Creating a High-Converting Mobile App Landing Page Has Never Been Easier

updated on 25 June 2024

You've developed an innovative mobile app that is ready to launch, but now you need to drive conversions and get users to download it. Creating an effective landing page is crucial to the success of your app, but designing and building one from scratch requires technical skills and resources you may not have access to with a small team. Unicorn Platform provides an easy solution. Their simple drag and drop builder allows you to quickly create a high-converting mobile app landing page without coding.

For more landing page inspiration and templates, check out Unicorn Platform's article on no design skills needed software landing page templates for all to find the perfect fit for your app.

What Is a Landing Page and Why Do You Need One?

A landing page is a standalone web page that is optimized to convert visitors into leads or customers. It is one of the most important tools in any company's digital marketing arsenal. As an app developer, a dedicated landing page for your app is essential to driving downloads and gaining new users.

You need an app landing page for several reasons:

  • It allows you to focus your messaging on your app's key features and benefits to resonate with your target audience. You can tailor the copy, images, and calls-to-action (CTAs) to match what your ideal customers want.
  • It gives visitors a clear path to downloading your app. With well-designed CTAs like "Download on the App Store" and "Get it on Google Play," you make it easy for people to take the next step.
  • It helps you generate more high-quality leads. With an email opt-in, you can collect contact information from interested visitors to build your mailing list. Email is a highly effective way to engage and re-engage your audience.
  • It improves your search engine optimization (SEO). A dedicated landing page, optimized with relevant keywords and content, will rank higher in search results compared to your generic website pages. This can drive more organic traffic and downloads.
  • It allows for A/B testing. You can create multiple versions of your landing page and see which one has the highest conversion rate. Then focus your efforts on optimizing the winning page.
  • It provides analytics and insights. You can see how people are interacting with your landing page and where they are dropping off. Then make changes to improve the user experience and increase your conversions.

In summary, an optimized landing page is a must-have for promoting your mobile app. It will help you gain the exposure and new users you need to succeed. With the right tools and strategies, creating an effective app landing page has never been easier.

Key Elements of a High-Converting Mobile App Landing Page

To convert visitors into customers, an effective mobile app landing page is essential. By including the following key elements, you can create a high-converting landing page:

  • A compelling headline and subheadline. Your headline should capture attention and convey your app's key benefit or purpose. The subheadline should provide supporting details about what your app offers.
  • Eye-catching visuals. Include professional screenshots of your app that demonstrate its functionality and user experience. Video previews or demos can also be highly effective.
  • A clear value proposition. Explain exactly how your app will improve your users' lives or make their tasks easier. Focus on the key problems your app solves and the benefits it provides.
  • Social proof. Share ratings, reviews, testimonials, and case studies to build credibility and trust in your app. Mention any media coverage or notable users of your app as well.
  • A strong call-to-action. Tell your visitors exactly what you want them to do, whether it's downloading your app, signing up for a free trial, or purchasing a subscription. Place your CTA prominently on the page.
  • Minimal distractions. Remove any elements that aren't directly related to your app and its benefits. Keep your page clean, uncluttered, and focused on converting visitors.
  • Mobile-optimized. Ensure your landing page loads quickly on mobile devices and the content is easy to read and navigate on smaller screens. Over 50% of web traffic now comes from mobile.

By optimizing these elements, you'll drive higher click-through and conversion rates for your mobile app landing page. Continually test and refine your page to improve its effectiveness over time. With the right landing page, you can turn curious visitors into loyal users.

Choosing the Right Landing Page Template for Your Needs

When choosing a landing page template for your mobile app, there are a few factors to consider to ensure the best conversion rates.


With more and more web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial to choose a template optimized for mobile viewing. Look for:

  • Responsive design: The template automatically adjusts to fit mobile screens.
  • Large text and buttons: Easy for tapping fingers to select.
  • Minimal clutter: A clean, simple design is easiest to navigate on small screens.

