Beauty Landing Page at Your Fingertips With Unicorn Platform

updated on 04 March 2024

You have a vision for your new business or startup. You see the potential and opportunity, but realizing that vision requires reaching your audience and customers. A beautiful, engaging landing page is essential to convey your message, highlight your offerings, and convert visitors into subscribers or customers. However, custom web design is typically expensive, time-consuming, and requires technical skills that not all entrepreneurs possess.

With Unicorn Platform, a simple yet powerful drag and drop website and blog builder, you have a professional landing page at your fingertips. No coding or design experience is necessary. You have total creative control to build a page that aligns with your brand and vision in minutes. Stop dreaming and start building. Your ideal landing page awaits, and with Unicorn Platform, beauty is only a few clicks away. Now make your vision a reality and launch your startup with a stunning landing page.

And if you're in the beauty industry, check out our article on how to build a stunning beauty services landing page design in minutes to help you create a beautiful landing page for your business.

What Is a Landing Page and Why You Need One

A landing page is a standalone web page designed specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It is aimed at converting visitors into leads or customers. Creating an attractive landing page is crucial for the success of your business. Here are a few reasons why you need a landing page:

  • Focus the visitor's attention. A landing page focuses on one key objective, product, or promotion. It removes distractions and allows you to highlight the most important information or call-to-action. This laser-focus helps to capture the visitor's interest and guide them to take the desired action like signing up or buying a product.
  • Capture leads. The primary goal of most landing pages is to capture contact information from visitors through lead generation forms and email sign-up forms. Landing pages make it easy to capture leads by prominently featuring opt-in forms.
  • Increase conversions. Well-designed landing pages can significantly improve your conversion rates. By simplifying the message and user experience, you make it more likely that visitors will take the desired action. Landing pages typically have higher conversion rates than regular website pages.
  • Split test content. Landing pages make it easy to test different headlines, copy, images, or calls-to-action to see which ones resonate most with your target audience. You can create multiple variations of a landing page and split test them to optimize conversion rates.
  • Target campaigns. Create a separate landing page for each marketing campaign, promotion, or traffic source. A targeted landing page that is tailored to your campaign's message or audience will convert much better than sending traffic to your general homepage.

In summary, landing pages are a must-have for any effective digital marketing strategy. They allow you to create focused user experiences, capture more leads, increase conversion rates, split test content, and optimize your marketing campaigns. With the right tools, building beautiful and high-converting landing pages is easier than ever.

Unicorn Platform: The Simple Solution for Creating Beauty Landing Page

With Unicorn Platform, creating an attractive landing page for your business or product is simple. This no-code website builder provides everything you need to design an eye-catching page that converts visitors into customers or subscribers.

Unicorn Platform offers an intuitive drag and drop interface, requiring no technical skills to use. You can choose from professionally designed templates to get started or build your own custom page from scratch. Either way, you have total creative control and flexibility.

  • Gorgeous templates. Select from dozens of mobile-optimized templates for landing pages, homepages, contact pages, and more. Customize colors, images, and content to match your brand.
  • Add your own media. Upload photos, videos, graphics, and beauty logos to enhance your page. Unicorn Platform supports all major image formats and video hosting from YouTube, Vimeo, and others.
  • Include engaging content. Add headlines, paragraphs, buttons, social media links, email signup forms, pricing tables, FAQs, and additional modules to capture interest. You can also embed maps, calendars, slideshows, and other multimedia.
  • Optimize for conversions. A/B test different content, layouts, images, and calls-to-action to determine what resonates most with your audience. View analytics to see how people are interacting with your page and make data-driven improvements.

With an easy-to-use interface, premium templates, customization options, and built-in optimization tools, Unicorn Platform has everything required to create a high-converting landing page for your needs. Build your beauty landing page today and start seeing results.

