing Page

To convert visitors into customers, your online course landing page needs to be persuasive and appealing. Here are the key elements for an effective landing page:

  • A clear headline that captures the benefit of your course. Mention the key transformation or results, e.g. “Learn How to Start a Profitable Side Hustle in Just 30 Days.” Use power words like “secrets,” “strategies,” or “blueprint.”
  • A strong subheadline that reinforces the headline. For example, “The step-by-step system to quit your job and start a thriving online business.” Keep it to 2 short sentences or around 50-60 characters for optimal readability.
  • A hero image that complements your offer. Choose an inspirational image of someone engaged in the activity or skill your course teaches. Images of people are most relatable. For extra visual impact, use an image with a semi-transparent color overlay.
  • Bulleted benefits and features. List 3-5 concrete benefits and features of your course using short phrases. Focus on outcomes and solutions, e.g. “Learn how to find a profitable business idea,” “Get access to exclusive resources and tools,” “Join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.”
  • Social proof like testimonials, reviews and case studies. Share stories and reviews from successful students to build credibility and trust. Video testimonials are especially persuasive.
  • A clear call-to-action button, e.g. “Enroll Now.” Place your CTA prominently on the page, using a color that contrasts well with your page theme. When visitors click, send them directly to the checkout or course sales page.
  • Minimal distractions. Remove any links or buttons unrelated to your course offer. Keep your page clean and clutter-free so visitors can focus on why your course is the right solution for them.

With these elements implemented well, your landing page will pave a smooth path for visitors to become students. Keep testing and optimizing to improve your conversions over time.

How to Choose the Right Online Course Landing Page Builder


When choosing an online course landing page builder, consider the functionality and features it offers. Look for a builder that provides:

  • An intuitive drag and drop interface. This makes it easy to add and arrange elements on your page without any coding required.
  • Pre-made templates. Pre-designed templates can save you time and ensure your page looks professional. Look for templates tailored to online courses.
  • Customization options. While templates are helpful, you'll want the ability to fully customize your page to match your brand. Options like changing fonts, colors, and adding your own images or videos are important.


  • Seamless integrations with your other tools allow you to automatically pull in information like course details, images, and videos with just a click. Common integrations to look for include email marketing services, payment processors, and learning management systems.


  • Built-in analytics provide insights into how visitors are interacting with your landing page so you can optimize it for better conversions. Metrics like page views, average time on page, and conversion rates are useful for online courses.


  • Most landing page builders offer monthly subscription plans at different price points based on the number of pages and features. For online courses, even a basic plan should provide enough to create an effective landing page. Compare plans from different services to find one that suits your needs and budget.

Ease of Use

An online course landing page builder should be easy to use even for beginners. Look for one with:

  • Simple, intuitive interface. The interface should make it clear how to add elements, customize the page, and publish it. Complicated tools with a steep learning curve will slow you down.
  • Helpful resources. Resources like video tutorials, written guides, and customer support will help you get started and troubleshoot any issues.

Choosing a landing page builder with the right set of features and an intuitive interface will allow you to create a high-converting landing page for your online course without requiring any technical skills. Focus on builders designed specifically for online courses and compare a few options to find the best solution for your needs.

How Unicorn Platform Stacks Up: Best Online Course Landing Page Builder

Drag and Drop Interface

Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive drag and drop interface, allowing you to easily build professional landing pages without coding. Simply select elements like text boxes, images, buttons and drag them onto your page. Then customize the elements by changing the text, fonts, colors and more to match your brand. With the WYSIWYG editor, you see exactly how your landing page will appear as you build it.

Mobile-Friendly Responsive Design

Unicorn Platform landing pages are fully responsive, automatically adjusting to fit any screen size from mobile to desktop. This ensures your landing page is easy to view and interact with on all devices. According to Google, more than 60% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices, so a responsive design is essential for any landing page.

Integrations and Plugins

Unicorn Platform seamlessly integrates with popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages. Add an email capture form from Mailchimp or Aweber. Embed a countdown timer or scarcity element from Deadline Funnel or Thrive Leads. Show social proof notifications from FOMO or display reviews from TrustPulse. With the Unicorn Platform plug-in marketplace, the possibilities are endless.

Analytics and Optimization

See how visitors are engaging with your landing page using the built-in analytics. Track views, clicks, form submissions and more. Then make data-driven changes to optimize your landing page for the best conversion rates. A/B test different elements like headlines, images or call-to-action buttons to see which version performs better. Unicorn Platform makes it simple to create high-converting landing pages that turn your online course traffic into sales.

