Essential Landing Page Elements for Converting Visitors

published on 13 October 2023

Introduction: Why Effective Landing Pages Are Essential

Landing pages play a crucial role in capturing visitor attention, communicating value, and driving conversions. An optimized landing page will:

  • Capture visitor attention immediately with engaging headlines and hero visuals
  • Provide a clear value proposition that communicates benefits
  • Direct visitors to take action through prominent calls-to-action (CTAs)
  • Build trust and credibility with social proof elements like testimonials and reviews
  • Help qualify and nurture leads for the sales team through lead capture forms

In short, a well-designed landing page acts as the entry point to guide visitors on their journey with your business. It sets the stage for future conversions and revenue growth. That's why putting thought into optimizing your landing pages is time well spent.

Optimizing for Mobile

With over 50% of website traffic now coming from mobile devices, ensuring your landing page is mobile-friendly and responsive is crucial. Some key elements of mobile optimization include:

  • Using a flexible, fluid layout that adapts across screen sizes
  • Ensuring tap targets for buttons and links are large enough
  • Selecting font sizes that are readable on smaller screens
  • Optimizing images for faster loading and smaller file sizes
  • Keeping forms and CTAs above the fold so they are immediately visible
  • Simplifying layouts and minimizing scrolling on mobile

Optimizing for mobile improves the visitor experience and can significantly boost conversions.

Optimizing Key Page Elements

Certain elements on a landing page have an outsized impact on conversions. Paying attention to perfecting these aspects can pay huge dividends.

Engaging Headlines

Headlines are one of the first things visitors notice on a page. An effective headline will:

  • Use power words like "secrets", "results", or "solutions" that grab attention
  • Communicate the core benefits and value proposition
  • Remain scannable and digestible with 6-10 words
  • Add intrigue with questions, commands, or hooks

For example:

  • "Create Stunning Website Landing Pages in Minutes"
  • "The Easiest Way to Take Payments Online"
  • "Hear What Our Customers Have to Say"

Before: "Welcome to Our Page" After: "Create Your Landing Page in Under 1 Hour"

Benefit-Focused Bullet Points

Bullet points help highlight the main customer benefits and value proposition. Effective bullet points will:

  • Highlight the 3-5 major benefits the customer receives
  • Use active voice and avoid generic or overused terms
  • Quantify improvements and savings when possible
  • Relate benefits directly to the visitor's needs and pain points

For example:

  • ✅ Get your landing page live in under 1 hour
  • ✅ Boost conversion rates by up to 15%
  • ✅ Save thousands in design and developer costs
  • ✅ Access 100+ fully customizable templates

Credible Social Proof

Displaying credible social proof like testimonials, logos, and reviews builds visitor trust and confidence. Effective social proof includes:

  • Prominent customer testimonials with detailed stories
  • Metrics like conversion rate or revenue increase
  • Recognizable customer logos and real customer photos
  • Diverse, relevant customer examples and quotes
  • Ratings, reviews, case studies, or certifications
  • Video testimonials when possible for increased engagement

For example:

"Using [company's] templates increased our trial signups by 10% in just one week!"

Clear Calls-to-Action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) guide visitors to take action. A strong CTA will:

  • Use high contrast colors and larger button sizes
  • Be placed prominently above the page fold
  • Use clear, concise copy focused on the action
  • Limit to one primary CTA per page
  • Include secondary CTAs for additional conversions

For example, "Start Your Free Trial" or "Get Your Custom Quote"

Try testing different verbs like "Get Started" vs "Try it Free" to see which converts better.

Relevant Images and Graphics

Images and graphics make pages more visually engaging and communicate key information. Effective visuals:

  • Use photos and illustrations that connect with the target audience
  • Use infographics to simplify complex data
  • Incorporate icons to highlight features quickly
  • Are high quality and optimized for fast loading
  • Include brief captions explaining the purpose
  • Have appropriate sizes and aspect ratios for web

For example, an infographic showing the customer's journey or flow.

Optimizing Page Structure and Content Flow

Beyond the individual elements, optimizing the overall page structure and content flow removes friction and guides visitors smoothly through the conversion path.

Clear Page Layout

A clear, organized layout ensures visitors can find important elements easily. Best practices include:

  • Create a strong visual hierarchy on the page
  • Make CTAs and forms highly visible
  • Use white space between sections
  • Avoid clutter or too much text
  • Guide visitors down the page smoothly
  • Use directional cues like arrows to direct the eye

For example, placing the CTA in the top right part of the page within a contrasting color box.

Engaging Page Copy

The page copy should communicate value clearly and engage visitors. Effective techniques involve:

  • Using conversational, familiar language
  • Focusing on communicating benefits
  • Breaking up long sections into digestible chunks
  • Using formatting like bold text for emphasis
  • Ending sections with transition sentences to lead to the next

For example, using "you" and "your" instead of the brand name.

Minimal Required Form Fields

Don't overwhelm visitors with long forms. Best practices include:

  • Only require essential info like name and email address
  • Offer optional fields visitors can check off
  • Use autofill to prepopulate known contact info
  • Explain why each field is necessary to build trust
  • Confirm email addresses to reduce errors
  • Provide clear error messaging

For example, a first name, last name, email signup with an optional checkbox for phone number.

Prominent FAQs

Addressing common questions and objections with FAQs can guide visitors to conversion. Effective FAQs:

  • Anticipate and answer common customer concerns
  • Use them as an opportunity to highlight benefits
  • Keep answers concise and scannable
  • Include links to separate FAQ page for more questions
  • Incorporate engaging visuals like icons and graphics

For example, "How secure is my data?" with a paragraph summary and lock icon.

Testing and Optimizing for Results

Continuously testing and optimizing landing pages based on data is key for maximizing conversions over time. Important techniques include:

  • A/B testing different page variations to improve conversions
  • Tracking key metrics like click-through-rates and form submissions
  • Monitoring analytics to identify visitor drop-off points
  • Regularly refreshing content and offers to stay relevant
  • Using heatmaps to understand visitor focus areas on the page
  • Continuously optimizing pages based on data and insights
  • Test on mobile as well since differences may emerge

For example, testing headline or CTA variants to increase click-throughs.

Unicorn Platform's intuitive landing page builder makes A/B testing and optimization easy, allowing you to iterate and improve your pages over time.


Optimizing a landing page takes work, but pays off with higher conversions. Engaging headlines and visuals capture attention while clear page layouts seamlessly guide visitors to take action. Relevant, benefit-focused content addresses visitor needs while credible social proof builds trust and confidence. Ongoing testing and data optimization will reveal opportunities to further boost conversions over time. The right landing page design significantly impacts the visitor experience and bottom line results.

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