Unicorn Platform: The Ultimate No-Code Solution for SaaS Product Landing Page

updated on 19 June 2024

As an entrepreneur in today's digital world, you need an online presence to help your startup take off. Building a professional website and blog from scratch requires technical skills and resources you likely don't have. Unicorn Platform is here to help. This powerful yet simple no-code solution gives you everything you need to create an eye-catching landing page to showcase your SaaS product. Check out our article on creating high-converting SaaS landing pages with no coding for more tips and tricks!

What Is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive website builder designed for startups and SaaS companies. It provides a simple yet powerful drag and drop interface to create professional product landing pages without code.

  • What is a landing page? A landing page is a standalone web page created specifically to capture leads for a product or service. It typically features a headline, image, brief description of the offering, and a call-to-action like a sign-up form.
  • Why use a landing page builder? Building landing pages from scratch requires web design and development skills. Unicorn Platform allows you to create high-converting landing pages quickly through an easy to use visual editor. No coding required. This enables startups and small businesses to build professional landing pages and drive more signups at a lower cost.

Some of the key features of Unicorn Platform include:

  • Drag and drop block-based editor: Simply drag and drop sections like headers, images, testimonials, signup forms, etc. to design your page.
  • Mobile responsive: Landing pages display perfectly on mobile and tablet devices.
  • Integrations: Connect your landing page to email marketing, analytics and CRM tools.
  • Custom domains: Use your own domain name for a seamless brand experience.
  • A/B testing: Test different versions of your landing page to optimize conversion rates.

In summary, Unicorn Platform is an easy to use yet powerful landing page creator perfect for startups, SaaS and mobile apps looking to build high-converting lead capture pages without needing web design experience. Sign up today for a free 14-day trial and start building your product landing page.

Why You Need a Dedicated Landing Page

As a SaaS business, to effectively sell your product you need an optimized landing page. A dedicated landing page serves several important purposes:

  • It focuses the visitor on one clear goal or call to action (CTA), such as signing up for a free trial or product demo. Without this focus, visitors may get distracted and navigate away from your site.
  • It allows you to target your messaging to your audience. You can optimize the copy and visuals to resonate with your target customers.
  • It improves your conversion rates. A well-designed landing page makes it easy for visitors to take action, so more people will sign up or purchase. Studies show that dedicated landing pages can increase conversion rates by over 200% compared to sending traffic to your homepage.
  • It helps with search engine optimization (SEO). A focused landing page with strong, relevant content and keywords will rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic.
  • It enables A/B testing. With a landing page, you can easily test different elements like headlines, copy, graphics, or CTAs to see which ones resonate most with your audience. You can then optimize based on the results.
  • It provides an email capture. A landing page is the perfect place to offer a content upgrade or resource in exchange for a visitor's email address. Building your email list is key to driving repeat traffic and sales.

In summary, a dedicated landing page is essential for any SaaS business to generate leads, increase conversions, improve SEO, and build their email list. The benefits of creating a tailored landing experience for your product far outweigh the investment required. Landing pages are a must-have in any SaaS marketing strategy.

The Anatomy of a High-Converting SaaS Landing Page

To create an effective SaaS landing page, focus on including the key elements that will capture your visitors’ attention and compel them to convert.

Clear Value Proposition

State your product or service’s value proposition prominently at the top of the page. This should be a single sentence that conveys who your product is for and the key benefit it provides. For example, “Unicorn Platform is an easy website and blog builder for startups, SaaS companies, and mobile apps.”

Hero Image

Select an eye-catching yet relevant hero image to place directly below your value proposition. This could be a screenshot of your product in use or a thematic stock photo. The hero image should capture the essence of your offering at a glance.