Overall, Unicorn Platform is an user-friendly yet powerful solution for building optimized landing pages to promote your online course. The simple drag and drop editor, responsive design, integrations, and analytics provide everything you need to create an effective landing page to capture leads and boost enrollment. Compared to coding a custom landing page from scratch, Unicorn Platform is an easy and affordable way to get started with landing page creation. If you're looking for some inspiration, check out these stunning education landing page examples to see what others have done with the platform.

Unicorn Platform's Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder Explained
Unicorn Platform's Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder Explained

Unicorn Platform's Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder Explained

To build an effective online course landing page with Unicorn Platform, there are a few key steps to keep in mind.

Choose a Template

Unicorn Platform offers designer-made templates for online course landing pages that are optimized for lead generation and conversions. Select from options like “Course Launch,” “Webinar Signup,” or “Coaching Program.” These templates provide a professional design and layout to save you time. You can then customize the template by adding your own colors, fonts, images, and content.

Add an Engaging Header

The header is the first thing visitors see, so make it eye-catching. You’ll want to include an attention-grabbing headline, a brief subheadline with details about your course topic or outcomes, and a hero image that conveys the essence of your course. For the headline, consider using power words like “discover,” “unlock,” or “master.”

Highlight Course Details

In this section, describe your course in more depth. Explain the key benefits and specific skills or techniques students will learn. Use bullet points to make this information easy to digest. You’ll also want to include details like course length, format (e.g., video lessons, downloads), and level (e.g., beginner, intermediate).

Build Trust and Social Proof

To convince visitors to sign up for your paid course, you need to establish your authority and expertise. Share your credentials, experience, and key achievements. Include testimonials and reviews from past students. You can also feature well-known companies or media outlets you’ve worked with.

Add a Clear Call-to-Action

The primary goal of your landing page is to get visitors to take action by signing up for your course. So, make your CTA button, like “Enroll Now” or “Get Instant Access,” the focal point of your page. Place it prominently and reiterate the benefits of signing up to motivate visitors to click.

Using these strategies and Unicorn Platform’s simple yet powerful drag and drop builder, you can create a high-converting landing page for your online course in just a few minutes. Focus on clarity, value, social proof, and a strong CTA, and you'll be connecting with new students in no time.

Top 4 Online Course Landing Page Examples

To create an effective online course landing page, it is helpful to analyze examples of high-converting pages. The following landing pages demonstrate best practices for design, copy, and conversion optimization.

1. Teachable

Teachable is an online course platform, so their landing pages are excellent examples. They focus on:

  • Clean, minimal design with bold colors
  • Strong headline and subheadline to capture attention
  • Bulleted list highlighting key features and benefits
  • Social proof with logos of well-known companies using their platform
  • Clear call-to-action buttons

2. Skillshare

Skillshare is a popular online learning community. Their landing pages:

  • Use an eye-catching hero image and headline
  • Describe the key benefits and experience of using their platform
  • Include student stories and testimonials for social proof
  • Have a prominent signup form and call-to-action to start a free trial

3. Udemy

Udemy is one of the largest online course marketplaces. Their landing pages:

  • Focus on popular, trending courses to showcase their offerings
  • Use bold colors, graphics and course images to capture interest
  • Clearly state the benefits of their platform like high-quality, affordable courses
  • Prominently feature reviews, ratings and number of students to build trust
  • Have clear signup buttons to create an account or purchase a course

4. Coursera

Coursera partners with top universities and organizations to offer online courses. Their landing pages:

  • Maintain a clean, contemporary design with minimal distractions
  • Use eye-catching photos of students and teachers
  • Focus on highlighting partnerships with prestigious schools and companies
  • Emphasize learning at your own pace with a flexible schedule
  • Include signup forms to start learning for free

The examples demonstrate how an effective landing page can be created without advanced technical skills using simple but powerful techniques. By analyzing these best practices, you will have the framework to build high-converting landing pages for your own online courses.

Customize Your Landing Page With 100+ Stylish Blocks and Themes

To create an engaging landing page, Unicorn Platform offers over 100 customizable blocks and designer themes to choose from. With these styling options, you can craft a professional landing page tailored to your online course.


Unicorn Platform provides pre-made blocks for all the elements you need on your landing page like:

  • Headlines
  • Subheaders
  • Buttons
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Text columns
  • Numbered lists
  • Bulleted lists
  • Testimonials
  • Pricing tables
  • FAQ sections
  • Contact forms

You can drag and drop these blocks onto your page and customize the content, design, layout, and more with zero coding required. Want to change the font, color, sizing or add animations? It only takes a few clicks. These blocks make it simple to build a polished landing page for your course.


Unicorn Platform also offers designer-made themes to choose from for your landing page. Some options include:

  1. Clean and minimal
  2. Bold and colorful
  3. Vintage and textured

Select a theme that matches your online course's brand and esthetic. Then, tweak the colors, fonts, and other elements to make it your own. A professionally designed theme provides a strong foundation to build upon.