Choosing a Landing Page Beauty Template

When choosing a landing page template, you'll want to consider both beauty and function. An attractive design is important for engaging visitors, but the template must also effectively convert leads. The following factors will help you evaluate your options:

Esthetic Appeal

Select a template with an polished yet simple style that aligns with your brand image. Elements like:

  • High-quality images: Feature professional photos of your product or service. Stock images can seem generic.
  • Harmonious color scheme: Choose a color palette that evokes the appropriate tone and emotion. Warm colors like red and orange convey energy, while cool blues are more calming.
  • Balanced layout: For the best first impression, the template should have a clean, uncluttered design with sufficient negative space. Content and images are arranged in a logical, easy-to-scan flow.

Clear Call-to-Action

The primary CTA button should be prominently displayed, ideally in the upper right section of the page. It should:

  • Stand out: Use a contrasting color and larger size for maximum visibility.
  • Be compelling: Phrase like "Get Started Now" or "Sign Up Free Today" helps convey urgency and value.
  • Link directly to your lead capture form or sales page.

Optimized for Conversions

An effective landing page template is designed to guide visitors smoothly down the conversion funnel. It should include:1i6

  • Attention-grabbing headline: Highlight your key benefit or value proposition. Pose it as a question or statement that taps into the reader's needs or desires.
  • Bulleted benefits: Briefly outline 3 to 5 of the most significant benefits, features, or results people can expect. Use parallel phrasing for a polished look.
  • Social proof: Quotes, reviews, case studies, or numbers that build credibility and trust in your offerings.
  • Scarcity: If applicable, note any time-limited free trials, discounts, or bonuses to encourage faster lead capture. But don't seem pushy.

By evaluating templates based on a balance of beauty and purpose, you can choose an option that will make a stellar first impression and maximize your conversions. With the right template, you'll be well on your way to landing page success.

Customizing Your Landing Page Beauty

Selecting a Template

To get started, select one of Unicorn Platform’s pre-made landing page templates. Choose from options like:

  • Product Launch
  • Service Promotion
  • Mobile App Release
  • Lead Generation

These templates provide an esthetic framework with visuals and copy in place so you can quickly customize the page to suit your needs. Simply swap out images, update text, and add your logo and brand colors.

Adding Visuals

Impactful visuals are key to an engaging landing page. Upload high-quality product images, explainer graphics, customer photos or lifestyle shots. For the header, choose an eye-catching image that conveys your key message.

Crafting Compelling Copy

Whether promoting a new product or generating leads, your copy should be concise yet compelling. Focus on the benefits and solutions for your target audience. Use persuasive language to convey the value proposition. Include clear calls-to-action like “Sign Up Now” or “Learn More” with links to keep visitors moving through your conversion funnel.

Optimizing for Conversions

A successful landing page has a clear conversion goal, like a product purchase or email sign-up. Place your CTA prominently above the fold for maximum visibility. Offer an incentive like a coupon code or free trial to increase conversions.

Unicorn Platform’s built-in analytics provide insights into how visitors are interacting with your page so you can optimize the experience. See click-through and conversion rates to determine what’s working and make improvements to better achieve your goals. With regular testing and optimization, you'll gain valuable data to increase your landing page's beauty and ROI.

If you want to learn more about how to make your landing page beautiful and effective, check out this article on beauty website design made easy

Additional Customization

Use Unicorn Platform’s styling options to match your brand. Choose fonts, set text sizes, pick accent colors, and add spacing. Rearrange or hide elements with the drag-and-drop editor. For advanced custom CSS and HTML, use the code editor.

With a customized landing page, you'll give your product, service or campaign the beauty and power it deserves. Unicorn Platform makes the process simple for people of all skill levels to build professional, high-converting landing pages.

Adding Your Content With the Visual Editor
Adding Your Content With the Visual Editor

Adding Your Content With the Visual Editor

To add content to your landing page, Unicorn Platform provides an intuitive visual editor. This WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor makes it easy to format text, add images, create lists, and more without needing to know HTML.

Add Text

To insert text, simply click the text icon in the editor toolbar. This will place your cursor in the editor window, allowing you to type your content. Format your text by highlighting it and selecting options like headings (to create H1, H2, H3 tags), bold, italics, underline, text color, and text alignment.

Insert Images

To include images on your landing page, click the image icon in the toolbar. You can upload an image from your computer or choose one from Unsplash. Add alt text for ADA compliance and select a size, then place the image in your page by clicking where you want it to appear.