Feature and Benefit Listing

List 3 to 5 of your product’s most significant features and benefits using bullets or numbers. Briefly explain how each feature solves a customer need or pain point. Use emotive language to help visitors understand the value. For example:

  • Drag and drop builder: Create stunning web pages and blog posts in minutes without any coding. Save time and money.
  • Mobile responsive: Your site will look fantastic on any device. Reach more customers and provide an optimal user experience.
  • Integrations: Connect your site to email services, social networks, payment processors, and more. Streamline your operations and leverage additional functionality.

Social Proof

Include testimonials, reviews, case studies, or media mentions from your happy customers. Social proof establishes credibility and trust in your product, especially from new visitors. Quote the most compelling and enthusiastic reviews you have received.

Strong Call-to-Action

Place one or more calls-to-action prominently on your landing page, such as “Start Your Free Trial” or “Request a Demo.” The CTA should link to your signup or contact form so visitors can easily take the next step. Use contrasting colors and sizing to make your CTA stand out.

A high-quality SaaS landing page is the key to converting more of your website traffic into trial signups and paying customers. Pay close attention to these elements, and your landing page will become a powerful growth tool for your business.

SaaS Landing Page on Unicorn Platform
SaaS Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

SaaS Landing Page on Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform allows you to easily create stunning SaaS landing pages to convert visitors into customers.


The drag and drop builder is intuitive to use, requiring no coding skills. You can swiftly assemble customized pages by dragging pre-made content blocks with text, images, videos, forms, countdown timers, and more onto your page. Then customize the elements to match your brand.

Professional Themes

Unicorn Platform provides professionally designed templates to choose from, all optimized for SaaS and conversion. Select a theme that aligns with your brand and product, then tweak the colors, fonts, and layout as needed. The clean, contemporary options will make your offering shine.

Lead Generation

Drive more signups and trials with built-in lead generation features. Embed signup forms, lead magnets, and email opt-ins directly on your page. Offer visitors incentives like ebooks, webinars, free trials, and consultations in exchange for their contact information. Then convert those leads into customers with email marketing and nurturing campaigns.


Unicorn Platform integrates with Google Analytics, allowing you to gain insight into how visitors are interacting with your landing page. See statistics like page views, conversion rates, traffic sources, and more. Detect where visitors are dropping off and make changes to optimize the page for higher conversions. Continually refine and improve your landing page over time based on data-driven decisions.

A/B Testing

Easily create multiple versions of your landing page to find the one that resonates most with your audience. Unicorn Platform’s built-in A/B testing tool will show each version to a portion of your traffic, then tell you which page has the highest conversion rate so you can make it your primary page. A/B testing is key to optimizing your SaaS landing page.

For more insights on simplifying the creation of single product landing pages, check out this article on the Unicorn Platform blog: Single Product Landing Pages Made Simple. Unicorn Platform gives SaaS companies and startups an easy way to build high-converting landing pages. Focus on your product, and let the platform handle the technical aspects of creating a sleek website to promote your offering. Build, launch, test, and optimize—all without needing to write a single line of code. Unicorn Platform is the ultimate no-code solution for crafting SaaS landing pages.

This addition seamlessly integrates the link and provides readers with a valuable resource for creating single product landing pages while optimizing the article for SEO.

10 Must-Have Elements for Your SaaS Product Landing Page

To create an impactful SaaS product landing page, there are 10 essential elements you must include:

1. Eye-Catching Headline

Your headline should capture attention and convey your product’s key benefit. Use power words and numbers for impact, e.g. “10x Your Sales in 30 Days.” Keep it short, around 5 to 7 words.

2. Subheadline

Elaborate on your headline to provide more details about your product. Explain how it works and the key features or solutions offered. Aim for 2 sentences of up to 75 characters each.

3. Strong Visuals

Include high-quality images that demonstrate your product in action. Photos of your software interface or customers using your product help visitors visualize what they can achieve with your SaaS solution.

4. Social Proof

Feature logos of well-known companies that use your product or testimonials from happy customers. Build credibility and trust through the success and satisfaction of others.