With Unicorn Platform's large collection of customizable blocks and themes, you have the flexibility and control to create a high-converting landing page for your online course. Mix and match blocks, adjust themes, and add your own content to craft a unique page that resonates with your target audience. A landing page tailored to your course and brand will help capture leads and drive sales. Unicorn Platform makes the process simple, allowing you to build a professional page with no coding or design skills required.

Drive More Sales With Unicorn Platform's Marketing Automation Features
Drive More Sales With Unicorn Platform's Marketing Automation Features

Drive More Sales With Unicorn Platform's Marketing Automation Features

Unicorn Platform provides powerful marketing automation features to help drive more sales of your online courses.

Email Marketing

Unicorn Platform's email marketing tools allow you to create drip campaigns, autoresponders, and newsletters to engage your subscribers and promote your courses. You can easily import your email lists, segment your audiences, and personalize your messaging. Integrations with major email service providers like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Drip make it simple to get started.

Social Media Integration

Unicorn Platform seamlessly integrates with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram so you can promote your online courses across major social networks. You can schedule social media posts in advance, engage with your followers, run social media contests and giveaways, and analyze the performance of your social media marketing efforts.

Pop-ups and Lead Forms

Create eye-catching pop-ups and lead capture forms to grow your email list and generate new course sales. Choose from a variety of popup styles and trigger them to display on page load, exit-intent, or after a certain time period. Embed lead forms on your site to capture contact information from visitors in exchange for a content offer like an ebook, checklist, or video training.

Retargeting Ads

Retarget people who have visited your site with ads for your online courses on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads. Unicorn Platform makes it easy to create retargeting campaigns so you can stay in front of your audience and drive them back to your site to purchase.

Affiliate Management

Recruit affiliates to promote your courses for a share of the revenue. Unicorn Platform has built-in affiliate management tools that allow you to onboard affiliates, provide them with custom links and marketing materials, track their performance, and pay out commissions automatically. Affiliate marketing is a proven way to scale your course sales with no additional cost.

With Unicorn Platform's marketing automation features, you have everything you need to boost online course registrations and sales. The platform takes the hassle out of managing multiple tools so you can focus on creating content, engaging your audience, and growing your business.

FAQ: Online Course Landing Page Builder Questions Answered

When choosing an online course landing page builder, you may have several questions about the options available and how to determine what will work best for your needs. The following FAQ section aims to provide helpful information and recommendations to guide you in selecting a solution tailored to your course and audience.

What are the benefits of using a landing page builder?

Using a dedicated landing page builder provides numerous advantages over a standard website builder or coding a page from scratch. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Ease of use. Drag and drop builders require no coding knowledge and have an intuitive interface.
  • Customization. You have access to templates and elements optimized for landing pages that can be customized to match your brand.
  • Conversion optimization. Builders provide tools to create landing pages focused on converting visitors, such as lead capture forms, calls-to-action, and sales messaging.
  • Responsiveness. Pages are mobile-friendly by default, with elements that adjust based on the viewer’s screen size.
  • Integrations. Many builders integrate with marketing, email, and payment platforms to help you capture and nurture leads.

How do I choose a landing page builder?

When evaluating options, consider the following factors:

  1. Ease of use. Look for an interface that is simple to navigate without technical skills. Drag and drop functionality and pre-built templates are helpful for beginners.
  2. Integrations. Choose a builder that integrates with the other tools in your marketing stack, such as your email marketing, CRM, payment processor, and affiliate programs. This allows for seamless data transfer between systems.
  3. Customization. Look for a solution that provides flexibility to change colors, fonts, images, and layouts to match your brand. The ability to add custom CSS or HTML code is ideal for advanced customization.
  4. Pricing. Compare the costs of different builders based on the features and capabilities you need. Some builders offer free trials, monthly subscriptions, and enterprise pricing for large businesses.
  5. Reviews and ratings. Check reviews from current customers to determine the overall quality, ease of use, and customer support for each builder you are considering. Look for highly-rated solutions with a proven track record of success.

By evaluating your needs and priorities for an online course landing page alongside the strengths and options of different builders, you can make an informed choice on the best solution for your goals. Please let me know if you have any other questions!


You now have a clear understanding of how to build an effective online course landing page. With the right tools and strategies, you can create a high-converting page to attract students and sell your course. Focus on highlighting the key benefits and results, using engaging copy and visuals. Keep the page clean and simple, with clear calls-to-action. Build trust and authority through social proof. And of course, choose a landing page builder that is easy to use with powerful customization options. Implement these best practices, continue optimizing based on data, and watch as your new landing page drives more traffic and sales for your online course. Success is within your reach.

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