Visual Appeal

An attractive template with eye-catching and engaging elements will draw visitors in and keep them on the page. Consider templates with:

  • High-quality images: Photos that demonstrate your app’s key features and benefits.
  • Unique layouts: A template with an interesting or uncommon structure will stand out.
  • Vibrant color schemes: Colors that match your brand and evoke the right emotions.
  • Videos: Embedded clips or GIFs showing your app in action.

Clear Messaging

The template you choose should make it obvious what your mobile app does and why visitors should download it. Look for a template with:

  • A prominent headline and subhead: Clearly state your key benefit or differentiator.
  • Bullet points: Highlight your app’s main features, advantages, and selling points.
  • Testimonials or reviews: Social proof from current, satisfied users builds trust.
  • Clear call-to-action: A prominent download button makes it easy for visitors to take the next step.

By evaluating templates based on these critical factors, you can select an option tailored to maximize conversions and get more downloads for your mobile app. The perfect landing page template combined with a stellar app can lead to an influx of new, engaged users.

Customizing Your App Landing Screen With Unicorn Platform

Fully Customizable Design

With Unicorn Platform, you have full control over the look and feel of your app landing page. Choose from a variety of sleek templates to get started, then customize the design to match your branding.

Upload your logo and brand colors or hex codes to instantly update the template. Select custom fonts from Google Fonts or upload your own. Adjust padding, margins and sizing for a perfect fit.

Engaging Content

Creating compelling content for your app landing page has never been easier. Drag and drop sections like hero headers, feature lists, screenshots, video, testimonials and more. Effortlessly add eye-catching icons to highlight key features and benefits.

Write persuasive copy to convince visitors to download your app. Explain how your mobile solution solves their problems or enhances their lives. Share details about key features, functionality and UI/UX. Build credibility with social proof from real customers.

Optimized for Conversions

An effective app landing page is optimized to drive conversions and get more downloads. Unicorn Platform makes this simple through built-in features like:

  • Prominent app download buttons: Add buttons for both iOS and Android to make it easy for visitors to download your app.
  • CTAs: Strategically place call-to-action buttons, like “Learn More” or “Sign Up Now” to keep visitors engaged.
  • Mobile-optimized: Templates are fully responsive so your landing page looks great on any device.
  • A/B testing: Easily create different versions of your page to see which performs better, then deploy the winner.
  • Analytics: Gain insight into how visitors are interacting with your landing page so you can optimize to improve conversions.

Unicorn Platform gives you everything you need to create a high-converting app landing page without requiring any coding skills. Choose a template, customize the design, and add persuasive content to start converting more visitors into app downloads right away.

Adding Engaging Visuals to App Landing Screen


High-quality images are essential for an engaging mobile app landing page. Visuals should capture the user's attention while conveying the app's core functions or benefits. For an app focused on fitness tracking, images of people exercising or fitness equipment in use would be ideal. For a travel app, photos of exotic locations or a map interface may resonate best with users.


Icons are a simple yet effective way to visually represent features or concepts. Pick icons that symbolize key app features, such as a bar chart for analytics, a heart for health tracking or a globe for travel. Icons should have a consistent visual style and be placed prominently on the page. They are most impactful when combined with a brief text description.


Short videos, between 15 to 90 seconds, are an influential way to showcase an app's capabilities. Videos should highlight the app's most useful and unique features by demonstrating how a user would interact with the interface. For a productivity app, show how to schedule tasks or set reminders. For a photo editing app, demonstrate how to apply filters and adjustments. Keep videos lighthearted and avoid a "salesy" tone.

Color scheme

Choose an esthetically cohesive color scheme that matches your brand identity. The dominant colors should be used consistently throughout the page for backgrounds, buttons, icons, fonts and any other visual elements. Not only will a unified color scheme make the page more attractive, but it will strengthen your brand recognition in the minds of users. Consider how different color combinations evoke different emotions and pick a scheme aligned with your desired brand perception.