5. Clear Benefits

List 3 to 5 concrete benefits or solutions your product provides. Use parallel sentence structure and compelling language to highlight each benefit. Explain how your product solves problems or improves lives.

6. Pricing Options

Be transparent by including details on available pricing packages or plans. Offer a free trial for new customers to experience your product with no obligations.

7. Strong Call-to-Action

Give visitors a clear path to become customers with buttons like “Start Your Free Trial” or “Sign Up Now.” Place CTA buttons prominently on your page and reiterate them throughout the content.

8. FAQ Section

Anticipate and answer common questions from customers. An FAQ shows you understand customer needs and builds confidence in your product or service.

9. About Us

Briefly tell your brand story and introduce the team behind your SaaS product. Help people connect with your company mission and values.

10. Contact Information

Provide ways for visitors to get in touch like live chat, contact form, email, phone number, and social media links. Make it easy for people to reach you with any questions.

Following these best practices will create a SaaS product landing page that converts visitors into customers. Be sure to optimize for mobile devices since many people now access websites on their smartphones. Keep your content concise, impactful and focused on demonstrating the value of your software solution.

5 SaaS Landing Page Examples in 2023
5 SaaS Landing Page Examples in 2023

5 SaaS Landing Page Examples in 2023

To achieve an effective SaaS product landing page in 2023, analyzing examples from successful companies can provide valuable insights. The following landing pages demonstrate key best practices to implement.


Slack’s landing page is clean and simple. A short hero section highlights their product’s key benefits and value propositions, like “Where work flows” and “Channels organize conversations.” Scrolling down reveals additional sections on features, customer stories, and integrations. Their minimalistic design and concise copy allow the product to shine through.


As an ecommerce platform, Shopify’s landing page naturally focuses on beautiful product visuals. However, they also prominently feature their value proposition of “Start a business, grow your business” to resonate with their target customers. Their CTA is a prominent “Start free trial” button, driving visitors to take the next step.


Zoom’s landing page is bold and engaging, with a large hero image of a video call in progress. Their tagline “Modern enterprise video communication” is reinforced with headings like “Meet Happy” and “Focus on what really matters.” A simple features list and customer testimonials build credibility. Like Slack and Shopify, Zoom keeps their page clean and distraction-free to convert visitors.


Dropbox uses a minimalistic design for their landing page, with a large image of their product interface at the top. Their concise hero message is “Your stuff, anywhere” — communicating their core value proposition. A simple three-column layout highlights top features, integrations, and a call-to-action. While the page is text-light, it covers the essentials for a file sharing and storage service.


Project management tool Asana focuses their landing page on team productivity and collaboration. A short video hero section shows their product in action, with the tagline “Teamwork without email.” Bold section headings like “Work together effortlessly” and “Achieve more as a team” reinforce their messaging. Like other examples, Asana keeps text concise in favor of visuals and a simple, uncluttered layout. A strong CTA, “Get started for free” encourages visitors to signup and experience their offering.

SaaS Landing Page Examples

To build an effective SaaS landing page, it helps to examine successful examples. The following landing pages demonstrate key best practices:


Keep your page clean and clutter-free. Only include elements that are necessary to convey your product’s key benefits and spur the visitor to action. The Grammarly landing page is a perfect example of simplicity done well.

Strong Headline

Your headline should capture the product’s key benefit in an exciting way. The Slack landing page headline “Where work happens” promises increased productivity and collaboration.

Compelling Visuals

Use images and videos to bring your product to life. The Asana landing page features a short video highlighting key features to visually demonstrate the product experience.

Social Proof

Build credibility by including testimonials, reviews, logos of companies that use your product. The Shopify landing page displays multiple customer stories and quotes to build trust in the platform.

Clear Benefits

Explain exactly how your product will help customers in a straightforward way with bulleted or numbered lists. The Netflix landing page outlines three key benefits: watch anywhere, cancel anytime, and an extensive content library.