Create Lists

For ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) lists, select the list style from the toolbar. Then type your list items, pressing “Enter” after each one. To end the list, press “Enter” twice. Lists are an effective way to break up information or provide sequences and steps.

Additional Options

The visual editor also allows you to:

  • Add buttons that link to other pages or websites
  • Include spacers to adjust layout and separate sections
  • Embed video from YouTube or Vimeo to bring multimedia to your page
  • Create columns for a newsletter layout using a drag and drop interface
  • Save sections as reusable “content blocks” to add to other pages
  • Undo, redo, copy, cut, and paste for efficient editing
  • Preview how your page will appear on mobile and desktop at any time

With a user-friendly WYSIWYG editor, adding content to create an impactful landing page for your business or product is made simple using Unicorn Platform. The possibilities for customization are endless, allowing you to craft a page that matches your unique brand and vision.

Embedding Forms and CTAs

To maximize conversions, embedding eye-catching forms and calls-to-action (CTAs) on your landing page is essential.


Place forms and CTAs prominently on your page, such as:

  • At the top of the page to capture visitors’ attention immediately.
  • Below an impactful headline or image.
  • At natural break points where visitors may stop scrolling.


  • Use bold colors that contrast well with your page background to make the CTA stand out.
  • Include an arrow or icon pointing to the CTA to guide visitors.
  • For forms, use clean fonts, borders, and minimal fields to avoid overwhelming visitors. Only ask for information necessary to fulfill the offer or service.


  • Use action-oriented language in your CTAs like “Get Started,” “Learn More,” or “Sign Up Now.”
  • For forms, label each field clearly and concisely using language visitors will understand.
  • Offer an incentive like a discount, free trial, or resource to encourage visitors to act.


  • Place CTAs and forms at the bottom of sections so they are easy to tap on mobile.
  • Use large font sizes, buttons, and thumb-friendly input types on forms for mobile visitors.
  • Simplify and minimize the number of CTAs and form fields for mobile to avoid cluttering the small screen.


Continually test different placements, designs, wording, and mobile-friendliness of your CTAs and forms to optimize your landing page. Some things to evaluate include:

  1. Click-through and conversion rates to see which variations perform best.
  2. Heatmaps to view how visitors interact with and scroll past different options.
  3. Visitor recordings and polls to gain insight into what resonates most with your audience.
  4. Surveys to directly ask visitors for their preferences and opinions.

Optimizing your CTAs and forms through testing is key to maximizing the impact and performance of your landing page. Paying attention to placement, design, wording, and mobile-friendliness, then refining through testing, will transform your landing page into a conversion machine.

Optimizing for Conversions
Optimizing for Conversions

Optimizing for Conversions

To optimize your beauty landing page for conversions, there are several best practices to implement:

Clear Value Proposition

Your value proposition should be prominently displayed at the top of the page. This statement articulates the product or service's key benefit to potential customers. The value proposition should be concise, compelling, and contain impactful language to capture visitors' interest immediately.

Strong Imagery

Include high-quality photos and videos to demonstrate your product or service. Visual media is highly engaging and helps to effectively convey information. Images of people using the product in an authentic way are especially powerful.

Social Proof

Feature real customer reviews, testimonials, case studies, or media mentions to build credibility and trust. Seeing other customers who have had a positive experience reassures visitors and addresses potential doubts.

Clear Call-to-Action

Your primary call-to-action (CTA) should be prominently placed above the fold on the page. The CTA should use action-oriented language to prompt the desired conversion behavior, such as "Get Started Now" or "Book an Appointment." Place secondary CTAs throughout the page for users who may not be ready to convert immediately.

Reduce Friction

Minimize the number of actions and information required to complete a conversion. Keep forms short with only essential fields. Offer options to sign up using social logins. Allow users to book or schedule services easily online. Removing unnecessary obstacles increases the likelihood of a conversion.