A clean, uncluttered layout is ideal for a mobile app landing page. Group similar visual and textual elements together, using space and alignment to create an intuitive flow down the page. Place the most significant content, such as videos, images and call-to-action buttons, in the top and center of the page where they are most prominent. Use columns to organize multiple sections in a balanced way. White space gives the eye room to rest and amplifies the impact of visuals and text. Keep the page simple but bold.

Writing Compelling Content That Converts

To create a high-converting mobile app landing page, compelling content is key. Well-written copy that resonates with your target audience will motivate readers to take action.

Focus on Benefits

Highlight the key benefits and value propositions of your mobile app. How will it positively impact users’ lives or businesses? What pain points does it solve? Focus on outcomes over features. For example, “Save 10 hours a week managing your schedule with AI-powered scheduling” is better than “Smart scheduling with AI technology.”

Use a Conversational Tone

Write in a friendly, engaging tone as if speaking directly to your reader. Use “you” and “your” pronouns to make a personal connection. Keep sentences relatively short (15-20 words) for easy reading. An informal, lively tone will make the content more relatable and help build trust in your brand.

Include Social Proof

Build credibility by incorporating reviews, testimonials, case studies, or media mentions. Quotes from happy customers or industry experts are especially persuasive. Statistics, awards, or other key milestones related to your mobile app can also strengthen your claims.

Issue a Strong Call-to-Action

End with a clear call-to-action, such as “Download the App Now” or “Get Started for Free.” Place the CTA prominently on the page, such as at both the top and bottom. Use an eye-catching button to capture attention. The CTA gives readers a concrete next step to take, which is critical for converting them into customers or users.

Keep it Simple

Avoid overly technical terms and complex concepts. Use common words and an easy-to-understand writing style so your content is accessible to a wide audience. Keep paragraphs and sections concise by focusing on one main idea at a time. An uncluttered, minimal layout with plenty of white space will also make the page easy to read and navigate.

With compelling yet concise content, social proof, and a strong CTA, you’ll turn mobile app landing page visitors into engaged users. For more insights on creating the perfect landing page for your startup or mobile app, including best examples and practices, check out this comprehensive guide on the Unicorn Platform blog: Creating the Perfect Landing Page for Your Startup or Mobile App: Best Examples and Practices.

Keep optimizing and improving your copy over time based on key metrics like conversion rates, time on page, and bounce rates.

Optimizing Your App landing page for Maximum Conversions
Optimizing Your App landing page for Maximum Conversions

Optimizing Your App landing page for Maximum Conversions

To optimize your app landing page for maximum conversions, several key factors should be considered. An effective landing page is essential to converting visitors into engaged users and customers.

Clear Value Proposition

Your landing page should clearly articulate the value proposition of your mobile app. Describe how your app will benefit the user and solve their problems or needs. Use concise and compelling copy to convey this message.

Eye-Catching Visuals

Include high-quality screenshots, images, and videos of your app interface and user experience. Visual media helps visitors understand your app and builds interest. Ensure any visuals load quickly and are optimized for mobile devices.

Simple and Streamlined

Keep your landing page simple, clean, and minimalistic. Remove any unnecessary distractions. Focus on core messages and a clear call-to-action, such as "Download on the App Store" or "Get it on Google Play." A cluttered or complicated page will reduce conversions.

Prominent Call-to-Action

Place your call-to-action buttons prominently on the page, above the fold. Make the buttons large, colorful, and tap-friendly for mobile users. For maximum impact, reiterate your CTA at multiple points on the page.

Optimized for Mobile

With mobile traffic now exceeding desktop traffic, your landing page must be fully optimized for mobile devices. Use a responsive design that displays properly on small screens. Ensure all content, forms, CTAs, and visuals are easy to view and engage with on a mobile device.

A/B Testing

Continuously test different versions of your landing page to optimize conversions. Test different copy, layouts, CTAs, images, and more to find the most effective combination for your audience. Even small changes can lead to significant improvements. Use a website builder with built-in A/B testing for easy experimentation.