Your CTA should be prominently featured, with an actionable phrase like “Start your free trial today.” The Slack landing page CTA “Sign up now, it’s free!” stands out and provides an incentive.

Keeping your SaaS landing page simple yet compelling will effectively convey your product’s benefits and drive conversions. Focus on simplicity, a strong headline, visuals, social proof, clear benefits, and an attention-grabbing call-to-action. With these best practices implemented, you’ll turn more visitors into customers and accelerate your business growth.

SaaS Landing Page Templates

When building a SaaS product landing page, utilizing pre-made templates can save you valuable time and resources. The Unicorn Platform offers landing page templates specifically designed for SaaS products to help you launch your offering quickly and professionally.

Customizable and Responsive

The SaaS landing page templates are fully customizable to match your brand. You can easily change colors, fonts, images and content to reflect your product’s unique style and voice. The templates are also fully responsive, displaying beautifully on mobile devices, tablets and desktops.

Lead Generation Features

The templates incorporate effective lead generation features like:

  • Email opt-in forms to capture visitor contact information
  • Clickable calls-to-action to drive conversions
  • Social sharing buttons so visitors can spread the word about your product

Product Spotlight Section

A prominent product spotlight section puts your offering front and center. You can feature:

  • An image or video of your product
  • A brief product description and key features/benefits
  • Customer testimonials and reviews to build trust

Additional Sections

Other sections in the templates include:

  • About your company and team
  • FAQ page to address common customer questions
  • Pricing table outlining your subscription plans
  • Blog page to share helpful content and drive repeat traffic

Using the SaaS landing page templates can decrease workload and accelerate your product launch. The templates provide a professional foundation you can build upon to create a high-converting landing experience for your software-as-a-service.

FAQs: Unicorn Platform for SaaS Product Landing Pages

What is Unicorn Platform?

Unicorn Platform is an easy-to-use website builder designed specifically for SaaS companies and startups to create high-converting landing pages. With its drag and drop interface,

no coding skills are required to build a professional landing page.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform has a free plan that includes 1 website, 1GB of storage, and basic features. Paid plans start at $12/month and include unlimited websites, 10GB of storage, and access to all features like forms, ecommerce, memberships, and white labeling.

Do I need to know how to code to use Unicorn Platform?

No, Unicorn Platform is 100% no-code. You do not need any technical or coding skills to build a website with Unicorn Platform. With its intuitive drag and drop builder, you can add elements like text, images, buttons, and more with just a few clicks. For those with some HTML/CSS experience, Unicorn Platform also has an advanced code editor.

What integrations does Unicorn Platform offer?

Unicorn Platform offers many useful integrations for SaaS companies and startups including:

  • Email marketing: Integrate with MailChimp, Drip, or ConvertKit to capture leads
  • Chat: Add a chat box with Intercom or Drift
  • Analytics: Connect Google Analytics to track key metrics
  • Payment processing: Take payments through Stripe or PayPal

Can I create custom themes or use my own branding?

Yes, Unicorn Platform allows you to create custom themes to match your brand. You can:

  • Choose your own color scheme, fonts, and layout
  • Add your logo and custom favicon
  • Apply custom CSS or use the advanced code editor for full control over styling
  • Remove the Unicorn Platform branding for a seamless experience (available on Pro and Business plans)

With the flexibility to create unique landing pages tailored to your SaaS product and brand, Unicorn Platform is the ultimate no-code solution for building high-converting websites. Please let us know if you have any other questions!


You now have all the information you need to build an effective landing page for your SaaS product using Unicorn Platform. This easy-to-use platform enables you to create a custom page through an intuitive drag and drop interface, with no coding skills required. With beautiful templates, engaging features, and powerful integrations, Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to convert more visitors into customers and scale your business. Stop wasting time and money on complicated website builders and get started today. Sign up for a free trial and see how simple it can be to build your dream landing page. The next chapter of your business growth is waiting - are you ready to unlock it?

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