  • Responsive design: Ensure your landing page displays properly on all devices. Mobile-optimized landing pages see higher conversion rates.
  • Fast load times: A landing page that loads quickly, ideally under 2 to 3 seconds, results in a better user experience and higher conversions.
  • A/B testing: Regularly test variations of your landing page to optimize the content, design, and layout. Even small changes can lead to significant improvements in conversion rates.

Following these best practices for your beauty landing page will maximize its ability to attract and convert high-quality leads. Continuously optimizing and refining your landing page based on analysis of key metrics will yield the best results over time. With an effective landing page, you'll gain a valuable sales and marketing tool to grow your business.

A/B Testing Your Landing Page

The Importance of A/B Testing

As you build and optimize your landing page, A/B testing different versions of the page is crucial. A/B testing involves creating multiple variants of your landing page and then splitting your traffic between them to determine which version performs better. Some elements you may want to test include:

  • Headline: Try different headlines to see which gets more clicks or conversions.
  • Copy: Test different blocks of copy or even just rephrasing sentences to find what resonates most with your audience.
  • Images: Swap out images or test images vs. video to determine what is most engaging.
  • Button color or text: See if changing your call-to-action button affects your click-through rate.

Setting Up an A/B Test

To run an A/B test on your landing page, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the elements you want to test. This could be anything from headlines to images to button color. Select 2-3 options for each element.
  2. Create the different versions of your landing page, with each version having one of the options for the elements you want to test. Make sure the only difference between the pages is the element you are testing.
  3. Split your traffic evenly between the different page versions. Most landing page builders and A/B testing tools will automatically split your traffic for you. You want at least 50-100 visitors to each variant to get meaningful results.
  4. Analyze the results to determine a winner. Look at key metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and bounce rate to see which version performed best. The version with the highest conversion rate is typically considered the winner.
  5. Make the winning version your primary landing page. Replace your original landing page with the top-performing variant from your A/B test.

Continuously optimizing and improving your landing page through A/B testing can have a huge impact on your conversions and ROI. Even small changes to elements like your headline or call-to-action button can lead to double-digit increases in conversions, so ongoing testing and refinement is well worth the investment.

Beauty Landing Page FAQs: Using Unicorn Platform

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a standalone web page that serves a single focused purpose, such as capturing leads or selling a product. It typically has an eye-catching design and clear call-to-action to achieve a

specific goal.

How do I create a landing page?

With Unicorn Platform, creating an attractive landing page is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Select a pre-built landing page template to get started. Customize the template by adding your

company logo, brand colors, and fonts.

  1. Craft an engaging headline and subheadline. Your headline should capture attention while the subheadline provides more details about your offer or product.
  2. Feature a hero image that visually represents your brand or product. For maximum impact, use a high-quality, eye-catching photo.
  3. Highlight the key benefits and features of your offer using bullet points or numbered lists. Keep copy concise while highlighting the most compelling reasons to take action.
  4. Include social proof like reviews, testimonials, media mentions or customer logos. Build trust by demonstrating your credibility and authority.
  5. Add a clear call-to-action (CTA) button for visitors to take the next step, such as signing up, buying now or contacting your business. Place the CTA prominently on the page.
  6. You can also include FAQs, pricing tables, product images or explainer videos. Keep the page uncluttered while providing all the information needed to take action.
  7. once complete, publish your landing page and start driving targeted traffic to it. Measure and optimize based on key metrics like conversion rates, time on page and bounce rates.

What makes an effective landing page?

An effective landing page has a clear purpose, visually appealing design, compelling copy, social proof, a clear CTA and is optimized for maximum conversions. When done well, a landing page can be a powerful tool for growing your business and generating new leads or sales.


In summary, Unicorn Platform puts the power to create a beautiful landing page right at your fingertips. With an intuitive drag and drop interface and pre-designed templates, you have everything you need to launch a professional landing page in minutes. Whether you're looking to promote your mobile app, share details about your startup, or drive more traffic to your SaaS business, Unicorn Platform is the all-in-one solution you've been waiting for. Stop wasting time struggling with complex website builders and coding languages. Unicorn Platform gives you an easy, affordable way to create a stunning landing page and start converting more visitors into customers today. The future of simple, stylish landing pages is here - are you ready to get started?

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