By following these best practices, you'll create an app landing page optimized to drive high conversion rates and gain more engaged users. Continuous testing and optimization of your page will yield even better results over time.

How to Increase Conversions on Mobile App Landing Page With Social Proof

Build Trust With Social Proof

To increase conversions on your mobile app landing page, incorporate social proof. Social proof refers to evidence that shows your product or service is credible and valued by others. This builds trust and confidence in potential customers.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Feature reviews and testimonials from current satisfied users of your app. Share brief stories and quotes describing their positive experiences. Potential customers will see that others are benefitting from your app.

Media Coverage

Prominently display links to or snippets of any media coverage of your app. News articles, podcasts, video features, and blog posts in reputable publications establish your app as noteworthy.

Download Numbers

Publicize impressive statistics on your app's number of downloads and active users. Large numbers indicate your app is in demand and valued. However, only use verified numbers to build authentic social proof.

Social Media Followers

Promote your social media profiles and follower counts on your landing page. Many followers signal an engaged audience and community around your app. Follower growth over time further demonstrates increasing popularity and interest.

Awards and Recognition

If your app has won any awards or received special recognition, announce this on your landing page. Accolades from expert organizations build instant credibility and trust in your app.

Keep in mind that different types of social proof will resonate more with different potential customers. Use a combination of social proof examples on your landing page to increase its persuasive impact on a wider audience. With the right social proof strategy, you'll boost conversions and gain more app users. By following these best practices, you'll have an optimized mobile app landing page in no time.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions About Building on Unicorn Platform

Can I build an app landing page with Unicorn Platform if I have no coding experience?

Absolutely. Unicorn Platform is a no-code website and blog builder, meaning you don’t need any technical skills to create a high-converting landing page for your mobile app. Everything is drag and drop - just select elements from the sidebar, drag them onto your page, and customize to your liking. No HTML, CSS or JavaScript required.

How much does Unicorn Platform cost?

Unicorn Platform has a free plan to get you started, along with affordable paid plans for when your app and business grow. Paid plans start at $12/month and include features like custom domains, email marketing, and analytics.

What types of landing pages can I build?

You can build any type of landing page for your mobile app with Unicorn Platform, including:

  • App download pages to drive app installs from your website
  • Coming soon pages to build excitement for your app launch
  • Beta sign-up pages to gather emails from interested users
  • Explainer pages to highlight your app's key features and value proposition

Can I connect a custom domain?

Yes, with Unicorn Platform’s paid plans you can connect a custom domain, like To connect a custom domain, you simply point your domain to Unicorn Platform's nameservers, then enter your domain in the Unicorn Platform dashboard. This allows you to brand your landing page and match your company's website.

Is there an app to preview my landing page on mobile?

Unicorn Platform has a built-in mobile preview mode so you can see exactly how your landing page will appear on smartphones and tablets. You can toggle between desktop, tablet and mobile previews with the click of a button. All the elements and content on your page are fully responsive, so your landing page will display beautifully on any device.

Can I add my own images and icons?

Definitely. Unicorn Platform allows you to upload your own images, icons, logos and graphics to customize the look and feel of your landing page. You have full control over the visual design. Upload photos of your mobile app in action, feature icons that match your app's style, and add your company's logo for branding. The possibilities are endless!


In conclusion, creating an effective mobile app landing page has never been simpler. With an intuitive drag and drop page builder like Unicorn Platform, you have all the tools at your fingertips to design a high-converting landing page in minutes. You do not need any coding skills or web design experience to build a professional page that showcases your mobile app. Focus on what really matters - optimizing your page for maximum conversions and downloads. Stop wasting valuable time struggling with complex web design tools and empower yourself to build landing pages that actually drive results. The power is now in your hands with an easy to use mobile-first page builder. What are you waiting for? Start converting more users and boosting downloads today.

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