Build Stunning Landing Pages in Minutes with Unicorn Platform

published on 09 October 2023


Welcome to the world of easy and efficient landing page creation! With Unicorn Platform, startups and SaaS companies can now build beautiful, high-converting landing pages in just minutes without any coding required.

Unicorn Platform is an intuitive drag-and-drop website and landing page builder designed specifically for startups and SaaS businesses. It provides an easy-to-use editor along with a curated library of professionally designed templates to choose from. The goal is to empower even non-technical founders to create stunning landing pages on their own, rapidly iterate on designs, and get up and running quickly.

For startups seeking an efficient way to create great-looking landing pages tailored to their offerings and audiences, Unicorn Platform delivers exactly that through its powerful drag-and-drop editor and pre-made components. No more struggling with coding or hiring expensive developers!

Designing Landing Pages with Unicorn Platform

With its drag-and-drop editor and developer-friendly functionality like custom CSS/HTML support, Unicorn Platform makes designing beautiful, effective landing pages a breeze.

The template library includes over 100 templates across various categories like services, mobile apps, SaaS, and more. These templates from professional designers provide great starting points for creating landing pages. You can easily customize colors, fonts, layouts, add or remove sections, and make the template your own.

For example, you can replace stock photos with images of your actual product and team. Or embed a product demo video and customer testimonial. The possibilities are endless!

Unicorn Platform gives you full control and flexibility when designing your landing pages. You can rapidly iterate by tweaking elements, rearranging sections, and seeing changes in real-time until you have a conversion-optimized page tailored to your startup.

Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Editor

The user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes visually designing your landing page incredibly easy. Simply click and drag to add sections, rearrange elements, customize fonts, embed media, and more.

With simple drag-and-drop, anyone can build beautiful landing pages. No coding skills needed! The editor is intuitive enough for beginners, yet powerful enough for experts. Make changes and see them reflected instantly. The real-time feedback loop lets you experiment freely and iterate quickly.

When your high-converting landing page design is complete, export the optimized HTML/CSS code to plug into your site. Building stunning landing pages is fast and efficient with the drag-and-drop editor.

Leveraging Custom Content

For full creative freedom, Unicorn Platform lets you upload your own images, videos, testimonials, and other custom content to make your landing pages authentic. Want to use your company logo instead of generic placeholder images? Easily upload your brand assets with just a few clicks.

You can fully replace any text content on the page with your own persuasive messaging tailored to your target customers. Write compelling headlines that capture attention, such as "The Easiest Way to Accept Payments Online". Craft testimonials from real customers that social proof your product's value.

Unicorn Platform's flexibility and ease of customization empower you to rapidly create landing pages that speak directly to your audience and maximize engagement.

Optimizing Landing Pages for Conversions

To maximize the impact of your landing pages, optimizing them for conversions is crucial. Unicorn Platform provides all the tools you need to craft high-converting landing pages tailored to your startup audience.

Focus on clear value propositions, effective calls-to-action, designing for your target personas, and crafting benefit-driven headlines. Conduct A/B testing to improve conversions over time.

Crafting Benefit-Focused Headlines

Every landing page needs attention-grabbing headlines that highlight the main benefits of your offering. Clearly convey your solution's advantages in the headline itself.

For example, "Build Professional Websites in Minutes" immediately tells the reader the key benefit - easy and fast website creation. Use crisp, benefit-oriented headlines that capture attention.

A/B test different headlines to determine which hook your audience best. Unicorn Platform makes rapid iteration and testing of headlines simple.

Monitoring and Continual Optimization

Use built-in analytics to monitor goal completions and identify friction points in your conversion funnel. Run ongoing A/B tests to optimize pages and boost conversions over time.

Continually refine page elements like headlines, value props, designs, content, and calls-to-action based on data and testing. Unicorn Platform empowers this iterative optimization process through easy experimentation.

Focus on incremental improvements through continuous testing. With Unicorn Platform's A/B testing capabilities, you can maximize landing page performance and conversions.

Integrating Landing Pages Seamlessly

Unicorn Platform also makes it easy to seamlessly integrate your landing pages with your overall startup website and tech stack.

Native domain registration and SSL certificate provisioning simplifies workflows compared to using third-party providers. Embed fully functional landing pages anywhere with a single line of code.

Domain Registration and SSL Certificates

Link a custom domain and provision SSL certificates directly within Unicorn Platform's editor for a streamlined experience.

This native integration handles domain and SSL provisioning automatically versus needing to juggle providers separately. Your landing page domains and security are managed seamlessly.

Expanding Functionality

Easily expand landing page capabilities by connecting other tools with built-in integrations. Integrate popular services like MailChimp, Google Analytics, Intercom, Typeform, and Stripe with just a few clicks.

For example, add MailChimp forms to collect emails, Google Analytics to monitor site traffic, and Stripe for payments. Unicorn Platform handles integrations behind the scenes so you can focus on design.


Unicorn Platform makes landing page creation easy, fast, and affordable - even for non-technical users. Its powerful drag-and-drop editor, designer templates, extensive customization, built-in optimization, and seamless integrations provide everything startups need to build high-converting landing pages in minutes.

Focus on your startup while Unicorn Platform handles the heavy lifting. See for yourself how Unicorn Platform can help you create stunning, effective landing pages in record time!

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